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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 183. Fall enrollment and number of degree-granting institutions, by control and affiliation of institution: Selected years, 1980 through 2005 
Control and affiliation1  Total enrollment Enrollment, fall 2005 Number of institutions2 
Fall 1980 Fall 1990 Fall 1995 Fall 2000 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Total Full-time Part-time
Males Females Males Females Fall 1980 Fall 1990 Fall 2000 Fall 2004 Fall 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
All institutions 12,096,895 13,818,637 14,261,781 15,312,289 16,900,471 17,272,044 17,487,475 4,803,388 5,993,623 2,652,537 4,037,927 3,226 3,501 4,056 4,194 4,253
Public institutions 9,457,394 10,844,717 11,092,374 11,752,786 12,857,059 12,980,112 13,021,834 3,350,485 4,058,276 2,238,738 3,374,335 1,493 1,548 1,676 1,694 1,675
Federal 50,989 50,669 90,046 16,917 20,636 20,090 20,197 13,760 4,591 474 1,372 12 17 12 13 13
State (3) 7,181,380 7,842,782 9,548,090 10,486,958 10,643,035 10,691,230 2,924,101 3,550,032 1,682,563 2,534,534 (3) 978 1,355 1,368 1,352
Local (3) 3,508,941 3,023,723 2,078,090 2,177,133 2,128,924 2,123,212 365,193 445,348 524,751 787,920 (3) 523 277 266 265
Other public 9,406,405 103,727 135,823 109,689 172,332 188,063 187,195 47,431 58,305 30,950 50,509 1,481 30 32 47 45
Private institutions 2,639,501 2,973,920 3,169,407 3,559,503 4,043,412 4,291,932 4,465,641 1,452,903 1,935,347 413,799 663,592 1,733 1,953 2,380 2,500 2,578
Independent not-for-profit 1,521,614 1,474,818 1,511,151 1,577,242 1,708,135 1,758,209 1,783,462 596,407 714,159 190,124 282,772 795 709 729 747 753
For-profit 111,714 213,693 240,363 450,084 702,694 880,247 1,010,949 331,742 492,776 70,661 115,770 164 322 724 865 933
Religiously affiliated 1,006,173 1,285,409 1,417,893 1,532,177 1,632,583 1,653,476 1,671,230 524,754 728,412 153,014 265,050 774 922 927 888 892
Advent Christian Church 143 1
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1,091 88 34 1,312 1,343 1,269 661 514 53 41 3 1 1 3 3
African Methodist Episcopal 4,541 3,220 3,503 5,980 4,026 3,788 3,475 1,659 1,677 62 77 6 5 6 5 5
American Baptist 6,131 10,800 11,394 15,410 16,073 14,545 14,358 3,848 5,346 1,626 3,538 11 15 17 17 16
American Evangelical Lutheran Church 779 743 1,413 1,414 1,435 619 709 44 63 1 1 1
American Lutheran and Lutheran Church in America 3,092 1,304 1,460 3 1
American Lutheran 21,608 10,459 13
Assemblies of God Church 7,814 8,307 9,652 14,272 13,321 13,826 14,095 5,140 6,759 1,035 1,161 10 11 14 14 14
Baptist 38,231 99,510 105,802 107,610 120,198 120,898 126,649 42,075 57,251 11,486 15,837 33 69 68 70 73
Brethren Church 3,925 958 1,456 2,088 8,762 8,437 8,003 2,243 2,854 1,052 1,854 3 3 3 3 3
Brethren in Christ Church 1,301 2,239 2,416 2,797 20,900 21,776 22,045 7,254 9,474 2,024 3,293 1 1 1 12 12
Christian and Missionary Alliance Church 1,705 2,519 3,723 5,278 5,866 5,974 6,320 1,998 2,806 585 931 3 4 4 4 4
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 14,913 30,397 33,029 35,984 41,436 43,139 44,923 11,815 18,956 5,549 8,603 12 18 16 17 17
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ 1,342 2,263 3,494 7,277 9,078 9,529 9,686 3,972 4,042 908 764 7 8 18 19 19
Christian Methodist Episcopal 2,486 2,174 2,598 1,502 3,647 3,517 3,778 1,751 1,824 78 125 4 4 1 3 3
Christian Reformed Church 5,408 4,488 4,205 5,999 5,963 5,774 5,757 2,592 2,806 172 187 3 2 3 3 3
Church of Christ (Scientist) 2,773 2,557 4,320 6 8
Church of God of Prophecy 249 1
Church of God 6,082 5,627 4,410 12,540 13,743 13,669 14,030 4,515 6,243 1,447 1,825 9 9 7 7 7
Church of New Jerusalem 170 1
Church of the Brethren 8,482 4,463 2,812 4,187 4,660 5,293 5,382 2,071 2,845 182 284 6 5 4 5 5
Church of the Nazarene 11,716 10,779 14,466 16,661 19,657 19,957 20,418 6,612 9,205 1,682 2,919 10 9 12 10 10
Churches of Christ 9,343 14,611 22,807 30,140 32,226 32,766 33,072 11,282 13,653 3,344 4,793 9 19 19 20 20
Cumberland Presbyterian 594 746 799 1,112 1,610 1,625 1,710 581 665 186 278 2 2 2 2 2
Evangelical Congregational Church 80 88 65 148 153 156 170 19 3 91 57 1 1 1 1 1
Evangelical Covenant Church of America 1,401 1,035 1,745 2,387 2,531 2,563 2,684 691 1,161 238 594 1 1 1 1 1
Evangelical Free Church of America 833 2,355 3,778 4,022 2,846 2,972 3,063 880 772 932 479 1 2 3 2 2
Evangelical Lutheran Church 743 49,210 39,089 49,085 53,330 54,138 54,726 20,912 27,720 2,233 3,861 3 33 34 35 35
Free Methodist 5,543 5,902 8,696 7,323 8,921 8,929 9,250 2,564 4,703 589 1,394 5 3 4 4 4
Free Will Baptist Church 1,132 1,177 1,467 2,378 2,955 3,244 3,519 1,003 1,453 504 559 4 3 4 4 4
Friends United Meeting 1,109 1
Friends 5,157 5,844 6,600 10,898 12,009 12,681 13,387 4,324 6,123 1,116 1,824 5 6 8 7 7
General Conference Mennonite Church 820 1,243 1,046 1,059 2 2 1
Greek Orthodox 204 148 168 132 252 255 184 133 44 7 0 1 1 1 1 1
Interdenominational 1,254 11,103 5,571 9,788 21,603 22,120 22,493 7,053 8,419 3,163 3,858 4 17 14 22 23
Jewish 5,738 12,217 11,481 14,182 7,608 7,777 7,847 5,896 1,108 286 557 24 63 62 32 33
Latter-Day Saints 39,172 42,274 40,086 44,680 48,105 49,636 50,840 21,662 22,312 3,370 3,496 4 4 4 4 4
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod 11,727 13,827 11,315 18,866 21,189 22,748 19,686 5,822 7,641 2,065 4,158 15 14 13 13 12
Lutheran Church in America 23,877 5,796 4,321 4,322 4,500 4,441 8,243 3,304 4,192 257 490 20 5 2 2 3
Mennonite Brethren Church 1,344 1,864 2,269 2,390 2,889 2,813 2,751 702 1,080 336 633 3 3 3 3 3
Mennonite Church 4,008 2,859 3,502 3,553 3,922 4,112 4,186 1,534 2,068 213 371 6 5 5 6 6
Missionary Church Inc. 487 699 1,352 1,647 1,848 1,988 1,959 524 853 190 392 1 1 1 1 1
Moravian Church 2,434 2,511 2,804 2,939 3,193 3,363 3,116 669 1,633 162 652 2 2 2 3 2
Multiple Protestant denominations 5,526 211 164 4,690 4,686 5,092 5,159 1,325 1,472 1,429 933 8 1 7 6 7
North American Baptist 155 186 124 136 105 107 38 25 22 22 1 1 1 1
Pentecostal Holiness Church 767 566 1,002 976 977 1,013 1,105 429 462 103 111 3 3 2 2 3
Presbyterian U.S.A. and United Presbyterian 47,144 77,700 70,357 78,950 82,350 81,207 82,141 29,910 41,190 3,513 7,528 57 70 64 60 60
Presbyterian Church in America 1,877 3,809 4,499 4,371 4,370 2,953 1,066 812 740 335 1 5 4 3
Protestant Episcopal 5,396 4,559 4,603 5,479 4,953 5,360 4,970 2,090 2,461 207 212 12 9 12 11 11
Protestant, other 4,072 38,136 60,386 30,116 19,107 11,244 11,589 3,729 4,368 1,663 1,829 11 44 34 20 20
Reformed Church in America 2,713 5,525 5,582 6,002 6,321 6,424 6,311 2,443 3,460 195 213 4 4 5 5 5
Reformed Episcopal Church 67 1
Reformed Presbyterian Church 2,014 1,556 1,771 2,355 3,143 3,180 3,090 1,151 1,397 286 256 4 2 2 3 3
Reorganized Latter-Day Saints Church 4,274 4,793 11,063 3,390 2 1 2
Roman Catholic 422,842 530,585 594,464 636,336 684,294 695,069 694,517 190,351 291,992 70,956 141,218 229 239 239 243 241
Russian Orthodox 47 38 32 106 89 103 104 72 12 14 6 1 1 1 1 1
Seventh-Day Adventists 19,168 15,771 17,519 19,223 651 722 803 110 365 43 285 11 11 13 1 1
Southern Baptist 85,281 49,493 46,042 54,275 38,313 41,762 38,710 10,507 14,243 5,720 8,240 54 29 32 21 21
Nondenominational 6,758 18,729 23,573 32,257 25,465 26,340 7,138 8,745 5,133 5,324 14 16 17 16
Unitarian Universalist 87 82 126 132 188 197 200 47 75 20 58 2 2 2 2 2
United Brethren Church 545 601 721 938 969 959 1,005 380 457 82 86 1 1 1 1 1
United Church of Christ 14,169 20,175 24,013 23,709 23,661 28,499 28,651 9,119 12,827 2,092 4,613 16 18 18 20 20
United Methodist 127,099 148,851 148,091 171,109 180,177 185,853 191,468 67,401 89,944 12,481 21,642 91 96 100 99 99
Wesleyan Church 3,583 5,311 7,734 11,128 15,059 16,778 18,043 6,019 10,446 542 1,036 5 4 4 6 6
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod 808 931 1,165 1,660 1,726 1,641 1,571 647 816 59 49 1 3 2 2 2
Other religiously affiliated 462 5,743 11,551 2,534 7,410 7,227 7,884 2,402 3,929 447 1,106 1 9 4 7 10
—Not available.
1 Religious affiliation as reported by institution.
2 Counts of institutions in this table may be lower than reported in other tables, because counts in this table include only institutions reporting separate enrollment data.
3 Included under "Other public."
NOTE: Data through 1995 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. (See Guide to Sources for details.)
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education" and "Institutional Characteristics" surveys, 1980; and 1990 through 2005 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:90–95), "Institutional Characteristics Survey" (IPEDS-IC:90–95), and Spring 2003 through Spring 2006. (This table was prepared August 2006.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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