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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 318. Percentage distribution of enrollment and completion status of first-time postsecondary students starting during the 1995-96 academic year, by type of institution and other student characteristics: 2001
Student and institution characteristic Students starting in 2-year institutions Students starting in 4-year institutions
Highest degree attained No degree, still enrolled No degree, not enrolled Highest degree attained No degree, still enrolled No degree, not enrolled
Total, any degree1 Certificate Associate's Bachelor's2 Total, any degree1 Certificate Associate's Bachelor's2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Total 38.4   (1.7) 11.5   (1.2) 17.3   (1.3) 9.7   (1.1) 16.4   (1.4) 45.2   (1.6) 65.1 (1.0) 2.7 (0.3) 4.0 (0.4) 58.4 (1.2) 14.4 (0.6) 20.5 (0.8)
Male 39.2   (2.4) 10.8   (1.6) 18.7   (1.9) 9.7   (1.5) 18.0   (2.2) 42.8   (2.4) 60.6 (1.4) 2.5 (0.4) 3.6 (0.6) 54.6 (1.5) 16.2 (0.9) 23.2 (1.1)
Female 37.7   (2.2) 12.0   (1.6) 15.9   (1.7) 9.8   (1.4) 14.9   (1.7) 47.4   (2.2) 68.7 (1.3) 2.9 (0.3) 4.3 (0.5) 61.6 (1.4) 12.9 (0.8) 18.4 (1.0)
Age when first enrolled                                                            
18 years or younger 43.8   (2.3) 7.3   (1.2) 19.4   (2.0) 17.0   (1.9) 17.8   (2.1) 38.4   (2.1) 70.0 (1.0) 1.8 (0.2) 3.4 (0.4) 64.7 (1.1) 13.4 (0.6) 16.6 (0.7)
19 years 38.2   (4.1) 8.2   (2.0) 24.3   (4.0) 5.7   (2.2) 20.9   (3.6) 40.9   (4.0) 57.1 (2.8) 3.3 (0.9) 6.0 (1.3) 47.9 (2.9) 16.4 (2.0) 26.6 (2.3)
20 to 23 years 29.9   (4.2) 13.1   (3.0) 13.0   (3.4) 3.7   (1.6) 20.1   (4.2) 50.0   (4.8) 37.7 (3.8) 8.7 (2.1) 6.7 (2.1) 22.3 (3.0) 20.9 (3.0) 41.4 (3.6)
24 to 29 years 36.5   (4.8) 25.6   (4.6) 8.4   (2.2) 2.5   (1.5) 11.0   (3.5) 52.6   (5.1) 34.4 (5.5) 4.3 (1.8) 7.2 (3.5) 23.0 (4.7) 22.7 (5.8) 42.9 (6.3)
30 years or over 30.6   (5.5) 14.1   (3.8) 14.5   (3.3) 2.0   (1.5) 8.7   (2.4) 60.7   (5.8) 26.1 (4.3) 11.5 (3.5) 4.3 (1.6) 10.3 (2.8) 17.0 (4.2) 56.9 (5.1)
White 40.5   (2.0) 10.9   (1.3) 18.2   (1.5) 11.4   (1.6) 16.5   (1.7) 43.0   (2.0) 68.1 (1.1) 2.4 (0.3) 3.8 (0.4) 61.9 (1.3) 12.5 (0.7) 19.4 (0.9)
Black 28.4   (4.2) 16.7   (4.0) 8.5   (2.3) 3.2   (1.3) 13.3   (2.9) 58.3   (4.3) 51.3 (2.6) 4.6 (1.0) 3.2 (0.8) 43.4 (2.8) 20.6 (2.3) 28.2 (2.2)
Hispanic 34.3   (4.8) 11.1   (3.2) 17.8   (3.2) 5.5   (2.3) 18.1   (3.3) 47.6   (4.8) 53.9 (2.3) 3.1 (0.7) 6.8 (1.7) 44.0 (2.4) 20.4 (1.8) 25.7 (2.1)
Asian/Pacific Islander 41.9   (9.2) 11.6   (6.4) 23.0   (8.2) 7.4   (3.7) 21.2   (7.7) 36.9   (8.7) 71.3 (3.1) 0.2 (0.2) 2.0 (0.8) 69.1 (3.1) 13.9 (2.3) 14.8 (2.4)
American Indian/Alaska Native   (†)   (†)   (†)   (†)   (†)   (†) 55.4 (10.6) (†) 3.7 (3.7) 51.7 (10.7) 26.1 (8.4) 18.5 (6.8)
Highest education level of parents                                                            
High school diploma or less 36.5   (2.3) 13.5   (1.8) 17.0   (1.9) 6.0   (1.2) 12.4   (1.6) 51.1   (2.4) 52.0 (1.6) 4.1 (0.6) 4.8 (0.6) 43.1 (1.6) 16.5 (1.3) 31.5 (1.5)
Some postsecondary 32.8   (3.3) 10.1   (2.1) 14.3   (2.6) 8.4   (2.0) 19.0   (2.8) 48.2   (2.9) 59.5 (1.9) 3.1 (0.7) 5.4 (1.1) 50.9 (2.1) 16.4 (1.4) 24.2 (1.6)
Bachelor's degree 47.7   (4.2) 9.1   (2.3) 22.4   (3.7) 16.2   (3.2) 18.8   (3.5) 33.5   (3.9) 72.1 (1.5) 1.8 (0.4) 4.0 (0.6) 66.3 (1.5) 13.4 (1.1) 14.5 (1.1)
Advanced degree 45.4   (6.0) 3.1   (2.0) 17.2   (4.4) 25.2   (5.5) 25.2   (5.4) 29.4   (6.0) 76.5 (1.7) 1.2 (0.3) 1.4 (0.3) 73.9 (1.7) 11.7 (1.2) 11.8 (1.2)
Dependency status when first enrolled                                                            
Dependent 42.1   (2.2) 8.2   (1.2) 20.1   (1.8) 13.8   (1.7) 18.3   (1.9) 39.6   (2.1) 68.0 (1.0) 2.1 (0.2) 3.6 (0.4) 62.1 (1.2) 14.0 (0.6) 18.1 (0.7)
Independent 32.9   (3.1) 17.6   (2.4) 12.3   (1.9) 3.0   (0.9) 13.8   (2.4) 53.4   (3.5) 35.9 (2.9) 8.8 (1.7) 6.4 (1.6) 20.6 (2.3) 19.1 (2.5) 45.0 (3.2)
Dependent student family income in 1994                                                            
Less than $25,000 43.0   (3.8) 10.9   (2.6) 24.5   (3.4) 7.6   (2.1) 14.3   (2.6) 42.7   (3.5) 58.8 (1.8) 3.4 (0.7) 5.1 (1.0) 50.3 (2.1) 18.6 (1.5) 22.6 (1.5)
$25,000 to $44,999 41.2   (4.5) 10.5   (2.3) 16.4   (2.9) 14.3   (2.7) 19.1   (3.0) 39.6   (3.6) 61.7 (1.7) 2.3 (0.4) 4.4 (0.8) 55.0 (1.7) 15.1 (1.3) 23.1 (1.4)
$45,000 to $69,999 40.2   (3.8) 5.3   (1.8) 22.1   (3.2) 12.8   (2.5) 19.3   (3.5) 40.5   (4.0) 69.1 (1.6) 1.7 (0.4) 3.7 (0.7) 63.6 (1.7) 13.2 (1.0) 17.7 (1.3)
$70,000 or more 44.7   (5.5) 4.5   (1.8) 15.8   (3.6) 24.4   (4.5) 22.1   (4.2) 33.2   (4.8) 77.4 (1.3) 1.6 (0.4) 2.0 (0.4) 73.8 (1.5) 10.7 (1.0) 11.9 (0.9)
Timing of postsecondary enrollment                                                            
Did not delay3  43.9   (2.3) 7.0   (1.1) 20.9   (2.0) 15.9   (1.8) 18.4   (2.0) 37.7   (2.1) 69.2 (1.0) 1.9 (0.2) 3.3 (0.4) 64.0 (1.1) 13.7 (0.6) 17.1 (0.7)
Delayed entry 32.8   (2.7) 15.6   (2.0) 13.7   (1.8) 3.5   (1.0) 14.9   (2.0) 52.3   (2.8) 45.0 (2.2) 6.6 (1.0) 7.0 (1.3) 31.4 (2.1) 18.0 (1.6) 37.0 (2.2)
Attendance status when first enrolled                                                            
Full-time 47.3   (2.4) 10.2   (1.4) 21.3   (1.9) 15.8   (2.1) 15.9   (2.0) 36.8   (2.3) 69.3 (1.0) 1.9 (0.2) 4.0 (0.4) 63.3 (1.2) 12.7 (0.6) 18.0 (0.8)
Part-time 29.5   (3.2) 13.9   (2.7) 12.2   (2.3) 3.4   (1.0) 15.6   (2.4) 54.9   (3.4) 33.4 (3.2) 7.3 (2.0) 2.1 (0.8) 23.9 (3.3) 27.3 (3.0) 39.3 (3.4)
Intensity of enrollment through 2001                                                            
Always part-time 13.2   (2.9) 11.5   (2.8) 1.7   (0.8) #   (†) 13.3   (3.0) 73.4   (3.8) 10.3 (2.9) 9.7 (2.9) 0.6 (0.6) # (†) 12.9 (3.8) 76.8 (4.1)
Mixed 42.3   (2.5) 12.6   (1.7) 20.8   (2.0) 8.9   (1.3) 21.7   (2.1) 36.0   (2.2) 51.7 (1.5) 4.4 (0.6) 5.5 (0.6) 41.8 (1.6) 26.6 (1.3) 21.7 (1.1)
Always full-time 49.5   (3.2) 9.3   (1.4) 22.0   (2.8) 18.1   (3.1) 9.1   (1.8) 41.4   (3.1) 74.2 (1.1) 1.5 (0.2) 3.3 (0.5) 69.4 (1.2) 8.1 (0.6) 17.8 (0.9)
Degree goal at first institution                                                            
Certificate 45.2   (5.1) 38.4   (5.3) 6.2   (2.3) 0.7   (0.4) 6.8   (2.5) 48.0   (4.8) 37.7 (7.0) 16.1 (6.2) 14.2 (7.5) 7.5 (3.0) 19.4 (6.5) 42.8 (6.7)
