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Selected FCC ARMIS Notices and Orders

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Public Notice
(April 27, 2009)
Pricing Policy Division gives notice that the 2008 revenue thresholds used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes have increased. The threshold for distinguishing Class A carriers from Class B carriers is increased to $142 million, and the revenue threshold between larger Class A carriers and mid-sized carriers is increased to $8.374 billion. (DA 09-912) Word - PDF
Public Notice
(December 31, 2008)
Wireline Competition Bureau Approves Compliance Plans. WC Docket Nos. 07-21, 07-204, 07-273 (DA 08-2827) Word - PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(December 12, 2008)
FCC Grants Forbearance from Legacy Reporting Requirements. WC Docket Nos. 07-204, 07-273 (FCC 08-271)
Order: Word - PDF - Text
Copps & Adelstein Joint Statement: Word - PDF - Text
Tate Statement: Word - PDF - Text

McDowell Statement: Word - PDF - Text
(November 26, 2008)
Commission extends by 90 days the date on which the petition requesting forbearance filed by Verizon on November 26, 2007 shall be deemed granted in the absence of a Commission decision that the petition fails to meet the standards for forbearance under section 10(a) of the Act. WC Docket No. 07-273 (DA 08-2611) Word - PDF
Public Notice
(September 29, 2008)
Comment Dates Set On Qwest Compliance Plan For Forbearance Relief From Cost Assignment Rules. WC Docket No. 07-21 (DA 08-2175) Word - PDF
Public Notice
(September 23, 2008)
Comment Dates Set On Verizon Compliance Plan For Forbearance Relief From Cost Assignment Rules. WC Docket No. 07-21 (DA 08-2136) Word - PDF
(September 12, 2008)
Commission extends by 90 days the date on which the petition requesting forbearance filed by Qwest on September 13, 2007 shall be deemed granted in the absence of a Commission decision that the petition fails to meet the standards for forbearance under section 10(a) of the Act. WC Docket No. 07-204 (DA 08-2096) Word - PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order, and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(September 6, 2008)

FCC Grants Forbearance from Legacy Reporting and Accounting Requirements, Seeks Comment on Industry-Wide Reporting. WC Docket No. 80-190, 07-139, 07-204, 07-273, 07-21. (FCC-08-203)
MO&O: Word - PDF
Martin Statement: Word - PDF
Copps Statement: Word - PDF
Adelstein Statement: Word - PDF
Tate Statement: Word - PDF
McDowell Statement: Word - PDF

Public Notice
(July 31, 2008)
Comment Dates Set On AT&T Compliance Plan For Forbearance Relief From Cost Assignment Rules. WC Docket No. 07-21 (DA 08-1826) Word - PDF
Public Notice
(June 6, 2008)
FCC Seeks Comment on Request of Verizon and Qwest to Extend Forbearance Relief from Cost Assignment Rules. WC Docket No. 07-21 (DA 08-1361) Word - PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(April 24, 2008)
FCC Grants AT&T Forbearance From Legacy Cost Assignment Rules. WC Dockets 07-21, 05-342 (FCC 08-120) Word - PDF
Public Notice
(April 22, 2008)
Pricing Policy Division gives notice that the revenue thresholds used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes have increased. The threshold for distinguishing Class A carriers from Class B carriers is increased to $138 million, and the revenue threshold between larger Class A carriers and mid-sized carriers is increased to $8.181 billion. (DA 08-929) Word - PDF
No Annual ARMIS Order in 2007
Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order
(August 31, 2007)
The Commission's 272 Sunset Order implements one substantive change to the ARMIS data collection requirements, which will affect only the large Incumbent LECs (AT&T, Qwest, and Verizon). Impacted are the Reporting Procedures and individual Report Definitions for Reports 43-01, 43-02, and 43-03. (FCC 07-159) Word - PDF
Public Notice
(April 12, 2007)
Pricing Policy Division gives notice that the revenue thresholds used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes have increased. The threshold for distinguishing Class A carriers from Class B carriers is increased to $134 million, and the revenue threshold between larger Class A carriers and mid-sized carriers is increased to $7.950 billion. (DA 07-1706) Word - PDF
No Annual ARMIS Order in 2006 Instructions for 2005 data also apply to 2006 data. Accordingly, the existing 2005 definitions are reissued as 2006 definitions with the only change being the date of applicability.
Public Notice
(April 24, 2006)
Pricing Policy Division gives notice that the revenue thresholds used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes have increased. The threshold for distinguishing Class A carriers from Class B carriers is increased to $129 million, and the revenue threshold between larger Class A carriers and mid-sized carriers is increased to $7.668 billion. (DA 06-922) Word - PDF
(March 23, 2006)
Adopts limited one-time waiver of section 64.904 of the Commission's rules. (CC Docket No. 99-253)  Word - PDF
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 8, 2005)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement a Commission Order and Commission rules, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. (CC Docket No. 86-182)  Word - PDF
Public Notice
(April 28, 2005)
Pricing Policy Division gives notice that the revenue thresholds used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes have increased. The threshold for distinguishing Class A carriers from Class B carriers is increased to $125 million, and the revenue threshold between larger Class A carriers and mid-sized carriers is increased to $7.403 billion. (DA 05-1263) Word - PDF
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 8, 2004)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement a Commission Order and OMB Notice, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. (CC Docket No. 86-182)  Word - PDF
Report and Order
(June 24, 2004)
Federal-State Joine Conference On Accounting Issues (WC Docket No. 02-269), 2000 Biennial Regulatory Review - Comprehensive Review of the Accounting Requirements and ARMIS Reporting Requirements for Incumbent Local Exchange Cerriers: Phase II (CC Docket No. 00-199), Jurisdictional Separations Reform and Referral to the Federal-State Joint Board (CC Docket No. 80-286), Local Competition and Broadband Reporting (CC Docket No. 99-301). Addresses recommendations made by the Federal-State Joint Conference on Accounting Issues (Joint Conference) in a report filed with the Commission on October 9, 2003.  Word - PDF
Public Notice
(May 4, 2004)
Pricing Policy Division gives notice that the revenue thresholds used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes have increased. The threshold for distinguishing Class A carriers from Class B carriers is increased to $123 million, and the revenue threshold between larger Class A carriers and mid-sized carriers is increased to $7.240 billion. (DA 04-1259) Word - PDF
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(December 23, 2003)
Seeks comment on the recommendations of the Federal-State Joint Conference on Accounting Issues, based on a year-long study of the Commission's accounting rules and ongoing proceedings related to the Commission's accounting requirements. Attached is the Joint Conference Recommendation. (WC Docket No. 02-269, CC Docket Nos. 00-199, 80-285, 99-301; FCC 03-326)  Word - PDF
(December 23, 2003)
Extends on an interim basis from January 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004 the current suspension of the implementation of four accounting and reporting requirement rule modifications previously adopted by the Commission. (WC Docket No. 02-269, CC Docket Nos. 00-199, 80-286, 99-301; FCC 03-325)  Word - PDF
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 17, 2003)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement Commission Orders, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. (CC Docket No. 86-182)  Word - PDF
(June 24, 2003)
Extends from July 1, 2003 to January 1, 2004 the current suspension of the implementation of four accounting and reporting requirement rule modifications previously adopted by the Commission. (WC Docket No. 02-269, CC Docket Nos. 00-199, 80-286, 99-301; FCC 03-141)  Word - PDF
Public Notice
(May 13, 2003)
Pricing Policy Division gives notice that the revenue thresholds used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes have increased. The threshold for distinguishing Class A carriers from Class B carriers is increased to $121 million, and the revenue threshold between larger Class A carriers and mid-sized carriers is increased to $7.083 billion. (DA 03-1649) Word - PDF
News Release
(April 3, 2003)
Federal Communications Commission Implements New Electronic Filing System for ARMIS Database. Word - PDF
Public Notice
(March 3, 2003)
Wireline Competition Bureau Initiates Electronic Filing of Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Data and Associated Documents by Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers. Word - PDF
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 19, 2002)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement recent Commission Orders, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. Implements mandatory electronic filing of ARMIS reports. (CC Docket No. 86-182, AAD 95-91)  Word - PDF
(November 12, 2002)
Suspends implementation of four accounting and recordkeeping rule modifications previously adopted by the Commission. (WC Docket No. 02-269, CC Docket Nos. 00-199, 99-301, 80-286)  Word - PDF
Joint Board Order
(September 5, 2002)
Federal-State Joint Conference on Accounting Issues. Convened a Federal-State Joint Conference on Accounting Issues to provide a forum for an ongoing dialogue between FCC and the states. (WC Docket No. 02-269)  Word - PDF
Public Notice
(April 26, 2002)
Pricing Policy Division gives notice that the revenue threshold used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes is increased to $119 million. (DA 02-957) Word - PDF
"Phase II Order on Reconsideration"
(March 8, 2002)
2000 Biennial Regulatory Review - Comprehensive Review of the Accounting Requirements and ARMIS Reporting Requirements for Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers. Reinstated Account 3400, Accumulated Amortization-tangible, at the request of United Telecom Association. At Sprint's request, clarified that mid-sized carriers are not required to file ARMIS 43-02, 43-03, and 43-04. (CC Docket No. 00-199)  Word - PDF
(January 18, 2002)
Corrects errors in Report and Order released November 5, 2001. Word - PDF
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 10, 2001)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement recent Commission Orders, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. (CC Docket No. 86-182, AAD 95-91)  Word - PDF
"Phase II Report and Order"
(November 5, 2001)
2000 Biennial Regulatory Review - Comprehensive Review of the Accounting Requirements and ARMIS Reporting Requirements, et al. Substantially consolidated and streamlined the accounting requirements for local exchange carriers, reduced the ARMIS reporting requirements for LECs and modified the affiliate transactions rules for these carriers. (CC Docket Nos. 00-199, 80-286, 97-212, 99-301)  Text - Word - PDF
Statement of Chairman Powell: Text - Word - PDF
Statement of Commissioner Abernathy: Text - Word - PDF
Statement of Commissioner Martin: Text - Word - PDF
Statement of Commissioner Copps: Text - Word - PDF
Public Notice
(June 22, 2001)
Public Notice announcing that the Common Carrier Bureau seeks comments on proposed streamlined ARMIS 43-04 (Jurisdictional Separations) Report. (CC Docket 80-286, DA 01-1496) Comments due no later than July 20, 2001; reply comments due no later than August 6, 2001. Text - Word - PDF
Public Notice
(June 13, 2001)
Public Notice announcing that the Commission Will Notify the National Archives that it May Remove the Designation of Confidentiality from Ten-Year Old ARMIS Records. Text - Word - PDF
(June 11, 2001)
Errata to the Report and Order, issued May 22, 2001. (CC Docket 80-286) Text - Word - PDF
Public Notice
(June 8, 2001)
Public Notice Seeks Further Comment in Phase 2 of the Comprehensive Review of the Accounting Requirements and ARMIS Reporting Requirements for Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (CC Docket 00-199) Comments due no later than July 16, 2001; Reply Comments due no later than July 26, 2001. Text - Word - PDF
Report and Order
(May 22, 2001)
In the Report and Order, the Commission adopts the recommendation of the Federal-State Joint Board established in CC Docket No. 80-286 (Joint Board) to impose an interim freeze of the Part 36 category relationships and jurisdictional cost allocation factors. (FCC 01-162) Text - Word - PDF
Public Notice
(April 11, 2001)
Accounting Safeguards Division gives notice that the revenue threshold used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes is increased to $117 million. (DA 01-903) Text - Word - PDF
(January 17, 2001)
Report fulfills the Commission’s year 2000 biennial regulatory review obligations under section 11(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 161(a), and section 202(h) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, to make determinations every two years regarding certain regulations. Text - Word - PDF
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 8, 2000)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement recent Commission Orders, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. (AAD 95-91)  Text - Word - PDF
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(November 9, 2000)
2000 Biennial Regulatory Review -- Telecommunications Service Quality Reporting Requirements. (CC Docket 00-229)  Text - Word - PDF
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(October 18, 2000)
Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the 2000 Biennial Regulatory Review -- Comprehensive Review of the Accounting Requirements and ARMIS Reporting Requirements for Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers. (CC Docket 00-199)  Text - Word - PDF
Public Notice
(May 3, 2000)
Accounting Safeguards Division gives notice that the revenue threshold used for classifying carriers for various accounting and reporting purposes is increased to $114 million. (DA 00-971) [ Text - Word
Report and Order
(March 8, 2000)
Report and Order in CC Docket No. 99-253, Comprehensive Review of the Accounting Requirements and ARMIS Reporting Requirements for Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, Phase I, completes the first phase of the review by adopting most of the proposals in the NPRM. (FCC 00-78) Text - Word
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 15, 1999)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement recent Commission Orders, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. (AAD 95-91) Text - Word
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(July 14, 1999)
Regarding the Comprehensive Review of the Accounting Requirements and ARMIS Reporting Requirements for Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers: Phase 1, CC Docket No. 99-253. In this Notice, the Commission undertakes the first phase of a comprehensive review of the Commission's accounting and reporting practices, and asks for comment on numerous proposals to modify or eliminate these accounting and reporting requirements. Comment Date: August 23, 1999; Reply Date: September 9, 1999. Text - WordPerfect Format
Report and Order
(June 30, 1999)
In CC Docket No. 98-117, Fifth Memorandum Opinion and Order in AAD File No. 98-43 adopts, with one minor modification, proposals set forth in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to reduce the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) reporting requirements. Text - WordPerfect Format
Public Notice
(May 11, 1999)
Revises reporting procedures for filing ARMIS data. Text - Word Perfect Format
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 28, 1998)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement recent Commission Orders, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. (AAD 95-91) Text - Word Perfect Format
February 12, 1999 Errata that revise the Order. Text - Word Perfect Format
April 2, 1999 Errata that revise the Order. Text - Word Perfect Format
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(July 17, 1998)
Proposes reducing ARMIS reporting requirements as part of the 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review. (CC Docket No. 98-117; FCC 98-147) PDF
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 16, 1997)
Revises several of the Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) Reports to implement recent Commission Orders, and to clarify definitions and descriptions in these reports to ensure consistency among reports and to improve understanding of existing requirements. (AAD 95-91) Text - Word Perfect Format
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(May 30, 1997)
In the Matter of Policy and Rules Concerning Rates for Dominant Carriers and Amendment of Part 61 of the Commission's Rules to Require Quality of Service Standards in Local Exchange Carrier Tariffs. In this order, the Commission addresses issues raised in petitions filed by TCA, ICA, CFA and the ILECs, and makes modifications to its service quality and infrastructure reporting requirements consistent with the provisions of the 1996 Act. (CC Docket No. 87-313, AAD 97-28) Text - WordPerfect Format
Report and Order
(May 20, 1997)
Revises the rules governing carriers filing CAMs and ARMIS reports so that these rules are in accord with the Telecommunications Act of 1996. (CC Docket No. 96-193, AAD 95-91) Text - Word Perfect Format
"Annual ARMIS Order"
(December 17, 1996)
Implements the Order section of the Commission's Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Reform of Filing Requirements and Carrier Classifications, (Reporting Requirements Order) released September 12, 1996. (CC Docket No. 96-193, AAD 95-91) Text - Word Perfect Format
Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(September 12, 1996)
Modifies rules to require annual filing in accordance with the 1996 Act. The Order also makes and proposes numerous changes to Parts 32, 43 and 64. (CC Docket No. 96-193; AAD 95-91; FCC 96-370) PDF
(February 2, 1995)
Makes minor revisions to ARMIS Reports 43-02 and 43-03. (AAD 94-113; DA 95-243) PDF
RAO Letter 23
(March 14, 1994)
Re: ARMIS USOA Report (FCC Report 43-02) - Corrections and Clarification of Certain Tables, Instructions and Specifications. (DA 94-217) PDF
Public Notice
(November 24, 1993)
Puts out for comment petitions on Bureau's October 12, 1993 Memorandum Opinion and Order (AAD 93-154, 93-155, 93-156; DA 93-1431) PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(October 12, 1993)
Follows up on the July, 1992 Public Notice seeking comments on further modifications of the service quality and infrastructure reports. (AAD 92-47; DA 93-1138) PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(July 1, 1993)
In this Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Commission adopts with modifications its proposals in the October 15, 1992 Order Inviting Comments. (AAD 92-42; DA 93-765) PDF
Report and Order
(June 11, 1993)
