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Suitability refers to identifiable character traits and past conduct which are sufficient to determine whether an individual is likely or unlikely to be able to carry out the duties of the job with appropriate efficiency and effectiveness. It also refers to statutory or regulatory bars which prevent the lawful employment of the individual into the position

Determinations must be made regarding the suitability of an individual for employment in positions in the competitive service. In making determinations, all the information of record, both favorable and unfavorable, is considered and assessed. Reasons for finding an individual unsuitable for employment include previous employment misconduct; criminal or dishonest conduct; intentional fraud in the employment process; substance abuse; and knowing and willful engagement in acts or activities designed to overthrow the United States Government.

Depending on the results, suitability action against an employee may be warranted. An unfavorable suitability determination may result in rating an applicant ineligible, canceling any eligibility an applicant may have been afforded, removing the individual from Federal service, and/or debarring the individual from future Federal employment. An individual who has been found unsuitable for employment may appeal the decision to the Merit System Protection Board.

n 5 CFR Part 731
n 5 CFR 1201

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior