USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program

Photo Gallery

Varied Human Influences on Estuaries:
San Francisco Bay, California


Sacramento River, California -- the largest tributary to the San Francisco Bay watershed

Sacramento River, California – the largest tributary to the San Francisco Bay watershed

Aerial photo of the San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento River/San Joaquin River delta

Aerial photo of the San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento River/San Joaquin River delta

An oblique aerial photo showing sediment disturbance and transport at Dunbarton Bridge on the Bay

An oblique aerial photo showing sediment disturbance and transport at Dunbarton Bridge on the Bay

Boat used in the San Francisco Bay

USGS Research Vessel Polaris, a floating laboratory dedicated to monitoring and research in San Francisco Bay and its tributary rivers

USGS Research Vessel Polaris in port at
            Redwood City, CA. The 96 foot Polaris was completed in 1927 and has been owned by the USGS since
            1966. She is reputedly the oldest active vessel in the Federal service

USGS Research Vessel Polaris in port at Redwood City, CA. The 96 foot Polaris was completed in 1927 and has been owned by the USGS since 1966. She is reputedly the oldest active vessel in the Federal service

Inside the pilothouse of the USGS Research Vessel Polaris

Inside the pilothouse of the USGS Polaris Research Vessel

USGS scientist collecting water samples for analysis for pesticide content in the San Joaquin River

USGS scientist collecting water samples for analysis for pesticide content in the San Joaquin River

USGS scientist retrieving a water-quality sample from a deep-water sampling chamber on board the USGS Research Vessel Polaris

USGS scientist retrieving a water-quality sample from a deep-water sampling chamber on board the USGS Research Vessel Polaris

Zooplankton sampling to measure the biological production of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta's channels

Zooplankton sampling to measure the biological production of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta's channels

Collecting large volume water samples from the San Joaquin River, CA, for pesticide analysis

Collecting large-volume water samples from the San Joaquin River, CA, for pesticide analysis

Preparation for water-quality sampling in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, a USGS contribution to the CALFED Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration Program

Preparation for water-quality sampling in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, a USGS contribution to the CALFED Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration Program

USGS conducts a workshop for high-school and university teachers, exploring exercises for teaching marine science from the USGS Website for water-quality in San Francisco Bay

USGS conducts a workshop for high-school and university teachers, exploring exercises for teaching marine science from the USGS Website for water-quality in San Francisco Bay


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