Title 47--Telecommunication



TEXT PDF64.1 Traffic damage claims.
TEXT PDF64.201 Restrictions on indecent telephone message services.
TEXT PDF64.301 Furnishing of facilities to foreign governments for international communications.
TEXT PDF64.401 Policies and procedures for provisioning and restoring certain telecommunications services in emergencies.
TEXT PDF64.402 Policies and procedures for the provision of priority access service by commercial mobile radio service providers.
TEXT PDF64.501 Recording of telephone conversations with telephone companies.
TEXT PDF64.601 Definitions and provisions of general applicability.
TEXT PDF64.602 Jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF64.603 Provision of services.
TEXT PDF64.604 Mandatory minimum standards.
TEXT PDF64.605 Emergency calling requirements.
TEXT PDF64.606 VRS and IP relay provider and TRS program certification.
TEXT PDF64.607 Furnishing related customer premises equipment.
TEXT PDF64.608 Provision of hearing aid compatible telephones by exchange carriers.
TEXT PDF64.609 Enforcement of related customer premises equipment rules.
TEXT PDF64.611 Internet-based TRS registration.
TEXT PDF64.613 Numbering directory for internet-based TRS users.
TEXT PDF64.702 Furnishing of enhanced services and customer-premises equipment.
TEXT PDF64.703 Consumer information.
TEXT PDF64.704 Call blocking prohibited.
TEXT PDF64.705 Restrictions on charges related to the provision of operator services.
TEXT PDF64.706 Minimum standards for the routing and handling of emergency telephone calls.
TEXT PDF64.707 Public dissemination of information by providers of operator services.
TEXT PDF64.708 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.709 Informational tariffs.
TEXT PDF64.710 Operator services for prison inmate phones.
TEXT PDF64.801 Purpose.
TEXT PDF64.802 Applicability.
TEXT PDF64.803 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.804 Rules governing the extension of unsecured credit to candidates or persons on behalf of such candidates for Federal office for interstate and foreign common carrier communication services.
TEXT PDF64.901 Allocation of costs.
TEXT PDF64.902 Transactions with affiliates.
TEXT PDF64.903 Cost allocation manuals.
TEXT PDF64.904 Independent audits.
TEXT PDF64.905 Annual certification.
TEXT PDF64.1001 Requests to modify international settlements arrangements.
TEXT PDF64.1002 International settlements policy.
TEXT PDF64.1100 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.1110 State notification of election to administer FCC rules.
TEXT PDF64.1120 Verification of orders for telecommunications service.
TEXT PDF64.1130 Letter of agency form and content.
TEXT PDF64.1140 Carrier liability for slamming.
TEXT PDF64.1150 Procedures for resolution of unauthorized changes in preferred carrier.
TEXT PDF64.1160 Absolution procedures where the subscriber has not paid charges.
TEXT PDF64.1170 Reimbursement procedures where the subscriber has paid charges.
TEXT PDF64.1190 Preferred carrier freezes.
TEXT PDF64.1195 Registration requirement.
TEXT PDF64.1200 Delivery restrictions.
TEXT PDF64.1201 Restrictions on billing name and address disclosure.
TEXT PDF64.1300 Payphone compensation obligation.
TEXT PDF64.1301 Per-payphone compensation.
TEXT PDF64.1310 Payphone compensation procedures.
TEXT PDF64.1320 Payphone call tracking system audits.
TEXT PDF64.1330 State review of payphone entry and exit regulations and public interest payphones.
TEXT PDF64.1340 Right to negotiate.
TEXT PDF64.1401 Expanded interconnection.
TEXT PDF64.1402 Rights and responsibilities of interconnectors.
TEXT PDF64.1501 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.1502 Limitations on the provision of pay-per-call services.
TEXT PDF64.1503 Termination of pay-per-call and other information programs.
TEXT PDF64.1504 Restrictions on the use of toll-free numbers.
