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A sampling method for conducting relocation studies with freshwater mussels

Waller, D. L., Rach, J. J., Cope, W. G., and Luoma, J. A., 1993, A sampling method for conducting relocation studies with freshwater mussels: Journal of Freshwater Ecology, v. 8, no. 4, p. 397-399.


Low recovery of transplanted mussels often prevents accurate estimates of survival. We developed a method that provided a high recovery of transplanted mussels and allowed for a reliable assessment of mortality. A 3 x 3 m polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe grid was secured to the sediment with iron reinforcing bars. The grid was divided into nine 1-m super(2) segments and each treatment segment, was stocked with 100 marked mussels. The recovery of mussels after six months exceeded 80% in all but one treatment group.


biological-sampling, freshwater-molluscs, introduced-species, rivers, methodology

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