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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 355. Total expenditures of private not-for-profit and for-profit degree-granting institutions, by level and state or jurisdiction: 1997–98 through 2003–04

[In thousands of current dollars]
State or jurisdiction Not–for–profit institutions For–profit institutions
1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2002–03 2003–04
Total 4–year 2–year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
United States $69,300,699 $75,516,696 $80,613,037 $85,625,016 $92,192,297 $99,757,733 $104,317,870 $103,733,257 $584,612 $6,112,791 $7,364,012
Alabama 351,948 366,326 393,465 400,987 419,872 435,190 440,158 434,184 5,974 40,885 51,435
Alaska 10,202 16,663 19,042 19,106 19,823 20,561 20,916 20,916 3,975 3,975
Arizona 117,603 129,980 143,698 160,787 162,471 182,548 141,307 137,268 4,039 606,684 811,709
Arkansas 160,182 164,307 230,860 197,313 213,645 216,809 224,969 223,633 1,336 8,815 10,544
California 5,740,704 7,417,634 7,871,651 8,682,192 9,588,524 10,268,563 10,838,473 10,711,139 127,334 970,021 1,061,082
Colorado 303,769 335,298 376,887 399,613 430,242 450,245 486,523 483,133 3,390 202,309 250,744
Connecticut 1,792,100 1,894,898 2,094,981 2,193,752 2,343,067 2,517,664 2,684,855 2,679,916 4,939 24,930 23,325
Delaware 37,647 43,320 52,533 56,670 62,625 70,783 80,634 78,168 2,466
District of Columbia 2,492,285 2,641,207 2,267,409 2,230,368 2,387,245 2,530,695 2,673,493 2,673,493 96,971 115,876
Florida 1,776,443 1,905,829 2,031,623 2,247,374 2,472,362 2,695,985 2,908,264 2,888,622 19,642 555,859 847,890
Georgia 2,289,149 2,508,080 2,635,438 2,795,105 2,946,777 3,188,042 3,266,674 3,243,370 23,304 270,926 266,573
Hawaii 111,103 122,340 209,135 138,660 146,050 152,348 173,261 173,261 16,924 17,941
Idaho 104,558 110,393 118,150 130,256 139,029 147,022 152,512 152,512 8,369 9,716
Illinois 4,720,747 5,130,189 5,668,566 5,910,538 6,188,489 6,304,076 6,666,469 6,656,659 9,810 322,046 364,853
Indiana 1,125,545 1,246,522 1,343,315 1,425,665 1,525,312 1,612,609 1,702,487 1,696,526 5,961 136,851 195,155
Iowa 673,346 689,698 740,760 767,891 800,428 847,857 875,162 863,937 11,225 30,287 59,742
Kansas 187,707 196,897 208,729 222,036 232,720 237,781 252,050 238,958 13,092 7,356 8,402
Kentucky 347,011 375,598 400,513 406,358 437,092 458,584 457,484 457,484 78,431 104,940
Louisiana 673,645 692,914 746,629 773,107 828,300 876,419 909,744 909,744 52,983 62,234
Maine 271,228 290,439 316,114 341,350 373,835 384,085 399,609 398,275 1,334 5,171 5,253
Maryland 1,994,345 2,113,725 2,205,880 2,410,284 2,725,616 3,019,626 3,271,571 3,271,571 25,306 36,659
Massachusetts 6,845,932 7,218,867 7,591,344 8,187,834 8,831,619 9,506,793 10,037,913 10,025,556 12,357 44,673 60,609
Michigan 901,576 936,454 995,384 1,065,100 1,134,361 1,206,723 1,259,243 1,256,151 3,092 37,532 47,021
Minnesota 874,507 930,959 1,004,427 1,093,937 1,164,763 1,157,173 1,222,082 1,199,303 22,779 216,771 260,327
Mississippi 130,497 136,859 150,123 156,292 158,464 167,822 170,290 170,290 5,363 6,443
Missouri 1,988,750 2,019,795 2,144,299 2,380,876 2,561,036 3,355,385 2,961,937 2,941,125 20,811 126,696 157,178
Montana 57,049 64,772 69,426 74,446 72,297 78,561 86,364 78,002 8,362
Nebraska 338,473 355,512 387,569 422,879 445,634 840,326 510,418 508,082 2,336 14,444 15,773
Nevada 7,440 7,679 7,006 9,130 10,919 9,657 8,677 8,677 43,598 65,642
New Hampshire 523,575 572,609 589,823 654,213 719,549 786,283 837,504 836,506 998 37,787 39,577
New Jersey 1,160,843 1,252,181 1,362,090 1,479,492 1,588,295 1,641,561 1,765,956 1,764,159 1,797 74,683 79,531
New Mexico 51,204 47,256 54,280 63,824 60,571 59,119 52,502 52,502 32,449 33,962
New York 10,525,903 11,511,493 12,519,671 13,099,910 14,177,942 15,801,483 16,557,418 16,498,070 59,349 540,167 560,525
North Carolina 2,761,327 3,292,928 3,530,337 3,845,125 3,978,481 4,224,812 4,439,832 4,428,393 11,439 24,574 31,080
North Dakota 45,200 51,613 56,000 59,677 63,207 68,513 83,942 61,422 22,520 2,012 2,962
Ohio 1,912,254 2,017,835 2,211,035 2,368,824 2,530,980 2,637,737 2,843,939 2,830,333 13,606 167,023 200,456
Oklahoma 323,212 319,214 338,276 360,772 363,611 370,604 367,119 367,119 49,721 47,722
Oregon 398,742 424,420 456,683 447,516 473,270 487,996 512,749 512,749 57,669 65,534
Pennsylvania 6,952,322 7,219,858 7,590,629 7,841,530 8,397,080 8,894,900 9,386,083 9,283,974 102,109 401,065 462,037
Rhode Island 696,398 737,297 828,715 897,056 978,710 1,062,719 1,141,689 1,141,689 8,735
South Carolina 366,727 392,369 408,127 432,035 483,551 507,157 532,950 521,539 11,411 13,949 16,845
South Dakota 59,837 64,155 69,555 75,488 90,290 94,117 93,352 90,104 3,248 17,721 18,468
Tennessee 1,804,783 1,842,893 1,971,564 2,131,732 2,367,380 2,609,840 2,819,415 2,812,195 7,220 91,545 114,385
Texas 2,080,235 2,249,979 2,490,597 2,662,275 2,921,130 3,142,104 3,266,787 3,252,795 13,992 247,302 287,165
Utah 553,754 610,830 648,035 694,025 741,519 785,441 824,774 819,060 5,714 49,031 51,788
Vermont 306,150 333,738 347,293 369,832 382,794 400,154 426,338 407,833 18,506 24,224 23,972
Virginia 833,774 891,622 944,905 1,000,236 1,057,465 1,109,551 1,224,687 1,221,025 3,662 158,870 197,747
Washington 492,504 544,781 600,315 594,393 639,129 674,622 737,957 737,957 84,366 102,174
West Virginia 160,681 162,994 170,653 185,101 194,652 201,085 197,437 197,437 19,713 21,921
Wisconsin 865,782 913,475 999,502 1,062,053 1,160,074 1,258,006 1,321,899 1,316,443 5,457 28,456 33,595
Wyoming 36,289 42,792
Other jurisdictions 372,019 413,323 431,216 456,532 494,476 680,257 578,021 566,739 11,282 58,180 69,613
Guam 1,160 1,161 999 999
Puerto Rico 372,019 413,323 431,216 456,532 493,316 679,096 577,023 565,741 11,282 58,180 69,613
†Not applicable.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1997–98 through 2003–04 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY98–99), and Spring 2001 through Spring 2005. (This table was prepared May 2006.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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