TEXT PDF64.1505 Restrictions on collect telephone calls.
TEXT PDF64.1506 Number designation.
TEXT PDF64.1507 Prohibition on disconnection or interruption of service for failure to remit pay-per-call and similar service charges.
TEXT PDF64.1508 Blocking access to 900 service.
TEXT PDF64.1509 Disclosure and dissemination of pay-per-call information.
TEXT PDF64.1510 Billing and collection of pay-per-call and similar service charges.
TEXT PDF64.1511 Forgiveness of charges and refunds.
TEXT PDF64.1512 Involuntary blocking of pay-per-call services.
TEXT PDF64.1513 Verification of charitable status.
TEXT PDF64.1514 Generation of signalling tones.
TEXT PDF64.1515 Recovery of costs.
TEXT PDF64.1600 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.1601 Delivery requirements and privacy restrictions.
TEXT PDF64.1602 Restrictions on use and sale of telephone subscriber information provided pursuant to automatic number identification or charge number services.
TEXT PDF64.1603 Customer notification.
TEXT PDF64.1604 Effective date.
TEXT PDF64.1700 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF64.1701 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.1702 Procedures.
TEXT PDF64.1703 Dispute resolution default process.
TEXT PDF64.1704 Frivolous disputes/penalties.
TEXT PDF64.1801 Geographic rate averaging and rate integration.
TEXT PDF64.1900 Nondominant interexchange carrier certifications regarding geographic rate averaging and rate integration requirements.
TEXT PDF64.1901 Basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF64.1902 Terms and definitions.
TEXT PDF64.1903 Obligations of all incumbent independent local exchange carriers.
TEXT PDF64.2001 Basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF64.2003 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.2005 Use of customer proprietary network information without customer approval.
TEXT PDF64.2007 Approval required for use of customer proprietary network information.
TEXT PDF64.2008 Notice required for use of customer proprietary network information.
TEXT PDF64.2009 Safeguards required for use of customer proprietary network information.
TEXT PDF64.2010 Safeguards on the disclosure of customer proprietary network information.
TEXT PDF64.2011 Notification of customer proprietary network information security breaches.
TEXT PDF64.2301 Basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF64.2305 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.2309 Provision of subscriber list information.
TEXT PDF64.2313 Timely basis.
TEXT PDF64.2317 Unbundled basis.
TEXT PDF64.2321 Nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions.
TEXT PDF64.2325 Reasonable rates, terms, and conditions.
TEXT PDF64.2329 Format.
TEXT PDF64.2333 Burden of proof.
TEXT PDF64.2337 Directory publishing purposes.
TEXT PDF64.2341 Record keeping.
TEXT PDF64.2345 Primary advertising classification.
TEXT PDF64.2400 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF64.2401 Truth-in-Billing Requirements.
TEXT PDF64.2500 Prohibited agreements.
TEXT PDF64.2501 Scope of limitation.
TEXT PDF64.2502 Effect of state law or regulation.
TEXT PDF64.3000 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.3001 Obligation to transmit 911 calls.
TEXT PDF64.3002 Transition to 911 as the universal emergency telephone number.
TEXT PDF64.3003 Obligation for providing a permissive dialing period.
TEXT PDF64.3004 Obligation for providing an intercept message.
TEXT PDF64.3100 Restrictions on mobile service commercial messages.
TEXT PDF64.4000 Basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF64.4001 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.4002 Notification obligations of LECs.
TEXT PDF64.4003 Notification obligations of IXCs.
TEXT PDF64.4004 Timeliness of required notifications.
TEXT PDF64.4005 Unreasonable terms or conditions on the provision of customer account information.
TEXT PDF64.4006 Limitations on use of customer account information.
TEXT PDF64.5000 Definitions.
TEXT PDF64.5001 Reporting and certification requirements.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix A to Part 64--Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP).
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix B to Part 64--Priority Access Service (PAS) for National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NSEP).
