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An annuitant under either the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or Federal EmployeesRetirement System (FERS) may be employed in any position for which he/she meets job, age, and physical requirements. Reemployed annuitants may be hired on a temporary or permanent basis. A nondisability annuity will usually continue during reemployment, but the amount of annuity normally will be deducted from the individual's pay.

Employment of annuitants is beneficial to management in that it provides a readily available source of highly qualified candidates, sometimes for "hard-to-fill" positions.

n 5 CFR Chapter 300
n 5 CFR Chapter  550
n 5 CFR Chapter 553
RELATED TOPICS: Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act, Preemployment Processing, Dual Compensation

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior