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n Term Employment
n Temporary Appointment Pending Establishment of a Register (TAPER)
n Temporary Limited Appointment
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) may authorize a agencies to make competitive temporary appointments pending establishment of a register (TAPER appointments) to fill permanent positions when there are insufficient eligibles on a register appropriate for filling the position and the mission of the agency requires that the vacancy be filled before eligibles can be referred. The "rule of three" and veterans preference must be applied to determine which candidates are within reach for selection.

A TAPER is a nonpermanent, nonstatus appointment in the competitive service. TAPER employees may continue in the position only until there are sufficient eligibles available and OPM takes displacement action.

TAPER employees do not serve a trial or probation period. As a type of temporary appointment, TAPERs are in Tenure Group III for reduction-in-force purposes.

TAPER employees may be converted to career-conditional appointments (with permanent status) within 90 days after they complete three years of qualifying service, in addition to meeting other conditions and requirements for conversion in applicable regulations.

n 5 CFR Chapter 316
n 5 CFR Chapter 333
RELATED TOPICS: Direct-Hire Authority, Reduction-in-Force - Retention Standing

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior