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歡迎對下列書籍有興趣進行版權洽談者,請直接與該書籍所註明之台灣版權代理商連繫,若台灣版權代理商欄註明為 N/A 者,請聯絡美國在台協會商務組(Tel: 02-2720-1550 分機 325 陳小曼 專員)。

書名:Candy-Coated and Easier to Swallow (October 2005)
作者: N/A
出版商: Zink Magazine
台灣版權代理商: N/A
得獎獎項: N/A
內容簡介: N/A

書名:Has Technology Dissolved our Borders? (September 2008)
作者: N/A
出版商: Zink Magazine
台灣版權代理商: N/A
得獎獎項: N/A
內容簡介: N/A

書名:Highlights (Magazine)
作者: N/A
出版商: Highlights for Children International
台灣版權代理商: N/A
得獎獎項: N/A
內容簡介: N/A

書名:Second Anniversary Issue (May 2004)
作者: N/A
出版商: Zink Magazine
台灣版權代理商: N/A
得獎獎項: N/A
內容簡介: N/A

書名:The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Volume 90-A. Supplement 4.2008.JBJS.ORG
作者: The American Orthopaedic Asso./ The Official Scientific Publication of the AAOS
出版商: JBJS.ORG/ The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery
台灣版權代理商: N/A
得獎獎項: N/A
內容簡介: N/A

書名:Would you Really Go There? (Summer 2008)
作者: N/A
出版商: Zink Magazine
台灣版權代理商: N/A
得獎獎項: N/A
內容簡介: Zink Magazine is a high-end, photo-forward Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle magazine that caters to a savvy, well-cultured and upscale audience. Its unique, inner-circle art-world positioning lends the publication enormous credibility, attracting the most avant-garde, fashion-conscious and ready-to-spend readership. Zink Magazine is proud to celebrate 7 years of success this coming May. Over this short history, Zink has become a leader in groundbreaking, cutting-edge content and design. Zink Magazine is currently looking for a partner in the Middle-East to help reach its global expansion goals.

對美國出版品有意洽詢之本地業者,歡迎填表聯絡我們: 美國出版品資料詢問表


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美國出版商(字母排列): A-H, I-P, Q-Z
書名(字母排列): A-C, D-F, G-I, J-L, M-O, P-R, S, T, U-Z
書名(分類排列): 文學小說, 商管財經, 童書漫畫, 心靈生活, 藝術嗜好, 旅遊用書,
教育用書, 雜誌期刊, 專業科技, 文化歷史政治, 其它類
得獎書(字母排列): A-Z
首次來台書籍(字母排列): A-Z
出版業專區: 商務組提供台灣出版業的服務
2009 台北國際書展美國館
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