Personnel Manager (Placement Follow Up)

The Personnel Office conducts placement follow- ups with new employees during their initial probation period. Follow-up is also made with the supervisor to determine if the employee is performing up to expectations. Placement follow-up may also be required on inservice placement actions such as reassignments, promotions, or change to lower grade.

Supervisor and employee feedback provide a means for evaluating the placement programs in such areas as adequacy of the job analysis and Crediting Plan; quality of candidates referred; responsiveness of the selection procedures; if additional employee training is required; and other issues that may serve as a basis for future program and process improvements.

If a problem area is discovered during the course of the contact, it is brought to the attention of the appropriate personnelist who works with an organization and/or the employee to resolve any questions or problems.

RELATED TOPICS: New Employee Orientation Program

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior