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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 343. Total revenue of private for-profit degree-granting institutions, by source of funds and type of institution: 1998-99 through 2004-05
Type of institution and year Total revenue and investment return, by source of funds
Total Student tuition and fees
(net of allowances)
Federal appropriations, grants, and contracts State and local appropriations, grants, and contracts Private
gifts, grants, and contracts
Investment return Educational activities Auxiliary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  In thousands of current dollars
All institutions                  
1998–991  $3,791,729 $3,185,304 $263,665 $60,991 $3,741 $14,275 $34,956 $139,533 $89,264
1999–2000 4,321,985 3,721,032 198,923 71,904 2,151 18,537 70,672 156,613 82,153
2000–01 4,967,700 4,340,478 187,353 87,348 2,848 19,737 63,392 172,987 93,557
2001–02 6,181,906 5,423,949 211,372 47,486 5,690 17,127 73,085 216,284 186,914
2002–032  7,496,714 6,712,019 282,521 50,265 5,545 15,112 92,380 250,712 88,160
2003–04 8,989,815 8,049,205 397,828 59,112 7,079 16,813 139,125 238,735 81,918
2004–05 10,979,154 9,566,692 673,950 63,227 7,138 24,526 231,957 252,199 159,465
1998–991  1,874,874 1,603,889 99,215 27,565 1,264 7,441 16,355 84,749 34,398
1999–2000 2,381,042 2,050,136 103,865 39,460 1,109 10,340 33,764 102,103 40,266
2000–01 2,952,254 2,583,644 81,879 59,922 1,659 12,574 40,081 106,327 66,168
2001–02 3,775,017 3,382,888 64,761 13,137 2,809 10,691 46,676 132,401 121,655
2002–032  4,753,546 4,353,233 108,806 9,757 3,064 5,952 58,281 173,027 41,427
2003–04 6,016,415 5,489,245 196,945 15,076 3,696 10,931 104,314 164,260 31,948
2004–05 7,692,472 6,864,048 345,810 21,146 4,035 17,332 173,830 201,512 64,760
1998–991  1,916,855 1,581,415 164,450 33,426 2,478 6,834 18,601 54,784 54,867
1999–2000 1,940,943 1,670,896 95,058 32,444 1,042 8,197 36,908 54,510 41,888
2000–01 2,015,446 1,756,833 105,474 27,426 1,189 7,163 23,311 66,660 27,389
2001–02 2,406,889 2,041,061 146,611 34,349 2,881 6,436 26,409 83,883 65,259
2002–03 2,743,168 2,358,786 173,715 40,508 2,482 9,160 34,099 77,685 46,733
2003–04 2,973,400 2,559,960 200,883 44,036 3,383 5,882 34,811 74,475 49,970
2004–05 3,286,682 2,702,644 328,141 42,081 3,103 7,194 58,127 50,687 94,705
  Percentage distribution
All institutions                  
1998–991  100.00 84.01 6.95 1.61 0.10 0.38 0.92 3.68 2.35
1999–2000 100.00 86.10 4.60 1.66 0.05 0.43 1.64 3.62 1.90
2000–01 100.00 87.37 3.77 1.76 0.06 0.40 1.28 3.48 1.88
2001–02 100.00 87.74 3.42 0.77 0.09 0.28 1.18 3.50 3.02
2002–032  100.00 89.53 3.77 0.67 0.07 0.20 1.23 3.34 1.18
2003–04 100.00 89.54 4.43 0.66 0.08 0.19 1.55 2.66 0.91
2004–05 100.00 87.14 6.14 0.58 0.07 0.22 2.11 2.30 1.45
1998–991  100.00 85.55 5.29 1.47 0.07 0.40 0.87 4.52 1.83
1999–2000 100.00 86.10 4.36 1.66 0.05 0.43 1.42 4.29 1.69
2000–01 100.00 87.51 2.77 2.03 0.06 0.43 1.36 3.60 2.24
2001–02 100.00 89.61 1.72 0.35 0.07 0.28 1.24 3.51 3.22
2002–032  100.00 91.58 2.29 0.21 0.06 0.13 1.23 3.64 0.87
2003–04 100.00 91.24 3.27 0.25 0.06 0.18 1.73 2.73 0.53
2004–05 100.00 89.23 4.50 0.27 0.05 0.23 2.26 2.62 0.84
1998–991  100.00 82.50 8.58 1.74 0.13 0.36 0.97 2.86 2.86
1999–2000 100.00 86.09 4.90 1.67 0.05 0.42 1.90 2.81 2.16
2000–01 100.00 87.17 5.23 1.36 0.06 0.36 1.16 3.31 1.36
2001–02 100.00 84.80 6.09 1.43 0.12 0.27 1.10 3.49 2.71
2002–03 100.00 85.99 6.33 1.48 0.09 0.33 1.24 2.83 1.70
2003–04 100.00 86.10 6.76 1.48 0.11 0.20 1.17 2.50 1.68
2004–05 100.00 82.23 9.98 1.28 0.09 0.22 1.77 1.54 2.88
  Revenue per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2006–07 dollars3 
All institutions                  
1998–991  14,447 12,136 1,005 232 14 54 133 532 340
1999–2000 13,550 11,666 624 225 7 58 222 491 258
2000–01 12,687 11,085 478 223 7 50 162 442 239
2001–02 15,513 13,611 530 119 14 43 183 543 469
2002–032  15,543 13,916 586 104 11 31 192 520 183
2003–042  15,241 13,647 674 100 12 29 236 405 139
2004–05 14,836 12,927 911 85 10 33 313 341 215
1998–991  14,289 12,224 756 210 10 57 125 646 262
1999–2000 13,753 11,842 600 228 6 60 195 590 233
2000–01 15,093 13,209 419 306 8 64 205 544 338
2001–02 15,642 14,017 268 54 12 44 193 549 504
2002–032  15,415 14,116 353 32 10 19 189 561 134
2003–042  15,454 14,100 506 39 9 28 268 422 82
2004–05 14,795 13,202 665 41 8 33 334 388 125
1998–991  14,605 12,049 1,253 255 19 52 142 417 418
1999–2000 13,309 11,458 652 222 7 56 253 374 287
2000–01 14,256 12,426 746 194 8 51 165 472 194
2001–02 15,315 12,987 933 219 18 41 168 534 415
2002–032  15,770 13,560 999 233 14 53 196 447 269
2003–04 14,828 12,766 1,002 220 17 29 174 371 249
2004–05 14,932 12,279 1,491 191 14 33 264 230 430
1 Data imputed using alternative procedures. (See Guide to Sources for details.)
2 Revised from previously published figures.
3 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1998–99 through 2004–05 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:98–99) and "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY99), and Spring 2001 through Spring 2006. (This table was prepared July 2007.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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