Table 1. State 1/ average annual pay for 2000 and 2001 and percent change in pay for all covered workers 2/

                        Table 1.  State(1) average annual pay for 2000 and 2001 and percent change in pay
                        for all covered workers(2)
                                                               Average annual pay(3)            Percent    
                                     State                                                      change,    
                                                               2000             2001                       
                        UNITED STATES(4)................      $35,320          $36,214            2.5      
                        Alabama.........................       29,041           30,090            3.6      
                        Alaska..........................       35,144           36,140            2.8      
                        Arizona.........................       32,610           33,408            2.4      
                        Arkansas........................       26,317           27,258            3.6      
                        California......................       41,207           41,358            0.4      
                        Colorado........................       37,168           37,950            2.1      
                        Connecticut.....................       45,486           46,963            3.2      
                        Delaware........................       36,535           38,434            5.2      
                        District of Columbia............       52,965           56,024            5.8      
                        Florida.........................       30,560           31,551            3.2      
                        Georgia.........................       34,214           35,114            2.6      
                        Hawaii..........................       30,628           31,250            2.0      
                        Idaho...........................       27,701           27,765            0.2      
                        Illinois........................       38,045           39,058            2.7      
                        Indiana.........................       31,030           31,778            2.4      
                        Iowa............................       27,931           28,840            3.3      
                        Kansas..........................       29,361           30,153            2.7      
                        Kentucky........................       28,800           30,017            4.2      
                        Louisiana.......................       27,888           29,134            4.5      
                        Maine...........................       27,664           28,815            4.2      
                        Maryland........................       36,395           38,237            5.1      
                        Massachusetts...................       44,168           44,976            1.8      
                        Michigan........................       37,011           37,387            1.0      
                        Minnesota.......................       35,414           36,585            3.3      
                        Mississippi.....................       25,208           25,919            2.8      
                        Missouri........................       31,384           32,422            3.3      
                        Montana.........................       24,272           25,194            3.8      
                        Nebraska........................       27,693           28,375            2.5      
                        Nevada..........................       32,277           33,122            2.6      
                        New Hampshire...................       34,736           35,479            2.1      
                        New Jersey......................       43,676           44,285            1.4      
                        New Mexico......................       27,498           28,698            4.4      
                        New York........................       45,358           46,664            2.9      
                        North Carolina..................       31,068           32,026            3.1      
                        North Dakota....................       24,683           25,707            4.1      
                        Ohio............................       32,508           33,280            2.4      
                        Oklahoma........................       26,988           28,020            3.8      
                        Oregon..........................       32,776           33,203            1.3      
                        Pennsylvania....................       34,015           34,976            2.8      
                        Rhode Island....................       32,615           33,592            3.0      
                        South Carolina..................       28,179           29,253            3.8      
                        South Dakota....................       24,802           25,600            3.2      
                        Tennessee.......................       30,557           31,491            3.1      
                        Texas...........................       34,943           36,039            3.1      
                        Utah............................       29,229           30,074            2.9      
                        Vermont.........................       28,914           30,240            4.6      
                        Virginia........................       35,172           36,716            4.4      
                        Washington......................       37,099           37,475            1.0      
                        West Virginia...................       26,888           27,982            4.1      
                        Wisconsin.......................       30,694           31,556            2.8      
                        Wyoming.........................       26,836           28,025            4.4      
                        Puerto Rico.....................       18,814           19,725            4.8      
                        Virgin Islands..................       27,721           29,195            5.3      

                          1 Includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
                          2 Includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment
                        Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.
                          3 Data are preliminary.
                          4 Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico and the Virgin

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