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Historic Earthquakes

Chile-Argentina Border
1922 November 11 04:32 UTC
Magnitude 8.5

Chile-Argentina Border

Hits n. coast Chile. Tidal wave experienced at Coquimbo. Several hundred lives lost, enormous property damage

From Seismological Notes, Bulletin of the Seimological Society of America. "Seismological Notes" is a list of recent important earthquakes with short summaries included in each issue of the BSSA.

1922 Nov 11, 04:32, 28.5 S, 70.0 W, damage severe [severe = $5 to $25 million U.S. at the time of the earthquake], Chile: Atacama. Chile: central.

From Dunbar, Paula K., Lockridge, Patricia A., and Whiteside, Lowell S., 1992, Catalog of significant earthquakes 2150 B.C. - 1991 A.D.: U. S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

1922, November 11, 04:33. A magnitude 8.3 earthquake occurred in the southern part of Atacama Province, central Chile. Locally, the tsunami caused extensive damage. The tsunami arrived at Hilo, Hawaii in 14.5 hours. The period of oscillations was 20 minutes, and the height of the tsunami was 2.1 m; many boats were washed away, and some damage was done. The wave reached Honolulu in 15.0 hours. The period of oscillations of the waves was 23 minutes, the height of the wave 0.3 m.

From "Tsunami in Hawaii", Lander, James F., and Lockridge, Patricia A., 1989, United States Tsunamis (including United States possessions) 1690-1988: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 265 p.

1922, November 11, 04:33. A magnitude 8.3 earthquake in north-central Chile produced a 9-m local tsunami that inundated parts of several Chilean cities and killed more then 100 people. It was recorded with 0.2 m at San Diego and 0.3 m at San Francisco."

From "Tsunami on west coast of United States", Lander, James F., and Lockridge, Patricia A., 1989, United States Tsunamis (including United States possessions) 1690-1988: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 265 p.

This earthquake, previously listed with a magnitude of 8.7, has had its magnitude reviewed, and it was updated to 8.0.