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The Department currently offers two manager and executive development programs: The Team Leadership Program and the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program.
  • The Team Leadership Program (TLP)

    The TLP is open only to Department of the Interior employees in grades GS-11 though GS-14 or equivalent. The emphasis of the TLP is on team leadership models, ecosystem management, managing organizational change, oral and written communication, and problem solving techniques. The program lasts for 12 months, and requires participants to be away from their positions for about four months total. Tuition for the TLP is paid out of the Department’s Working Capital Fund. Bureaus are responsible for paying travel and per diem expenses of their participants. The TLP consists of four one-week seminars, one 30-day and one 60-day rotational assignment outside of the employing office, and individual assignments planned through an Individual Development Plan. TLP graduates are awarded a certificate which allows a one-grade noncompetitive promotion to any position for which they meet the technical qualifications within three years of graduation from the Program. (These noncompetitive promotions are not guaranteed.)
  • The Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SESCDP)
  • The SESCDP is designed for individuals at the GS-14 and GS-15 grade levels or equivalent. The SESCDP may be opened to all qualified Federal employees or to all qualified persons, including those outside the Federal Government. The SESCDP lasts between six to eighteen months, providing participants formal training and other developmental activities designed to prepare them for executive leadership responsibilities. Successful completion of the SESCDP results in eligibility for noncompetitive placement in an SES position. Specific details for each iteration of the SESCDP are provided with each Program announcement.

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Revised: 11/09/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior