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ZIP Archive Files

What is a ZIP archive?
many files go into one containerA ZIP archive is a file that contains one or more files in a compressed format to decrease its file size. Smaller file sizes translate to quicker download times. For example: when you travel, you do not carry your socks, toothpaste, comb and other personal items separately - you place them all in a suitcase. Sometimes the items you place in the suitcase might be bigger than the suitcase itself, so the items have to be rolled or folded and you might have to sit on the suitcase just to get it closed. This is similar to what happens with a ZIP archive - a large item or multiple large items are forced into a small container so that they are easier to carry (send via e-mail, or to download via the Web). Unlike image compression, ZIP files preserve the original files intact - when they are opened (also called unZipping, unStuffing or exploding), the original files and/or folders are intact and accessible.

Why do we use ZIP archives on this Web site?
When a file is excessively large (when download times for a 56K modem would exceed 30 minutes), we will ZIP a file to reduce its size and make the download a bit faster. There might also be occasions when there are multiple files (such as PDF files) that are linked or go together as a package. Zipping those files into a single archive prevents someone from accidentally forgetting to download one file that is supposed to accompany another file.

I'm confused. I have a Zip Drive and Zip disks - isn't that the same thing?

No. Zip drives and disks are a product of the Iomega corporation. Zip disks are large (100MB-750MB) removable storage media and while they can store any computer file (including ZIP archives), they do not compress files. Iomega uses the term "Zip" to refer to speed. ZIP archives refer to items being zipped up into a small container.

Ok, now I understand. I downloaded a ZIP file - now what do I do with it?
StuffitExpander is free to downloadYou will need to download and install software that will unzip the archive. There are dozens of programs available to do this. Whether you are using Windows, Mac, Linux or Solaris, you can use Aladdin Systems' Stuffit Expander to open ZIP archives. The software is free to download. You must install the software after you download it.


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