Projected Schedule

The project is to be completed in six major phases, lasting approximately 18 months per phase.

  Start Finish
Phase I (Wing 6) 11/2002 Complete
Phase II (Wing 5) 10/2004 Complete
Phase III (Wing 4) 08/2006 Complete
Phase IV (Wing 3)  08/2008 1/2010
Phase V (Wing 2) 03/2010 08/2011
Phase VI (Wing 1) 10/2011 02/2013


Project Phase Plan

MIB Floor Plan

Currently Under ConstructionCurrently Under Construction

U.S. Department of the Interior

NBC Modernization Program Office

1849 C Street NW MS 2505 • Washington DC 20240

E-Mail Address:

Phone: 202 208-7283 • Fax: 202 208-2502

Last Updated on 07/21/2008

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