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Right People, Right Place, Right Time

A Guide to Workforce Planning in the U.S. Department of the Interior

Table of Contents
What is Workforce Planning?
What are the Benefits of Workforce Planning?
DOI Guidelines
Program Management
GPRA/Strategic Planning
Human Resources
Workforce Planning Objectives
DOI History/Experience
DOI Workforce Planning Model
5 Phase Workforce Planning Process
Implementation Considerations
Management Leadership and Support
Do I Need A Contractor? Evaluation/Feedback/Adjustments
Planning Time Frame
Workforce Demographics and Trends
Skills and Competency Assessment
What is a Competency Model
Identification of Competencies
Planning Levels
Analyzing the Whole Workforce
Office of Personnel Management Workforce Planning Model
HHS Workforce Planning Model
HHS Key Elements in Competency Analysis
External Influences
Selected Readings
Consultant Resources


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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Policy Management and Budget
Last Updated on 09/26/03
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