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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 369. U.S. Department of Agriculture obligations for child nutrition programs, by state or jurisdiction: Fiscal years 2004 and 2005

[In thousands of dollars]
State or jurisdiction Total,
fiscal year 2004
Fiscal year 2005
Total Special milk School lunch1  School breakfast State administrative expenses Commodities and cash in lieu of commodities2  Child and
adult care
food service
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
United States3 $11,545,006 $12,103,170 $16,471 $6,890,355 $1,885,645 $122,316 $1,016,130 $1,918,403 $253,849
Alabama 216,062 229,348 63 134,787 37,153 1,714 18,130 33,102 4,398
Alaska 31,145 34,150 9 19,883 3,967 573 2,090 7,283 344
Arizona 242,291 263,064 141 155,099 39,763 2,785 20,015 44,097 1,164
Arkansas 135,003 151,671 24 82,294 26,908 1,583 12,381 26,405 2,074
California 1,493,347 1,554,521 748 938,538 241,835 14,952 103,246 241,324 13,878
Colorado 109,780 116,644 140 69,284 14,721 1,339 10,082 19,804 1,274
Connecticut 89,000 92,407 418 57,336 12,272 878 10,663 10,033 806
Delaware 30,731 33,448 47 15,349 4,388 552 2,527 9,230 1,354
District of Columbia 38,099 27,687 12 15,133 3,952 421 1,710 3,323 3,135
Florida 655,189 719,258 110 415,135 118,893 6,982 54,638 107,809 15,690
Georgia 482,052 510,059 36 281,878 91,886 4,490 44,275 76,915 10,579
Hawaii 43,172 39,765 10 27,974 6,540 504 3,927 49 762
Idaho 48,530 53,878 220 32,429 9,111 620 4,197 4,787 2,513
Illinois 446,795 384,648 3,295 275,770 47,348 4,497 39,560 4,705 9,473
Indiana 205,058 215,234 347 125,964 29,606 1,913 23,869 29,152 4,382
Iowa 99,363 104,898 99 58,528 12,329 1,600 11,440 19,733 1,169
Kansas 110,506 116,803 162 59,847 14,668 1,204 9,590 29,864 1,468
Kentucky 200,009 210,092 94 116,788 40,056 1,343 18,775 25,027 8,009
Louisiana 290,600 290,397 51 154,746 49,616 3,533 22,700 52,130 7,622
Maine 39,258 40,760 76 21,083 5,582 678 3,376 9,177 787
Maryland 155,757 168,835 470 90,348 22,828 2,200 14,663 33,573 4,752
Massachusetts 182,209 190,580 497 96,675 25,448 2,197 18,592 43,140 4,029
Michigan 294,187 310,390 843 179,314 46,468 3,310 26,083 50,280 4,091
Minnesota 183,696 188,555 1,022 88,925 19,761 2,068 18,565 55,451 2,763
Mississippi 197,519 195,086 5 112,324 38,563 1,502 13,677 25,064 3,953
Missouri 219,698 238,494 523 129,621 37,993 2,354 23,654 36,786 7,563
Montana 38,599 32,962 37 16,183 4,057 576 2,479 8,817 812
Nebraska 76,049 79,279 86 38,145 7,949 890 8,533 22,813 864
Nevada 57,731 66,515 120 44,884 11,081 701 5,126 3,833 770
New Hampshire 24,862 24,718 212 14,267 2,748 465 3,714 2,723 589
New Jersey 229,955 257,820 1,063 139,282 32,949 2,652 26,794 47,865 7,214
New Mexico 124,640 134,178 28 61,754 20,243 1,688 10,071 35,637 4,756
New York 770,045 827,036 1,071 456,276 111,087 8,229 67,043 146,616 36,714
North Carolina 382,468 387,373 194 207,768 64,404 4,002 31,993 73,753 5,258
North Dakota 26,006 26,972 89 11,706 2,586 474 2,803 8,870 445
Ohio 349,495 360,014 841 203,843 50,724 4,140 36,926 57,555 5,986
Oklahoma 189,681 203,357 56 99,840 35,215 2,302 14,585 48,912 2,447
Oregon 120,755 128,441 158 68,891 24,644 1,108 8,597 22,405 2,639
Pennsylvania 347,428 368,863 738 213,753 47,416 3,566 38,515 52,857 12,017
Rhode Island 34,112 36,738 90 20,067 5,025 873 3,165 6,424 1,093
South Carolina 206,122 216,137 10 124,966 42,661 1,919 17,540 22,937 6,103
South Dakota 32,811 33,797 45 18,128 4,474 530 3,570 6,311 740
Tennessee 246,625 263,635 35 150,573 44,114 2,945 22,275 39,729 3,964
Texas 1,270,382 1,353,600 79 784,132 261,784 11,057 100,024 168,742 27,781
Utah 95,540 99,376 79 55,301 10,341 1,108 10,996 19,537 2,015
Vermont 18,005 18,917 106 9,249 2,963 451 1,807 3,931 411
Virginia 211,645 226,176 281 133,381 35,616 1,264 21,856 28,329 5,449
Washington 195,938 206,173 290 115,403 29,681 2,497 18,018 37,743 2,542
West Virginia 80,472 84,759 46 44,807 15,982 1,111 6,143 14,926 1,745
Wisconsin 159,232 167,419 1,230 93,623 14,109 1,636 19,490 34,149 3,182
Wyoming 17,352 18,242 25 9,080 2,131 340 1,642 4,744 279
Other activities/jurisdictions                  
Administrative and other costs 9,576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Department of Defense dependents schools 5,341 5,430 0 5,399 21 0 9 0 0
American Samoa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Guam 5,945 6,592 0 4,753 1,619 0 171 49 0
Northern Marianas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Puerto Rico 181,784 185,171 0 108,322 27,782 2,028 17,337 20,565 9,137
Virgin Islands 6,801 7,124 1 4,353 796 304 359 625 685
Undistributed4  185,323 285,423 163 10,647 21,553 21,062 27,691 194,777 9,530
1 Includes the Special Meal Assistance program.
2 Commodities are based on preliminary food orders for fiscal year 2005.
3 Excludes other activities, other jurisdictions, and undistributed.
4 Undistributed amount reflects the difference between preliminary state earnings reports and federal obligations as of September 30, 2005. Undistributed amount under school lunch includes obligations of American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands.
NOTE: Data are based on obligations as reported September 30, 2005. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Budget Division, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared May 2006.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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