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November 23, 1999


Subject: Employee Orientation

This Personnel Bulletin describes the Department of the Interior's policy and framework for employee orientation. Employee orientation is the beginning of a life-long learning and development process that will occur throughout the employee's entire career. The orientation process also begins the acculturation of employees in the Department and in the Bureaus and Offices.

Effective March 1, 2000, all Bureaus and Offices are required to have implemented employee orientation and acculturation processes to ensure that new employees hired within the Department of the Interior (DOI) complete, within one year of appointment, a comprehensive orientation which includes both a Departmental and a Bureau/Office orientation. This policy applies to all new permanent DOI employees. However, all new employees, regardless of appointment type or work schedule, should participate in some form of orientation. Bureaus are encouraged to use applicable portions of this program to orient employees serving on time-limited appointments, contract employees and volunteers. Current DOI employees may also participate in orientation activities as time and resources allow.

Each Bureau will identify a Bureau Orientation Manager to serve as the point-of-contact for Bureau orientation programs and processes. The Bureau Orientation Manager will be responsible for administering Bureau orientation programs ensuring they meet departmental requirements and that employees have access to orientation training, materials and information.

The new employee orientation framework minimally includes topics that can be grouped into four areas: Welcome and Introduction; Basic Operations; Work Environment; and Mission, Structure and Values. The attached implementation guide will assist Bureaus/Offices in implementing this new policy. A New Employee Orientation Framework/Checklist is included in the implementation guide. It is recommended that an orientation checklist be used in the process to ensure all aspects of orientation have been successfully completed. Use of the implementation guide and checklist is optional, but each bureau should use information contained in the guide to develop, improve or enhance their program.

This policy will remain in effect until superseded or incorporated into 370 DM 410 on training and career development. Questions about this policy should be directed to Margaret Portwood, Office of Personnel Policy, (202) 208-6428.

- Signed By-

Carolyn Cohen
Director, Office of Personnel Policy

New Employee Orientation Implementation Guide

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Office of Policy Management and Budget
Last Updated on 09/26/03
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