Performance Management Responsibilities
n Critical Results
n Performance Indicators
n Performance Management Responsibilities
Employees are responsible for:

1.   Participating with their supervisor in determining critical results and related performance indicators and revising them as necessary during the rating period;

2.  Assuring that they have a clear understanding of their supervisor's expectations and requesting clarification if necessary;

3.  Managing their performance to achieve critical results and bringing to their supervisor's attention circumstances that may affect achievement of critical results;

4.  Wherever possible, seeking performance feedback from their supervisor and internal and external customers;

5.  Participating in discussions of their performance; and

6.  Taking action to improve aspects of performance identified as needing improvement.

Supervisors and Managers are responsible for:

1.  Determining critical results and performance indicators with employee input and documenting them on the performance plan;

2.  Monitoring employee performance during the rating period and communicating with employees on an ongoing basis about their performance;

3.  Conducting at least two progress reviews for each employee between the initial annual planning session and the end of the rating period;

4.  Wherever possible, obtaining and using feedback from internal and external customers, team members, coworkers, suppliers, or others as appropriate, concerning employee performance;

5.  Assisting employees throughout the rating period in improving aspects of performance identified as needing improvement;

6.  Preparing the rating of record and meeting with employees to discuss the rating and employee development needs;

7.  Recognizing employees who demonstrate high-quality performance and assuring that there is equity and consistency of consideration for Quality Step Increases (QSI) in the organization for which they are responsible; and

n Title 5 USC Ch 43
n 5 CFR Part 432
8.  Taking remedial action, in accordance with 5 CFR 432, for employees who do not achieve one or more individual critical results.

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Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior