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Thirty percent or more compensable disabled veterans, if qualified, may be noncompetitively appointed to positions without going through the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). A current Veterans Administration letter or military discharge papers substantiating the disability is required for applying under this program. Compensable veterans also have priority consideration for hiring from competitive recruitment sources such as OPM certificates, delegated examining or direct-hire authorities.

Each Bureau establishes annual affirmative action goals for hiring of disabled veterans as part of the affirmative employment program for people with disabilities. Each installation tracks their progress toward attaining this goal - this goal is exceeded at most installations.

Thirty percent disabled veterans are initially given a temporary appointment; duration may vary depending on type of disability and position requirements. This provides supervisors with a period of time to evaluate whether the disability impairs the performance of the full range of duties of a position. Once a supervisor certifies that the disabled veteran is successful in the position, he/she is converted to a career-conditional appointment.

Thirty percent or more disabled veterans have an additional benefit - higher retention standing within their tenure group for reduction-in-force purposes.

n 5 CFR Chapter 315
n 5 CFR Chapter  332
RELATED TOPICS: Veterans Readjustment Authority, Affirmative Employment for People with Disabilities, Reduction-in-Force-Retention Standing.

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior