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2004 September 28 17:15:24 UTC

Earthquake Details

This earthquake is the anticipated Parkfield earthquake, Mw 6.0 on the San Andreas fault. It ruptured roughly the same segment of the fault that broke in 1966. The earthquake occurred at 10:15 AM PDT on September 28, 2004. Its hypocenter was located at 35 degrees, 49 minutes north, 120 degrees 22 minutes west, at a depth of 8 km or 5 miles. From this point, about 7 miles SW of the town of Parkfield, it ruptured primarily northwest along the San Andreas fault. Strong shaking during this event lasted for about 10 seconds. This earthquake is the seventh in a series of repeating earthquakes on this stretch of the fault. The previous events were in 1857, 1881, 1901, 1922, 1934, and 1966.

  • Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 17:15:24 UTC
  • Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 10:15:24 AM at epicenter
Location35.815°N, 120.374°W
Depth7.9 km (4.9 miles)
  • 11 km (7 miles) SSE (151°) from Parkfield, CA
  • 18 km (11 miles) N (1°) from Shandon, CA
  • 30 km (18 miles) ENE (76°) from San Miguel, CA
  • 34 km (21 miles) NE (53°) from Paso Robles, CA
  • 217 km (135 miles) SE (141°) from San Jose City Hall, CA
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 0.4 km (0.2 miles); depth +/- 0.6 km (0.4 miles)
ParametersNST=248, Nph=248, Dmin=3 km, Rmss=0.11 sec, Gp= 94°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=7
Event IDnc51147892
  • This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
  • Did you feel it? Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.