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UMESC Publications

Technique for implanting radio ransmitters subcutaneously in day-old ducklings

Korschgen, C. E., Kenow, K. P., Green, W. L., Samuel, M. D. and Sileo, L.,1996, Technique for implanting radio ransmitters subcutaneously in day-old ducklings: Journal of Field Ornithology, v. 67, no. 3, p. 392-397.


We developed and evaluated a surgical procedure for implanting radio transmitters in 1-d-old Canvasback (Aythya valisineria) ducklings. Transmitters (1.5 g) were implanted subcutaneously on the back of ducklings while under a general anesthetic, isoflurane, within a few hours of hatching. Evaluations indicate that the procedure is a reliable method for radio-marking ducklings.

Keywords: ducks, attachment

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Page Last Modified: September 18, 2008