DOI Wide Activities

SEPTEMBER 2008 | OCTOBER 2008 | NOVEMBER 2008 | DECEMBER 2008 | JANUARY 2009 | FEBRUARY 2009 | MARCH 2009 | APRIL 2009 | MAY 2009

May 2009

DOI Safety and Health Council Meeting

The next DOI Safety and Health Council meeting will be held in Albuquerque, NM on April 12 - 14, 2009. The meeting will be held at the new BIA Training Center on Indian School Road. The meeting starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 4:30 AM. The agenda topics include:

  • SHARE Analysis/Data Work Group2
  • 2009 Safety Week: Reporting on activities for 2009 - Organizational Safety Award: Establish a work group for this in 2009.
  • Safety Awards: New tiered award structure
  • Red Rocks Training update
  • Risk Assessment Process (Jim Meredith/Mike May)
  • 2011 Initiatives (e.g. marketing activities, DOI Certification Program, NSC Corporate Membership)
  • 2010 Safety Week (What will it look like?)
  • What is being measured on the strategic plan and how will we do it?
  • Develop and implement safety program management courses (There is an approved 2010 initiative that could incorporate this idea.)  Could Red Rocks convert this type of training into an online course?  Would this fit into the existing contract?
  • Potential Day 3: Half day spent on training or field trip to VPP site (Mike May to follow up) or teambuilding or Red Rocks speaker
  • SMIS Inspection/Abatement module
  • Update on the DASHO meeting
  • 2010 Safety and Health Budget
  • 2011 Safety and Health Budget

Data Analysis Work Group Meeting

The Data Analysis Work Group will be working in Denver the week of May 18. The Work Group is conducting a study of the injury and illnesses filed in FY 2008 to determine why DOI missed two of the four Safety, Health, and Return to Employment (SHARE) Goals. The steps in the study and the milestones include:

Step Step
1. Determine exact number of FY 2008 cases.
2. Pick statistically significant number of cases.
3. Select the cases from SMIS and create first data base.
4. Review first data base, compare back to original list, replace outliers, create new data base.
5. Develop standardized questionnaire for telephone interviews.
6. Milestone: Determine project viability.
a. Estimate level of effort required to develop and complete the data collection.
b. Approval of data collection protocols.
c. DASHO Council approval of data collection protocols.
d. Bureau support for the data collection effort.
e. Permission from bureaus for access to their employees for data collection effort.
7. Train interviewers and distribute questioner.
8. Conduct Interviews
9. Collect Data
10. Enter data into data base.
11. Analyze data quality.
12. Revisit/collect additional data as necessary.
13. Develop reports.
14. Write conclusions and recommendations. 
15. Present findings to DASHO Council
16. Present findings to Secretary for implementation of recommended actions.

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April 2009

Mineral Management Service holds safety meeting

The Mineral Management Service’s Safety and Health managers and Collateral Duty Safety Officers met in Reston Virginia to plan their activities for the coming year and develop a charter for their umbrella committee. Early in the week they developed strategy for achieving the goals in the safety and health strategic plan. On the last day they developed a new charter for their safety and health committee.

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March 2009

Designated Agency Safety and Health Official Council Meeting

The next DOI Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO) meeting will be held in Washington, D.C. on March 26, 2009. The meeting will be in the Secretary’s Conference Room on the fifth floor of the Main Interior Building. The meeting starts at 9:30 AM and ends at 11:00 AM. The agenda topics include:

  • Recovery Act
  • SMIS Project
  • OIG Audit Report
  • Safety and Health Council Report
  • FY 2011 Budget Guidance

DOI Safety Council Meeting, Washington, DC

The next DOI Safety and Health meeting will be in Washington D.C., February 24-26, 2009. The agenda topics include:

  • EMC: Input on “Gray” Card development
  • SHARE Analysis
  • Organizational Structure: Safety Offices
  • 2009 Safety Week
  • 2010 Safety Seminar
  • Safety Awards:
    • Organizational Safety Award
  • Red Rocks Training
  • DM chapter review

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February 2009

DOI Safety and Health Training at Reston, Virginia

The next two courses offered by DOI for professional development, Fall Arrest Systems and Trenching and Excavations, will be conducted in Reston, Virginia during the weeks of March 18th and 23rd.  The DOI Safety and Health Council has requested that full time safety professionals get first priority for attending these courses.  Collateral Duty Safety Officers (CDSOs) will be admitted to these courses once all full time safety personnel have been enrolled.  For those interested in attending, please contact Bob Garbe through your bureau or office safety manager at: (303) 236-7128 ext 230.  Bob will send a list of confirmed participants for each class to each bureau safety manager by 2/29/09.

Serious Accident Investigation to be taught by BLM at their Phoenix Training Center

The Bureau of Land Management, in conjunction with the U.S. Forest Service will be teaching the Serious Accident Investigation Course at their Phoenix Training Facility the week of March 9th.  The class will begin at 8:30 A.M. on Tuesday.  For additional information contact Louis Rowe, the BLM Safety and Occupational Health Manager at 202.254.3319.

DOI Safety Council Meeting, Washington, DC

The next DOI Safety and Health meeting will be in Washington D.C., February 24-26, 2009.  The agenda topics include:

  • EMC: Input on “Gray” Card development
  • SHARE Analysis
  • Organizational Structure: Safety Offices
  • 2009 Safety Week
  • 2010 Safety Seminar
  • Safety Awards: Organizational Safety Award
  • Red Rocks Training
  • DM chapter review

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January 2009

DOI Safety and Health Training at Red Rocks

The next two courses offered by DOI for professional development, Industrial Toxicology and Hazardous Materials, will be conducted at Red Rocks during the weeks of January 19th and 26th.  The DOI Safety and Health Council has requested that full time safety professionals get first priority for attending these courses.  Collateral Duty Safety Officers (CDSOs) will be admitted to these courses once all full time safety personnel have been enrolled.  For those interested in attending, please contact Bob Garbe through your bureau or office safety manager at: (303) 236-7128 ext 230.  Bob will send a list of confirmed participants for each class to each bureau safety manager by 1/16/09.

