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Home > My Government > Departments > Development Services > Building Inspections > Consumer Health > Restaurant Health Scores

Consumer Health
Restaurant Health Scores

What does the Health Inspection Score mean?
Inspection scores can range from 0 to 100 points, 100 being excellent. One hundred points means no critical violations were seen at the time of the inspection.

What do Health Inspectors look for?
Health Inspectors look for "critical" and "non-critical" violations during inspections of food establishments.  Critical violations consist of improper cooking techniques or practices that could result in food related disease.  The first group of critical violations includes not re-heating food properly, not keeping food warm enough, not keeping food cold enough and not cooking food to appropriate temperatures.  These violations result in points off on the inspection score.  The second group of critical violations includes other practices that could cause food borne illness.  These violations result in points off on the inspection score.  Examples of these violations are not washing hands properly, no soap or paper towels at the hand sinks, or improperly storing cleaning chemicals.

Non-critical violations are items that do not result in any points off but which must be corrected by the next regular inspection.  Examples of such violations are walls, floors, or ceilings not being clean or in good repair.

File Folders:
2008 Monthly Restaurant Inspection Scores (3)
This folder will have the City restaurant scores for each month.
2009 Monthly Restaurant Inspection Scores (3)
This folder will have the City restaurant scores for each month.


Mailing Address
221 N. Elm Street
Denton, TX 76201

(940) 349-8360
(940) 349-7208 (fax)

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


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