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Home > For Residents > Neighborhood Services > Neighborhood Appearance > Code Enforcement

Neighborhood Services

Neighborhood Appearance
Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement investigates complaints concerning possible violations of nuisance ordinances, such as grass and weeds, trash and debris and junk vehicles.  For more information, contact Code Enforcement at 349-8743.


City Hall East
601 E. Hickory, Suite B
Denton, TX 76205

Services handled:

  • Grass and Weeds (12 inches or over)
  • Trash and Debris
  • Junk Vehicles, Abandoned Vehicles 
  • Signs
  • View Obstruction
  • Home Occupations
  • Stagnant Water, Standing Water
  • Graffiti

If you would like to report a violation please call the main number 349-8743.

Debris and high grass/weeds
It is a violation of city code for a property owner to allow heavy accumulations of debris or to allow grass and weeds to grow to a height greater than twelve inches.  Contact Code Enforcement at 349-8743 to report violations.

Junk Vehicles and Abandoned Vehicles
Contact the Code Enforcement Main office, located at 601 E. Hickory, Suite B, 349-8743. 

Litter abatement
Visit the Keep Denton Beautiful website at
http://www.kdb.org for programs and ideas to help prevent litter.

Mobile food vendors
Consumer Health Division performs health inspections of food facilities, which include mobile vendors such as hot trucks, ice cream trucks, and push carts.  Contact the Consumer Health Division at 349-8360.

For more information contact code.enforcement@cityofdenton.com


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