In this Order, the Commission takes significant steps to improve the way it regulates rates for approximately 1,300 small and mid-size local exchange carriers. (CC Docket 92-135; FCC 93-253) PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(March 29, 1993)
Follows up on Order Inviting Comments, which proposed to revise ARMIS Report 43-02 and Annual Form M. (AAD 92-46; DA 93-360) PDF
Erratum replacing Public Notice
(December 18, 1992)
Replaces Public Notice inadvertently released on December 15, 1992, which sets forth instructions and clarifications for filing of ARMIS reports. (DA 92-1696) PDF
Order Inviting Comments
(October 16, 1992)
Proposes to revise ARMIS Report 43-02 (USOA) and Annual Report Form M (AAD 92-46; DA 92-1405) PDF
Public Notice
(July 7, 1992)
Further adjusts Price Carriers' Service Quality and Infrastructure ARMIS Reports, following up on the Memorandum Opinion and Order released on May 17, 1991, in CC Docket No. 87-313. (DA 92-898) PDF
Public Notice
(March 31, 1992)
Adjusts Price Carriers' Service Quality and Infrastructure ARMIS Reports, following up on the Memorandum Opinion and Order released on May 17, 1991, in CC Docket No. 87-313. (DA 92-370) PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(January 31, 1992)
Follows up on the Order Inviting Comments, released September 4, 1991. (AAD No. 91-46, DA 92-99) PDF
Order Inviting Comments
(September 4, 1991)
Proposes to automate twelve Form M schedules by incorporating them into the USOA Report (FCC Report 43-02) of ARMIS. (AAD No. 91-46, DA 91-1113) PDF
(June 25, 1991)
Corrects Memorandum Opinion and Order released on May 17, 1991. (Corrects instructions in Attachments B & C.) (CC Docket No. 87-313, DA 91-680) PDF
(June 4, 1991)
Corrects Memorandum Opinion and Order released on May 17, 1991. (Postpones reporting of disaggregation of access lines into MSA and non-MSA until June 30, 1992.) (CC Docket No. 87-313, DA 91-680) PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(May 17, 1991)
Finalizes the reporting format to be used by price cap LECs beginning with the first filing of Service Quality and Infrastructure Reports. (CC Docket No. 87-313, DA 91-619) PDF
Public Notice
(March 8, 1991)
Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comments on Price Cap Service Quality ahd Infrastructure Monitoring. Pleading cycle established. (DA 91-299) PDF
(February 13, 1991)
Adopts Minor Technical Changes to FCC Report No. 43-04 for Reporting Year 1990. (DA 91-143) PDF
(July 20, 1990)
Adopts revisions to FCC Report No. 43-01. (CC Docket No. 86-182, DA 90-959) PDF
Order Inviting Comment
(April 18, 1990)
Invites comment on certain proposed revisions to FCC Report 43-01. (CC Docket No. 86-182, DA 90-593) PDF
(January 16, 1990)
Adopts minor technical changes to FCC Report No. 43-04. (CC Docket No. 86-182, DA 90-30) PDF
Order on Further Reconsideration
(November 21, 1989)
Denies USTA's petition for reconsideration filed on December 29, 1988. (CC Docket No. 86-182, FCC 89-296) PDF
(August 29, 1989)
Makes a number of minor technical changes to correct errors in the instructions and specifications contained in the Quarterly Report Order for FCC Report 43-01, released January 6, 1989. (CC Docket No.  86-182, DA 89-1010). PDF
Memorandum Opinion and Order
(May 12, 1989)
Follows up on the September 9, 1988 Order Inviting Comments, which proposed revisions for Form M. (DA 89-503) PDF
(January 6, 1989)
Revises the quarterly report to incorporate changes required by the ARMIS Reconsideration Order (CC Docket No. 86-182, FCC 88-2067) PDF
(January 6, 1989)
Follows up on the September 17, 1987 Order, and the October 14, 1988 ARMIS Reconsideration Order. Revises USOA Report adopted in Appendix B to the ARMIS Order. (CC Docket No. 86-182, DA 88-2066) PDF
Order on Reconsideration
(October 14, 1988)
Addresses petitions filed in the wake of the ARMIS Order released on September 17, 1987. (CC Docket No. 86-182, FCC 88-311) PDF
(May 31, 1988)
Adopts, with minor modifications, the format and media specifications proposed in the Commission's May 13, 1988 draft. (CC Docket No. 86-182, DA 88-821) PDF
(May 31, 1988)
Follows up on the February 24, 1988, Public Notice proposing forms and instructions for an automated report to monitor the forecasted and actual use of telephone plant investments used for both regulated and nonregulated purposes. (CC Docket No. 86-182, DA 88-809) PDF
Report and Order
(September 17, 1987)
Follows-up on the May 7, 1986 NPRM by adopting reporting requirements for Tier 1 carriers, phased in over a two-year period, beginning in October 1987. (CC Docket No. 86-182, FCC 87-242) PDF
Notice of Proposed Rukemaking
(May 7, 1986)
Proposal to adopt changes in FCC rules which are needed to implement an automated reporting system for local exchange carriers financial and operating data. (CC Docket No. 86-182, FCC 86-227) PDF

last reviewed/updated on April 27, 2009  

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