Associate's degree 40.9   (2.3) 8.7   (1.3) 24.7   (2.1) 7.5   (1.4) 15.6   (2.0) 43.5   (2.3) 52.6 (4.2) 7.3 (2.4) 24.7 (3.7) 20.7 (3.3) 8.9 (2.3) 38.5 (4.2)
Bachelor's degree 40.3 4  (3.7)  6.0 4  (1.9)  11.7 4  (2.4) 22.6 4  (3.3)  21.9 4  (3.5) 37.8 4  (3.4) 67.6 (1.0) 2.1 (0.3) 2.7 (0.3) 62.9 (1.1) 14.2 (0.6) 18.2 (0.7)
Worked while enrolled, 1995–96                                                            
Did not work 43.0   (3.0) 13.9   (2.3) 21.5   (2.8) 7.6   (1.9) 10.4   (2.5) 46.6   (3.1) 71.1 (1.3) 2.0 (0.4) 3.7 (0.7) 65.3 (1.6) 11.9 (0.8) 17.0 (1.1)
Worked part time 44.7   (2.6) 8.5   (1.5) 20.9   (2.1) 15.2   (2.0) 18.4   (2.4) 36.9   (2.3) 65.0 (1.3) 2.3 (0.4) 4.0 (0.4) 58.6 (1.4) 14.7 (0.8) 20.3 (1.0)
Worked full time 27.2   (2.6) 14.3   (2.2) 9.6   (1.5) 3.4   (0.9) 17.0   (2.5) 55.8   (2.9) 41.7 (2.6) 7.1 (1.3) 4.2 (1.1) 30.5 (2.5) 21.7 (2.2) 36.6 (2.5)
Control of first institution                                                            
Public 36.7   (1.8) 10.1   (1.3) 16.4   (1.4) 10.3   (1.3) 17.4   (1.6) 45.9   (1.7) 60.5 (1.2) 2.8 (0.3) 4.4 (0.6) 53.3 (1.4) 17.4 (0.8) 22.2 (1.0)
Private, not for profit 58.9   (5.4) 19.3   (4.6) 27.8   (3.9) 11.8   (3.3) 8.4   (2.4) 32.7   (4.6) 73.6 (1.7) 1.8 (0.3) 2.8 (0.5) 68.9 (2.0) 9.3 (0.8) 17.1 (1.3)
Private, for profit 55.6   (3.2) 27.8   (3.9) 25.8   (3.9) 2.0   (0.8) 4.3   (1.2) 40.0   (3.4) 52.8 (10.5) 17.9 (7.2) 14.9 (6.0) 20.0 (5.1) 11.1 (3.1) 36.1 (8.6)
Socioeconomic status in 1995–965                                                             
Not disadvantaged 41.7   (2.8) 8.9   (1.8) 18.1   (2.1) 14.6   (2.0) 20.4   (2.7) 38.0   (2.7) 71.4 (1.1) 2.0 (0.3) 3.3 (0.4) 66.1 (1.3) 12.3 (0.7) 16.3 (0.8)
Minimally disadvantaged 33.9   (2.4) 12.8   (1.7) 14.9   (1.8) 6.2   (1.4) 13.1   (1.6) 53.0   (2.7) 59.8 (1.6) 3.7 (0.6) 5.4 (0.7) 50.8 (1.7) 16.4 (1.2) 23.8 (1.3)
Moderately or highly disadvantaged 43.7   (3.6) 14.6   (3.0) 21.6   (3.4) 7.5   (1.9) 14.5   (2.7) 41.8   (3.7) 47.1 (2.0) 3.7 (0.8) 3.8 (0.8) 39.6 (2.1) 19.5 (1.9) 33.4 (2.1)
† Not applicable.
# Rounds to zero.
‡ Reporting standards not met.
1 Includes a small percentage of students who had attained a degree and were still enrolled. Includes recipients of degrees not shown separately.
2 Includes a small percentage of students who had attained an advanced degree.
3 Includes students with a standard high school diploma who enrolled in postsecondary education in the same year as their graduation.
4 Includes students whose goal was to transfer to a 4-year institution.
5 Determined by a socioeconomic diversity index that includes parental income as a percentage of the 1994 federal poverty level, parental education, and the proportion of the student body at the student's high school that was eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
NOTE: Data reflect completion and enrollment status by spring 2001 of first-time postsecondary students starting in academic year 1995–96. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1996/01 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:96/01). (This table was prepared August 2003.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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