st4b3.gif (12265 bytes)

A change to lower grade is the noncompetitive movement of an employee to another position for which he/she qualifies at a lower grade than currently held. This is not considered an adverse action if it is voluntarily requested by the employee.

A change to lower grade candidate is considered a noncompetitive candidate, or is a noncompetitive referral, because he/she has already competed for and currently holds a position at a higher grade level than the one being filled, therefore competition is no longer required. However, changes to lower grade for restructured positions, or Upward Mobility Program positions, which are targeted above the grade level currently held by the employee, must be processed competitively. This means that all merit promotion rules apply and competition must occur between all merit promotion candidates.

Change to lower grade candidates may be referred when the selecting official requests to review this recruitment source or at any time along with merit promotion candidates. They would be referred with other noncompetition candidates such as reassignment and repromotion eligibles. 

n 5 CFR Chapter 300
n 5 CFR Chapter 335
n 370 DM 335
RELATED TOPICS: Reassignment, Reduction-in-Force, Noncompetitive Actions

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior