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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 334. State awards for need-based undergraduate scholarship and grant programs, by state: Selected years, 1989–90 through 2004–05 

[In thousands]
State 1989–90 1990–91 1993–941  1994–951  1995–961  1996–971  1997–981  1998–991  1999–20001  2000–011  2001–021  2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 Percent change, 1994–95 to 2004–052 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Need-based undergraduate aid as a
percent of all need-based and
non-need-based aid3
76.8   77.4   75.7 77.5 84.4 83.5   81.5 79.9   76.7   75.1   74.4 76.7   74.4 73.0
Need-based aid $1,529,421   $1,658,221   $2,195,993 $2,421,952 $2,435,687 $2,555,667   $2,735,670 $2,927,206   $3,102,348   $3,475,500   $3,790,435 $3,930,714   $4,226,378 $4,644,599 91.8
Alabama 2,984   2,878   2,283 2,281 2,142 1,950   2,270 2,046   1,831   1,820   1,841 1,646   3,260 1,167 -48.8
Alaska 228   464   454 444 430 213   240 0   0   0   0  
Arizona 3,420   3,318   3,476 3,482 2,291 2,748   3,160 2,731   2,727   2,990   2,812 2,790   2,865 2,954 -15.2
Arkansas 3,946   3,885   7,701 8,907 10,765 12,569   13,160 15,922   25,010   30,887   29,006 20,981   19,931 17,420 95.6
California 153,045   161,642   207,969 232,067 235,582 257,544   284,410 331,636   369,785   461,914   514,348 544,893   654,549 723,165 211.6
Colorado 10,349   11,276   16,480 18,252 21,076 28,236   31,670 41,884   41,884 4  41,884 4  46,700 43,178   47,834 45,731 150.6
Connecticut 19,915   20,580   20,641 20,690 20,372 20,297   26,360 33,113   37,001   44,364   44,820 15,938 5  36,434 36,434 76.1
Delaware 956   1,066   1,270 1,033 1,188 959   1,290 1,409   967   1,057   1,211 1,713   11,553 8,513 724.1
District of Columbia 1,069   947   1,022 1,022 939 939 6  940 728   743   781   1,321   27,572 2,778 171.8
Florida 20,134   24,729   31,277 36,824 34,822 33,854   35,680 36,659   44,892   66,193   75,656 88,731   88,496 93,816 154.8
Georgia 4,607   5,070   26,853 5,147 4,757 2,165   1,060 472   0   0   1,540 1,501   1,460 1,516 -70.5
Hawaii 726   612   748 732 499 379   590 493   490   535   531 408   408 418 -42.9
Idaho 346   350   634 779 763 714   710 756   830   700   814 874   823 976 25.3
Illinois 171,361   183,508   214,809 244,352 256,872 272,898   288,870 315,657   337,003   359,932   384,477 343,262   339,624 338,192 38.4
Indiana 41,874   46,756   55,814 67,742 68,340 77,834   85,040 99,490   104,737   110,147   114,708 135,892   150,706 160,813 137.4
Iowa 32,467   35,586   34,718 35,642 38,953 41,938   44,900 48,242   51,351   52,632   51,191 49,620   48,838 50,847 42.7
Kansas 6,478   6,462   9,060 9,802 9,526 10,171   10,310 11,669   12,265   12,692   12,974   14,073 15,061 53.7
Kentucky 12,605   19,866   20,619 25,517 26,215 28,902   27,200 38,441   40,118   45,327   48,322 51,742   68,433 75,385 195.4
Louisiana 2,786   3,827   6,374 6,429 6,580 7,172   8,190 1,393   1,388   1,463   1,452 1,452   1,452 1,485 -76.9
Maine 1,877   4,802   5,170 5,787 6,988 6,636   7,700 7,700 4  10,360   11,961   12,021 12,547   12,561 12,608 117.9
Maryland 14,800   15,607   23,713 24,571 30,350 36,264   37,190 38,515   39,592   43,665   45,535 39,512   46,503 52,736 114.6
Massachusetts 50,844   46,000   45,059 61,850 54,565 57,413   74,340 92,127   102,056   114,058   110,711 83,177   79,714 79,503 28.5
Michigan 70,721   68,918   79,735 81,340 84,154 85,872   90,480 92,299   91,109   102,164   106,244 95,719   91,782 91,972 13.1
Minnesota 58,136   74,656   102,920 97,920 92,069 92,707   96,400 113,381   113,714   120,426   130,370 133,586   119,583 130,986 33.8
Mississippi 1,243   1,136   1,255 1,248 1,175 540   1,070 859   1,563   1,563 4  1,489 1,340   17,226 2,081 66.7
Missouri 10,796   11,078   11,124 11,913 12,233 13,681   14,690 20,003   24,100   28,058   27,847 25,603   25,111 24,294 103.9
Montana 415   383   401 419 393 314   460 474   1,990   2,204   2,810 2,824   2,541 3,018 620.3
Nebraska 1,276   2,192   2,686 2,726 3,114 3,211   4,090 4,692   5,645   5,975   7,380 2,458   8,742 8,337 205.8
Nevada 352 6  321   342 342 2,595 3,180   5,900 5,900 4  6,083   6,529   6,545   7,755 9,999 2,823.7
New Hampshire 918   770   840 1,425 765 669   1,330 1,744   1,497   1,488   3,066 3,170   3,647 3,643 155.6
New Jersey 84,347   87,054   135,251 159,683 132,383 152,458   153,420 160,859   170,015   174,554   187,756 191,913   198,722 217,806 36.4
New Mexico 5,601   6,479   9,266 13,886 14,629 14,289   14,510 16,229   15,745   17,469   15,950 12,906   2,424 14,267 2.7
New York 382,655   428,358   618,849 636,704 625,711 629,940   636,760 619,065   599,435   645,090   684,342 737,075   856,143 886,018 39.2
North Carolina 3,046   2,519   14,436 13,774 16,659 17,435   37,090 41,579   50,572   58,769   71,897 76,344   107,211 105,586 666.6
North Dakota 1,242   1,177   2,036 1,996 1,898 2,202   2,070 2,016   2,076   779   1,402 1,397   1,346 1,407 -29.5
Ohio 53,848   54,600   77,940 91,225 86,053 86,770   92,950 93,122   95,482   98,607   112,264 132,293   144,777 159,549 74.9
Oklahoma 11,591   11,871   13,405 13,325 13,642 14,558   16,920 17,387   17,579   19,608   22,091 22,272   28,027 37,273 179.7
Oregon 10,092   11,809   12,903 13,761 13,651 16,241   15,800 16,027   17,891   19,711   19,866 17,290   21,782 23,137 68.1
Pennsylvania 132,344   142,389   188,751 218,604 232,020 240,459   251,550 270,724   280,402   325,234   337,014 348,788   360,816 365,712 67.3
Rhode Island 9,917   9,522   6,500 6,340 5,741 5,699   6,010 5,717   6,098   6,164   6,077 6,310   12,297 13,821 118.0
South Carolina 18,150   17,901   16,795 17,297 18,622 21,540   21,920 22,853   33,198   39,098   34,971 26,127 5  41,181 45,848 165.1
South Dakota 504   468   589 589 562 346   0 0   0   0   0  
Tennessee 12,977   13,487   16,755 18,313 18,811 18,652   20,440 20,648   21,383   29,304   37,320 45,806   41,833 121,987 566.1
Texas 24,784   24,135   29,102 29,102 40,768 42,761   60,670 61,728   93,814   106,382   197,252 318,784   156,529 336,433 1,056.0
Utah 1,091   1,001   1,132 1,129 1,197 2,170   1,960 1,957   2,656   2,511   4,069 3,779   3,713 6,705 493.9
Vermont 11,137   10,184   11,167 11,788 11,865 11,309   12,330 12,760   13,739   14,327   15,545 16,225   16,858 15,690 33.1
Virginia 7,966   7,351   6,408 53,885 59,568 59,025   59,260 62,972   66,641   70,260   70,289 69,138   77,346 82,872 53.8
Washington 13,925   21,095   46,617 53,369 56,573 58,149   69,430 74,159   76,581   90,651   101,247 113,345   126,096 138,943 160.3
West Virginia 5,217   5,559   5,802 6,761 8,132 10,527   12,140 13,103   16,135   18,217   21,054 19,175   22,863 23,966 254.5
Wisconsin 38,072   42,365   46,592 49,511 46,470 49,008   50,540 53,711   52,020   65,356   62,124 67,029   72,775 79,118 59.8
Wyoming 241 6  212 6  250 225 219 160   200 155   155   0   163 161   163 167 -25.8
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
1 Estimated.
2 Changes may reflect introduction of new programs or discontinuation of existing programs.
3 Includes aid for graduate education and data for Puerto Rico. Participation requirements vary from state to state.
4 Prior-year data used for nonreporting states.
5 May include 2001–02 data.
6 Data are estimated based on prior year's report.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs, Annual Survey Report, 1989–90 through 2004–05. Retrieved on August 9, 2006, from (This table was prepared August 2006.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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