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Historic Earthquakes

1994 June 09 00:33 UTC
Magnitude 8.2

Unconfirmed reports of five people killed in Peru; three in Arequipa Province by a landslide collapsing their house and two in Cuzco Province; one by falling debris and another by a heart attack. Numerous injuries and landslides occurred in southern Peru. Damage (VI) at La Paz. In Cochabamba, La Paz and Oruro, a large number of windows broke in tall buildings, and some structural damage occurred. Some minor structural damage also occurred at Brasilia, Campo Grande, Porto Velho and Manaus, Brazil; Arica, Chile and Tacna, Peru. Felt in many parts of South America, including most of Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. Felt lightly in Uruguay. Felt (IV) at Arequipa, Moquegua, Puno and Tacna; (III) at Moyobamba, Rioja and Tarapoto, Peru. Felt (IV) at Arica, (III) at Iquique, (II) at Copiapo and (I) at Santiago, Chile. Felt (IV) at Guayaquil and (III) at Quito, Ecuador. Felt on Puerto Rico and in the Dominican Republic. Felt at many locations in North America, including Los Angeles, California; Renton, Washington; Omaha, Nebraska; Sioux City, Iowa; Minneapolis, Minnesota; La Crosse, Wisconsin; Chicago, Illinois; Parkersburg, West Virginia; Norwich, Connecticut; Boston, Massachusetts and Toronto, Canada. This is believed to be the first earthquake from this part of South America to be felt in North America and is also believed to be the largest ever recorded in this general area.

From Significant Earthquakes of the World 1994.