BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Heat Treatment in Wood Packaging

A crucial part of exporting lies in the physical transfer of the products to the desired location.   This includes not only the mode of transportation, but also the packaging of the product.  If you plan on using wood based pallets or packages there is some important information that you need to know.

Wood packaging material made of unprocessed raw wood can spread pests, which can lead to serious problems around the world.  Globally approved measures have now been established to reduce this threat and protect local environments.  If you use wood packaging for your products, the material must be heated in agreement with the regulations stated in the ISPM-15. 

Heat Treatment (HT)

Wood must be heated so that the core reaches a minimum temperature of 56 degrees Celsius for at least 30 minutes.  Kiln-drying (KD), chemical pressure impregnation (CPI), or other treatments may be considered HT treatments to the extent that these meet the HT specifications.  For example, CPI may meet the HT specifications through the use of steam, hot water, or dry heat.

To certify that the material has been approved, the material should be legibly and permanently marked preferably on at least two sides of the qualifying article.  This mark must include at least:

  • The IPPC symbol
  • ISO two letter country code followed by a unique number assigned by the NPPO  to the producer of the wood packaging material 
  • Who is responsible for ensuring appropriate wood is used and properly marked 
  • The IPPC abbreviation according to Annex 1 for the approved measure used 



As stated in the guidelines that took affect March 9, 2007, non-compliance comes in three forms: unmarked, inappropriately marked, and infested.

The rules regarding penalties of non-compliance call for immediate export at the cost of the importer.   If the party whose bond is obligated at the time CBP discovers the violation has received an Emergency Action Notification (EAN) requiring export of the noncompliant WPM but has not complied, CBP can issue a liquidated damage claim against that party, which is calculated as follows:

  • If a consumption entry is made and the goods were conditionally released, the liquidated damages claim will be three times the entered value of the merchandise but no greater than the bond amount.
  • If an entry is not made and the carrier also failed to comply with the EAN, liquidated damages will be the entered value of the merchandise but no greater than the bond amount.

To see the export requirements for individual countries click here.


US Department of Agriculture Forest Service

Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service

Managing Exports & Imports, published by IOMA, the Institute of Management & Administration.
