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Restructuring a position to a lower entry grade level is an option available to supevisors when recruiting internally and/or externally for a vacant positions. It normally occurs when candidates are not available at the full performance grade level. Restructuring is also an option available when utilizing certain alternative internal and external recruitment sources, such as the Upward Mobility Program, Worker-Trainee Opportunities Program, and student intern programs.

When a position is restructured in order to fill it, the position description, performance work plan, the job analysis and crediting plan are modified to reflect the lower level position duties and corresponding qualification requirements. Supervisors may have the option of selecting from candidates who meet the qualifications at the various grade levels.

Restructuring positions has a number of advantages or benefits, for example it:
  • Saves in employee salary and benefit costs

  • Opens up promotion opportunities for employees who would not otherwise qualify

  • May serve to increase representation of women, minorities, and people with disabilities for certain occupations where underrepresentation exists by opening other candidate pools

  • Provides employees that can be trained and developed to meet tailored goals and objectives

  • Increases employee morale

    Certain restructuring actions require formal training plans for employee development and periodic evaluation. Employees are promoted according to the normal line of progression, based on supervisor's recommendation, and after the employee has served the required amount of time at the lower grade level.
n 5 CFR 300
RELATED TOPICS: Formal Training Agreements and Plans , Upward Mobility Program

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior