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Home > Web Help > Bug Report

Web Help
Bug Report

What is a bug?
If something is not behaving like it should, or how you think it should, it could be a bug. Not a real insect, software bugs can be intermittent or persistent and can crop up for a variety of reasons.

What are some of the causes of problems when surfing the Web?
There are 3 sources - server side, client side and ISP/connectivity related issues whenever you connect to a Web site. Server side means that something on our Web server (big computer that serves up Web pages) is not working properly. Client side means that something on your end isn't working properly. This could be due to using an outdated Web browser, having insufficient memory (RAM), or having corrupted files on your computer. ISP/Connectivity related means that either your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is having problems and/or there is literally a problem with the Internet itself, such as an Internet brown-out or black-out which can happen when certain routers in the country or somewhere else in the world get misconfigured or hacked.

How do I know if the problem is with you, me or the Internet?
If you can surf other sites, but can't surf ours, you've eliminated the possibility of it being connectivity related in regards to your ISP.  If you can't pull up our Web site, try going to another site you're familiar with. If it comes up just fine, then it could be something with our Web server. If you visit a page on our site and you get an error message in a blue and grey box that says something about ColdFusion or CFML, it is definitely something on our end and submitting a bug report is a helpful way of letting us know about the problem and getting it fixed right away.

Bug report form
There are a number of questions below that will help us find the source of the problem. Your contact information is optional, but if you want feedback from us (such as being notified when a problem has been fixed), you will need to provide either a phone number or an e-mail address. Also, if you leave incomplete information about a problem, there may not be a way for us to determine exactly the nature of the problem you're encountering - and we may need to follow-up with you for more details. If you do not leave contact information, we cannot follow-up and may not be able to fix the problem you reported if we cannot find it. We do not share, give or trade your contact information with any other entity and we will only use the contact information you provide for the sole purpose of either asking you specific questions about the error you encountered or to let you know an error has been rectified.

(we will not give/sell/share/trade your number with anyone - we will only call you if we need to get clarification on an error or to let you know that a bug has been fixed.)
E-mail Address:
(we will not give/sell/share/trade your e-mail address with anyone and will only use this information to follow-up with you to either get clarification on the error you're reporting or else to let you know it has been fixed.)
Computer Operating System:
(note that an operating system is not what version of Office you are running)
Web browser:
URL (full Web address) of the page that gave you the error:  
Complete description of the problem you encountered:
(if you see an explicit error message, you can copy & paste it into the text box to the right - please state what you were trying to view or what you clicked on that generated the error).
Additional comments:  




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