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May 8, 2009   
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User's Guide


Conduct a basic search by entering keywords into the Search For box, or click on Advanced Search Options to choose more fields to search.

Search For box
Enter any keyword in the Search For box to search the full text of all documents and associated metadata. Choose a search type (Pattern, Boolean, or Concept), and use wildcards or special operators to enhance your search when necessary.

Advanced Search Options
Customize your search by clicking the Advanced Search Options link in the upper left-hand corner of the Search bar and checking the box next to the fields you wish to search. To save the Advanced Search Options and start a new Search session click the Save Changes button and then click the New Search link in the upper left-hand corner of the Search bar.

Display Search Results
Display Search Results allows you to view a current search results page at any time before you conduct a new search. The Display Search Results link is helpful after you have reviewed one document and need to see other documents in the results list.

Display Search History
After conducting searches, Display Search History will display a list of previous search terms, as well as links to previous search results lists. This feature allows you to retrieve previous search results without re-conducting the search.

New Search
Click on New Search whenever you need to start a brand new search.

Click on Help to view more detailed instructions on how to conduct Boolean, Concept, Pattern, Wildcards, Mixed and Grouped Term searches.

Return to Main Page
Click on Return to Main page to go directly back to Wirtz Labor Digital Library home page.

New Documents Notification
New Documents Notification allows you to receive an email notification whenever new documents matching saved search criteria are added to the Digital Library. New Users must create an account to use this feature.


The Digital Library's Browse function offers the ability to browse broad groups of digital objects and get a feel for the contents of the system. This is particularly useful if you can not identify the specific information needed but have an interest in the collection in general.

In the Digital Archive Collection's Subject Browse, digital objects are ranked and organized into folders by subject. Except for the top folder, each folder is subordinate to a single other folder. Therefore, the browse requires that you start with a more generalized top-level subject folder and then further narrow your search by moving down through more specific subject folders.

  • U.S. Department of Labor
    • Officials
      • Secretaries
  • Labor
    • Wages
      • Minimum wage

Click the Browse button on the Digital Library main page to begin browsing the Digital Archive Collection.

Display Browse Results
Click on Display Browse Results to view a current browse results page at any time before you conduct a new browse. It is helpful after you have reviewed one document and need to see other documents in the results list.

Search For box
During a Browse session enter any keyword in the Search For box to search the full text of all documents in a folder. Choose search type (Pattern, Boolean, concept), and use wildcards or special operators to enhance your search when necessary.


Digital Library users will see the following icons throughout the Digital Library. If you forget what an icon means click on the Help button at any time to see an explanation of each icon.

email Email
Send an Email to yourself and others of search results based on your selected search criteria.

print Print
Print a copy of the search or browse results or of a particular document.

save Save
Save the search or browse results on a computer or on a storage device such as a floppy disk or flash drive.

document Show Document
The Show Document icon provides a full-view of a PDF file opened in another window instead of having only a partial view on the results page.

metadata Show Metadata
Metadata is information describing the object in the Digital Library. Title, author, publisher, publication date, subject, series, and PDF pages are just a few examples of the metadata used in the Digital Library.

The Show Metadata icon allows you to view more specific and detailed information about each item, such as subjects, notes, and series information, in addition to information about the PDF document, such as file size and PDF pages.



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