Title 47--Telecommunication



TEXT PDF0.1 The Commission.
TEXT PDF0.3 The Chairman.
TEXT PDF0.5 General description of Commission organization and operations.
TEXT PDF0.11 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.13 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.15 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.17 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.21 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.31 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.41 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.51 Functions of the Bureau.
TEXT PDF0.61 Functions of the Bureau.
TEXT PDF0.81 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.91 Functions of the Bureau.
TEXT PDF0.101 Functions of the office.
TEXT PDF0.111 Functions of the Bureau.
TEXT PDF0.121 Location of field installations.
TEXT PDF0.131 Functions of the Bureau.
TEXT PDF0.141 Functions of the Bureau.
TEXT PDF0.151 Functions of the Office.
TEXT PDF0.181 The Defense Commissioner.
TEXT PDF0.185 Responsibilities of the bureaus and staff offices.
TEXT PDF0.186 Emergency Relocation Board.
TEXT PDF0.191 Functions of the Bureau.
TEXT PDF0.201 General provisions.
TEXT PDF0.203 Authority of person, panel, or board to which functions are delegated.
TEXT PDF0.204 The exercise of delegated authority.
TEXT PDF0.211 Chairman.
TEXT PDF0.212 Board of Commissioners.
TEXT PDF0.218 Authority of, and delegated to, an individual Commissioner or Commissioners.
TEXT PDF0.231 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.241 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.247 Record of actions taken.
TEXT PDF0.251 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.261 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.262 Record of actions taken.
TEXT PDF0.271 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.283 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.284 Actions taken under delegated authority.
TEXT PDF0.285 Record of actions taken.
TEXT PDF0.291 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.302 Record of actions taken.
TEXT PDF0.304 Authority for determinations of exempt telecommunications company status.
TEXT PDF0.311 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.314 Additional authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.317 Record of action taken.
TEXT PDF0.331 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.332 Actions taken under delegated authority.
TEXT PDF0.341 Authority of administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF0.347 Record of actions taken.
TEXT PDF0.351 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.357 Record of actions taken.
TEXT PDF0.361 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.371 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.381 Defense Commissioner.
TEXT PDF0.383 Emergency Relocation Board, authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.387 Other national security and emergency preparedness delegations; cross reference.
TEXT PDF0.391 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.392 Authority delegated.
TEXT PDF0.401 Location of Commission offices.
TEXT PDF0.403 Office hours.
TEXT PDF0.405 Statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF0.406 The rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF0.408 OMB control numbers and expiration dates assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
TEXT PDF0.409 Commission policy on private printing of FCC forms.
TEXT PDF0.411 General reference materials.
TEXT PDF0.413 The Commission's printed publications.
TEXT PDF0.414 The Communications Act and other statutory materials.
TEXT PDF0.415 The rules and regulations (looseleaf service).
TEXT PDF0.416 The Federal Communications Commission Record.
TEXT PDF0.417 The Annual Reports.
TEXT PDF0.420 Other Commission publications.
TEXT PDF0.421 Application forms.
TEXT PDF0.422 Current action documents and public notices.
TEXT PDF0.423 Information bulletins.
TEXT PDF0.431 The FCC service frequency lists.
TEXT PDF0.434 Data bases and lists of authorized broadcast stations and pending broadcast applications.
TEXT PDF0.441 General.
TEXT PDF0.442 Disclosure to other Federal government agencies of information submitted to the Commission in confidence.
TEXT PDF0.445 Publication, availability and use of opinions, orders, policy statements, interpretations, administrative manuals, and staff instructions.
TEXT PDF0.451 Inspection of records: Generally.
TEXT PDF0.453 Public reference rooms.
TEXT PDF0.455 Other locations at which records may be inspected.
TEXT PDF0.457 Records not routinely available for public inspection.
TEXT PDF0.458 Nonpublic information.
TEXT PDF0.459 Requests that materials or information submitted to the Commission be withheld from public inspection.
TEXT PDF0.460 Requests for inspection of records which are routinely available for public inspection.
TEXT PDF0.461 Requests for inspection of materials not routinely available for public inspection.
TEXT PDF0.463 Demand by competent authority for the production of documents or testimony concerning information contained therein.
TEXT PDF0.465 Request for copies of materials which are available, or made available, for public inspection.
TEXT PDF0.466 Definitions.
TEXT PDF0.467 Search and review fees.
TEXT PDF0.468 Interest.
TEXT PDF0.469 Advance payments.
TEXT PDF0.470 Assessment of fees.
TEXT PDF0.471 Miscellaneous submittals or requests.
TEXT PDF0.473 Reports of violations.
TEXT PDF0.475 Applications for employment.
TEXT PDF0.481 Place of filing applications for radio authorizations.
TEXT PDF0.482 Application for waiver of wireless radio service rules.
TEXT PDF0.483 Applications for amateur or commercial radio operator licenses.
TEXT PDF0.484 Amateur radio operator examinations.
TEXT PDF0.485 Commercial radio operator examinations.
TEXT PDF0.489 Applications for ship radio inspection and periodical survey.
TEXT PDF0.491 Application for exemption from compulsory ship radio requirements.
TEXT PDF0.493 Non-radio common carrier applications.
TEXT PDF0.501 General.
TEXT PDF0.502 Purpose.
TEXT PDF0.503 Submission of requests for mandatory declassification review.
TEXT PDF0.504 Processing requests for declassification.
TEXT PDF0.505 Fees and charges.
TEXT PDF0.506 FOIA and Privacy Act requests.
TEXT PDF0.551 Purpose and scope; definitions.
TEXT PDF0.552 Notice identifying Commission systems of records.
TEXT PDF0.553 New uses of information.
TEXT PDF0.554 Procedures for requests pertaining to individual records in a system of records.
TEXT PDF0.555 Disclosure of record information to individuals.
TEXT PDF0.556 Request to correct or amend records.
TEXT PDF0.557 Administrative review of an initial decision not to amend a record.
TEXT PDF0.558 Advice and assistance.
TEXT PDF0.559 Disclosure of disputed information to persons other than the individual to whom it pertains.
TEXT PDF0.560 Penalty for false representation of identity.
TEXT PDF0.561 Exemptions.
TEXT PDF0.601 Definitions.
TEXT PDF0.602 Open meetings.
TEXT PDF0.603 Bases for closing a meeting to the public.
TEXT PDF0.605 Procedures for announcing meetings.
TEXT PDF0.606 Procedures for closing a meeting to the public.
TEXT PDF0.607 Transcript, recording or minutes; availability to the public.
TEXT PDF0.701 Intergovernmental Advisory Committee.
