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The Personnel Office normally takes a proactive approach to recruitment. Based on a knowledge of availability/nonavailability of inservice candidates, the personnelists may initiate external recruitment as soon as the fill action is received. There may even be existing lists of eligible candidates from earlier recruitment efforts which may preclude the need for new recruitment.

Lists of candidates produced from external recruitment efforts, to include referral of internal noncompetitive reassignments and change to lower grade candidates, may be issued simultaneously with Merit Promotion Certificate or only after inservice merit promotion candidates have been considered. Procedures for referring candidates from other sources depends on the restrictions and/or flexibilities provided in your Bureau's Merit Promotion Plan implementation guidance and union contract.

RELATED TOPICS: Referral Under Merit Promotion Program, Internal Recruitment Sources, External Recruitment Sources

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior