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BLM>Colorado>Resources>Resource Advisory Councils>Front Range RAC>Charter
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Front Range Resource Advisory Council


1.   OFFICIAL DESIGNATION:  Front Range Resource Advisory Council.
2.   COUNCIL OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE:  Provide representative citizen counsel and advice to the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) through the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Designated Federal Officer (DFO) concerning the planning and management of the public land resources located within the geographic area of the Royal Gorge Field Office and San Luis Valley Public Lands Center.

:  Since its functions are related to continuing the BLM responsibility for the management of public lands and resources within the geographical area of jurisdiction described above, the need for the Council is expected to continue indefinitely.  Council continuation will be subject to periodic review and rechartering every 2 years, as required by Section 14(b) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. Appendix.
4.   OFFICIAL TO WHOM THE COUNCIL REPORTS:  The DFO to whom the Council reports, unless otherwise noted, is as follows: Royal Gorge Field Manager, Royal Gorge Field Office and San Luis Valley Public Lands Center, Bureau of Land Management, 3170 East Main Street, Cañon City, Colorado 81212.
5.   ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT:  Administrative support and funding for activities of the Council will be provided by the office of the DFO.
6.   DUTIES OF THE COUNCIL:  The Council will serve in a solely advisory capacity to the DFO. Council duties and responsibilities are generally as follows:
a.   Develop recommendations for the BLM regarding the preparation, amendment,
and implementation of land use plans for the public lands and resources within the jurisdiction of the Council.  This may require the Council to, at the direction of the DFO, gather and analyze information, conduct studies and field recommendations, hear public comments, and provide advice on the issues presented.
b.   Advise the BLM in identifying the geographic area for which standards and guidelines will be developed, and in developing and amending standards and guidelines, as necessary. 
c.   Advise the BLM in developing recommendations for implementation of ecosystem management concepts, principles and programs, and assist the BLM in establishing landscape goals and objectives.  
d.   Advise the BLM regarding working with local groups to develop and achieve resource management programs. 
e.   Make recommendations on future Council model(s) and areas of jurisdiction that would best serve Colorado.
f.    Except for the purpose of long-range planning and the establishment of resource management priorities, the Council shall not provide advice on the allocation and expenditure of Federal funds or on personnel actions.
a.       Council members appointed by the Secretary will be representative of the following three general groups:
(i)            hold Federal grazing permits or leases and represent permittees or lessees within the area for which the Council is organized;
(ii)          represent organizations associated with transportation or rights-of-way;
(iii)         represent organizations associated with developed outdoor recreation, off-highway vehicle users, or commercial recreation activities;
(iv)        represent the commercial timber industry organizations; or
(v)          represent energy and mineral development organizations.
(i)            nationally or regionally recognized environmental organizations;
(ii)          dispersed recreational activities users;
(iii)         archaeological and historical organizations; or
(iv)        nationally or regionally recognized wild horse and burro organizations.
(i)            represent and are an elected official of State, county, or local government;
(ii)          represent and are employed by a State agency responsible for the management of natural resources, land, or water;
(iii)         represent Indian tribes within or adjacent to the Council’s jurisdiction;
(iv)        represent and are employed as academicians by a natural resource management or natural sciences organization; or
(v)          represent the public-at-large within or adjacent to the Council’s jurisdiction.
b.   The Council will be comprised of 15 members distributed equally among the three interest groups as specified in paragraph 7a. of this charter.
c.   In appointing Council members from the three groups, the Secretary shall provide for a balanced and broad representation within each category.
8.   ALLOWANCES FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS:  Council members serve without salary, but may be reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses when on Council business as authorized by Section 309(a) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976, and 5 U.S.C. 5703.
9.   ETHICS RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS: No Council or subcommittee member shall participate in any specific party matter including a lease, license, permit, contract, claim, agreement, or related litigation with the Department in which the member has a direct financial interest.  As provided in 43 CFR 1784.2-2, members of the Council shall be required to disclose their direct or indirect interest in leases, licenses, permits, contracts, or claims that involve lands or resources administered by the BLM, or in any litigation related thereto.
10. SUBGROUPS:  The Council, in consultation with the DFO, may form subgroups to provide input necessary to the successful functioning of the Council. Such subgroups can be formed, subject to the DFO’s approval, in response to a petition from local citizens or by the motion of the Council. Input by subgroups will be presented directly to the Council for its deliberation and consideration.  
11. QUORUM AND VOTING REQUIREMENTS: A majority of the Council members of each of the three interest groups must be present to constitute a quorum. To make a recommendation to the DFO requires an affirmative vote of the majority of the members from each interest group. Unanimous agreement of all Council members will be needed to forward a request to the Secretary as provided for under 43 CFR 1784.6‑1(i).
12. ESTIMATED NUMBER AND FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS:  The Council will normally meet from four to six times annually, but in no case less than once.  Additional meetings may be called by the DFO.
13. ESTIMATED OPERATING COSTS:  Activities of the Council will require an estimated $40,000, which includes 3 work months of Federal employee support.
14. EXPIRATION DATE The Council’s charter will expire 2 years from the date the charter is filed, unless, prior to that date, it is rechartered by the Secretary in accordance with the provisions of Section 14(b) of FACA, 5 U.S.C. Appendix.  The Council shall not meet or perform any functions without a valid current charter.
15. ADDITIONAL BLM REGULATIONS: The BLM is subject to additional standards and procedures for the creation, operation, and termination of BLM resource advisory committees. Refer to the 1995 amended BLM regulations (43 CFR 1784) for specific regulations regarding: composition (1784.6-1(c)); avoidance of conflict of interest (1784.2-2); calls for nominations (1784.6-1(e)); notice of meetings (1784.4-2); open meetings (1784.4-3); records (1784.5-3); and course of instruction for members (1784.6-1(f)).
16. AUTHORITY:  Section 309 of FLPMA, as amended, 43 U.S.C. 1739.
­­­______/s/ Dirk Kempthorne______                                          ­July 26, 2007
SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR                                                   Date Signed
_August 24, 2007_
Date Charter Filed