DOI Safety Council Meeting, Washington, DC

The next DOI Safety and Health meeting will be in Washington D.C., February 24-26, 2009.  The agenda topics include:

  • EMC: Input on “Gray” Card development
  • SHARE Analysis
  • Organizational Structure: Safety Offices
  • 2009 Safety Week
  • 2010 Safety Seminar
  • Safety Awards: Organizational Safety Award
  • Red Rocks Training
  • DM chapter review (1 day)


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November 2008

DOI Safety Council Meeting, Washington, DC

The next DOI Safety and Health meeting will be in Washington D.C., November 17-20, 2008.  The meeting schedule includes:

  • Monday 11/17: SOHC
  • Tuesday 11/18: Combined DASHO-SOHC
  • Wednesday 11/19: SOHC
  • Thursday 11/20: SOHC

The agenda topics include:

  • Follow-up from planning meeting with the DASHO Council
  • DM chapter review (1 day)
  • 2010 Safety Conference: Establish a work group to develop and implement
  • Debrief Program Evaluation Pilot
  • Red Rocks Training: Revisit the timing of the next round of classes and the prioritization of topics for 2010
  • Establish dates for 2009 SOHC meetings

North Carolina Safety and Health Congress and Annual Meeting

The North Carolina Safety and Health Congress and Annual Meeting will be November 20 to 21, 2008, in Charlotte, North Carolina.  For information and registration, please contact:


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October 2008

Georgia Safety, Health and Environmental Conference

The annual Georgia Safety, Health and Environmental Conference will be held on October 7 to 9, 2008, in Savannah, Georgia.  The conference is hosted by the Georgia Department of Labor and will be held at the Savannah River Marriott Hotel, 100 General McIntosh Blvd, Savannah, Georgia, 31401. 

For further information, contact Project Safe Georgia at (678) 205-0651 or

OSHA Alliance Symposium: Preventing Workplace Violence

The OSHA Alliance Symposium will be held Friday, October 31, 2008 in Mobile, Alabama.  The event is sponsored by the Workplace Violence Alliance, and will be held at the Student Center Ballroom, University of Southern Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, 36688. 

For directions, go to

For registration information, contact Gigi Talley, Project Coordinator, Deep South Office of Occupational Health and Safety, (205) 934-7178, or


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September 2008

2008 Employee Relations-Labor Relations-Worker’s Compensation Training Event: “Expanding Your Horizons”

The Department of the Interior, Office of Human Resources (HR) announces the 2008 ER-LR-Workers’ Compensation (WC) Training Event, “Expanding Your Horizons” for Federal HR and Workers Compensation Specialists.  There is a registration fee for Department of the Interior (DOI) employees of $535.  Registration is also open to Safety and Occupational Health Professionals who want to expand their knowledge of HR issues.  Additional information and registration is available at our website at

During the HR Training Event, held in Denver, CO, from September 9-11, 2008, DOI is offering a variety of sessions to help you increase your knowledge and improve your skills in the HR/WC. 

These sessions will be lead by representatives from DOI, Office of Personnel Management, Department of Labor, Federal Labor Relations Agency, and MicroPact.  Subject matter experts will offer an intensive, high-energy learning experience on the selected topics.  If you work with the employee relations, labor relations or workers’ compensation folks in your bureau, or provide information to managers or employees in these related areas, you don’t want to miss out on these informative sessions. In order to accommodate everyone’s needs, some sessions will be offered more than once.

In addition to the sessions held on September 9, 10, and 11, 2008, this year’s training event will feature a pre-event workshop on Performance Management the afternoon of September 8, 2008.   We are also featuring Sam Vitaro’s update on the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) case law on September 10, 2008, and Bill Wiley of the Federal Employment Law Training Group (FELTG) will present a full-day training session on Employee Relations on September 11, 2008. 

If you need further assistance, please contact Joy Buhler, Department of Interior Work-Life Coordinator, Office of Human Resources at (202) 219-0811, or via e-mail at

DOI Safety and Health Training at Red Rocks

The next two courses offered by DOI for professional development, Machine Guarding and Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, will be conducted at Red Rocks during the weeks of September 8th and 15th.  The DOI Safety and Health Council has requested that full time safety professionals get first priority for attending these courses.  Collateral Duty Safety Officers (CDSOs) will be admitted to these courses once all full time safety personnel have been enrolled.  For those interested in attending, please contact Bob Garbe through your bureau or office safety manager at: (303) 236-7128 ext 230.  Bob will send a list of confirmed participants for each class and responses to travel funding requests to each bureau safety manager by 8/8/08.

Second Annual OSHA SHARP/VPP Conference

The Second Annual OSHA SHARP/VPP Conference is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Office of Onsite Consultation.  This year’s Conference will be held at Northern Illinois University, 1120 E. Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois. 

Registration and information on the Conference are available at:  For further information, contact Nancy Quick, Compliance Assistance Specialist at the OSHA North Aurora Area Office, (312) 896-8700.


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U.S. Department of the Interior
Occupational Health and Safety Program - SafetyNet
1849 C Street, N.W., MS 5230-MIB • Washington, D.C. 20240
(202) 208-7702 • (303) 236-7128 x229
..Last Updated on 04/24/09