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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 367. U.S. Department of Education appropriations for major programs, by state or jurisdiction: Fiscal year 2005  

[In thousands]
State or jurisdiction Total Grants
for the disadvan-taged1 
Block grants to states for school im- provement2  School assistance
in federally affected areas3 
Vocational and adult education4  Education for the handi-capped5  Language assistance6  American Indian education Degree-granting institutions7  Student financial assistance8  Rehabilitation services9 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total, 50 states
 and D.C.10
$54,459,729 $13,907,514 $5,569,424 $1,080,611 $1,819,899 $11,165,171 $576,269 $95,165 $2,010,442 $15,561,488 $2,673,746
Total, 50 states,
 D.C., other activities,
 and other jurisdictions
56,815,011 14,641,638 5,862,823 1,173,528 1,891,639 11,415,151 675,765 95,165 2,060,926 16,215,878 2,782,497
Alabama 965,478 223,383 93,502 3,019 32,257 179,683 2,969 1,701 71,949 299,458 57,556
Alaska 264,113 44,770 29,058 103,063 5,705 35,936 835 9,136 12,601 12,802 10,208
Arizona 1,303,625 288,014 102,726 158,533 36,798 177,181 16,054 10,635 27,130 443,111 43,444
Arkansas 575,095 146,110 60,868 475 19,781 112,833 1,986 1,071 32,328 164,252 35,391
California 6,704,728 2,108,649 693,513 67,856 224,109 1,225,429 149,566 6,349 187,128 1,779,951 262,178
Colorado 673,903 146,142 65,264 16,327 23,936 149,610 9,948 669 25,982 205,762 30,265
Connecticut 467,519 121,781 53,633 5,712 17,224 131,970 4,440 0 11,913 100,389 20,455
Delaware 150,759 38,421 29,102 84 7,020 33,215 876 0 7,600 24,247 10,193
District of Columbia 441,936 55,280 28,741 2,129 6,168 17,388 922 0 258,665 59,183 13,460
Florida 2,761,887 705,169 265,474 11,408 103,899 622,053 38,999 60 53,857 814,421 146,546
Georgia 1,633,419 461,069 164,598 20,697 56,193 309,693 13,282 0 61,850 464,573 81,464
Hawaii 241,227 53,366 29,328 42,630 8,785 40,031 1,645 0 17,663 35,791 11,987
Idaho 263,764 52,716 30,304 7,252 9,798 54,475 2,107 444 6,704 84,238 15,725
Illinois 2,235,602 597,237 232,349 20,188 73,711 503,926 24,732 83 71,450 611,660 100,268
Indiana 958,596 200,651 90,611 165 39,474 253,821 7,644 0 24,761 277,318 64,150
Iowa 509,741 74,153 45,287 577 18,585 120,475 2,907 199 25,394 190,860 31,305
Kansas 485,877 101,305 47,082 23,348 17,059 106,947 2,418 968 24,380 135,419 26,950
Kentucky 819,572 216,825 89,219 598 29,270 161,631 2,404 0 34,939 234,410 50,275
Louisiana 1,062,465 313,643 125,381 9,679 34,580 188,156 3,317 774 50,647 278,074 58,214
Maine 242,222 54,640 33,201 2,579 8,457 55,204 500 125 11,337 60,116 16,063
Maryland 766,047 189,192 81,448 7,204 28,247 199,183 6,654 159 35,573 178,042 40,347
Massachusetts 1,029,356 255,304 101,177 655 31,026 280,354 11,259 41 32,100 271,025 46,415
Michigan 1,755,174 485,208 200,709 3,921 60,595 395,717 11,540 3,223 36,763 463,995 93,503
Minnesota 767,470 123,428 70,287 13,729 27,501 189,474 6,595 3,244 33,181 257,448 42,583
Mississippi 734,899 191,125 83,193 3,768 22,376 118,561 1,017 352 36,879 229,635 47,992
Missouri 1,034,801 222,291 101,024 21,192 36,447 223,516 4,538 105 30,569 335,667 59,452
Montana 260,664 47,413 34,487 42,144 7,520 37,286 500 2,964 18,165 58,212 11,975
Nebraska 394,794 62,691 38,027 20,593 10,886 73,746 2,143 693 9,160 158,805 18,050
Nevada 272,200 78,366 32,917 3,583 13,140 66,802 6,865 685 8,861 45,897 15,083
New Hampshire 192,772 36,787 31,101 10 8,305 47,537 1,056 0 5,737 50,911 11,329
New Jersey 1,232,015 302,799 127,319 14,945 44,448 356,902 20,187 54 26,274 283,116 55,972
New Mexico 539,478 123,964 50,124 87,069 13,999 90,109 5,347 7,905 21,915 115,873 23,174
New York 4,161,991 1,349,563 456,260 16,316 108,689 760,395 53,923 1,564 69,177 1,202,402 143,702
North Carolina 1,415,547 331,988 134,339 15,364 53,690 312,581 9,979 3,370 71,133 397,401 85,703
North Dakota 197,067 36,451 29,547 28,193 5,823 27,175 500 1,587 9,235 48,407 10,149
Ohio 1,878,028 432,595 193,650 3,023 69,891 432,079 6,567 0 41,998 581,879 116,346
Oklahoma 771,265 160,197 77,222 38,246 24,536 145,369 4,869 22,413 37,437 220,098 40,876
Oregon 589,338 153,608 59,414 2,574 21,527 127,528 5,300 2,393 14,087 169,246 33,659
Pennsylvania 2,013,124 535,670 210,016 1,251 72,008 422,921 8,983 0 39,592 602,140 120,543
Rhode Island 226,027 53,519 29,288 1,843 8,735 44,212 2,375 0 4,707 69,989 11,359
South Carolina 800,040 200,101 76,929 3,352 29,218 174,652 2,588 0 41,676 224,616 46,908
South Dakota 474,753 41,245 29,862 43,284 6,312 32,449 516 3,235 9,545 298,109 10,195
Tennessee 1,011,541 229,493 99,233 2,809 38,143 230,238 4,547 0 45,094 298,763 63,221
Texas 4,657,523 1,374,254 485,019 82,864 152,738 951,227 82,422 278 141,369 1,182,916 204,434
Utah 450,345 65,563 37,168 8,196 17,325 106,919 2,888 1,127 14,542 170,558 26,059
Vermont 155,846 34,100 28,777 8 5,633 26,359 500 134 9,289 40,859 10,187
Virginia 1,574,042 243,096 103,927 37,929 42,260 279,487 9,223 10 43,510 752,886 61,714
Washington 956,759 214,604 92,312 56,943 34,134 220,556 8,547 4,431 35,940 241,726 47,566
West Virginia 408,900 114,682 49,071 29 13,327 75,776 611 0 23,733 105,977 25,696
Wisconsin 824,032 180,305 87,636 12,173 33,163 208,708 6,172 2,463 36,501 202,486 54,426
Wyoming 152,361 34,591 28,699 11,081 5,448 27,697 500 522 8,426 26,369 9,029
Other activities/jurisdictions                      
Indian Tribe (Set-Aside) 277,138 102,599 33,522 0 14,929 88,988 5,000 0 0 0 32,099
Other 330,445 70,221 48,481 91,222 21,065 10,000 88,222 0 0 0 1,234
American Samoa 95,936 10,554 7,283 0 408 6,723 1,153 0 500 2,652 66,665
Guam 50,707 9,411 10,655 51 874 15,044 1,190 0 4,682 7,547 1,253
Marshall Islands 1,931 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,931 0 0
Federated States of Micronesia 7,914 0 0 0 48 6,579 0 0 1,287 0 0
Northern Mariana Islands 19,568 4,453 4,194 0 479 5,113 905 0 1,612 1,473 1,338
Palau 14,570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,844 12,726 0
Puerto Rico 1,516,012 523,445 179,928 1,531 32,830 108,121 2,896 0 36,260 627,085 3,916
Virgin Islands 41,061 13,441 9,336 113 1,106 9,412 131 0 2,368 2,907 2,246
1 Title I includes Grants to Local Education Agencies (Basic, Concentration, Targeted, and Education Finance Incentive Grants); Reading First State Grants; Even Start; Migrant Education Grants; Neglected and Delinquent Children Grants; and Comprehensive School Reform Grants.
2 Title VI includes Teacher Quality State Grants; 21st Century Community Learning Centers; Educational Technology State Grants; State Grants for Innovative Programs; state assessments, including No Child Left Behind; Education for the Homeless Children and Youth; Rural and Low-Income Schools Program; Small, Rural School Achievement Program; Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities State Grants; and Mathematics and Science Partnerships.
3 Includes Impact Aid—Basic Support Payments; Impact Aid—Payments for Children with Disabilities; and Impact Aid—Construction.
4 Includes Vocational Education State Grants; English Literacy and Civics Education State Grants; Tech-Prep Education; State Grants for Incarcerated Youth Offenders; and Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants.
5 Includes Special Education—Grants to States; Preschool Grants; and Grants for Infants and Families.
6 Includes Language Acquisition State Grants.
7 Includes Institutional Aid to Strengthen Higher Education Institutions serving significant numbers of low-income students; Other Special Programs for the Disadvantaged; Cooperative Education; Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education; Fellowships and Scholarships; and annual interest subsidy grants for facilities construction.
8 Includes Pell Grants; Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership; Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants; Federal Work-Study; and Guaranteed Student Loan interest subsidies.
9 Includes Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants; Supported Employment State Grants; Client Assistance State Grants; Independent Living State Grants; Services for Older Blind Individuals; Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology; Assistive Technology State Grant Program; and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights.
10 Total excludes other activities and other jurisdictions.
NOTE: Data reflect revisions to figures in the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2007. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Budget Service, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared May 2006.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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