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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 194. Estimated rate of 2003–04 high school graduates attending degree-granting institutions, by state: 2004
State Number of high school graduates Attending public or private degree-granting institutions
Total1 Public, 2003–04 Private, 2002–03 Freshmen graduating from high school in the previous 12 months, fall 2004 Estimated rate of high school graduates going to college Estimated rate of high school graduates going to college in home state
Attending colleges located in the state2 State residents enrolled in institutions
In any state3 In their home state4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
United States5  3,049,226 2,753,438   295,790 1,731,100 1,709,495 1,385,121 56.1 45.4
Alabama 42,444 36,464   5,980 28,470 24,887 22,425 58.6 52.8
Alaska 7,519 7,236   283 2,284 3,379 2,024 44.9 26.9
Arizona 47,914 45,508   2,406 26,810 22,830 20,032 47.6 41.8
Arkansas 28,478 27,181   1,297 17,577 15,934 14,343 56.0 50.4
California 375,478 343,480   31,998 160,721 164,013 146,618 43.7 39.0
Colorado 47,140 44,777   2,363 27,307 27,296 21,619 57.9 45.9
Connecticut 45,136 34,573   10,563 22,664 25,152 14,504 55.7 32.1
Delaware 8,312 6,951   1,361 5,973 4,488 2,941 54.0 35.4
District of Columbia 4,233 3,031   1,202 8,788 2,488 611 58.8 14.4
Florida 148,240 131,418   16,822 90,202 79,246 70,729 53.5 47.7
Georgia 75,405 68,550   6,855 49,168 48,381 40,174 64.2 53.3
Hawaii 13,066 10,324   2,742 5,955 6,755 4,540 51.7 34.7
Idaho 16,054 15,547   507 8,220 7,614 5,616 47.4 35.0
Illinois 139,857 124,763   15,094 66,544 77,215 58,151 55.2 41.6
Indiana 60,826 56,008   4,818 41,617 36,019 31,275 59.2 51.4
Iowa 36,962 34,339   2,623 26,283 22,781 19,566 61.6 52.9
Kansas 32,319 30,155   2,164 21,582 19,821 17,129 61.3 53.0
Kentucky 41,447 37,787   3,660 24,295 21,693 19,349 52.3 46.7
Louisiana 46,030 37,019   9,011 28,341 25,174 22,680 54.7 49.3
Maine 16,519 13,278   3,241 6,874 7,965 4,974 48.2 30.1
Maryland 60,676 52,870   7,806 27,931 35,774 22,508 59.0 37.1
Massachusetts 68,375 58,326   10,049 48,481 43,803 29,869 64.1 43.7
Michigan 108,141 98,823   9,318 63,791 63,706 57,300 58.9 53.0
Minnesota 63,843 59,096   4,747 38,880 41,619 30,930 65.2 48.4
Mississippi 27,108 23,735   3,373 17,977 16,297 15,114 60.1 55.8
Missouri 65,658 57,983   7,675 36,026 34,419 28,448 52.4 43.3
Montana 11,330 10,500   830 6,398 6,362 4,663 56.2 41.2
Nebraska 22,667 20,309   2,358 13,473 13,557 10,885 59.8 48.0
Nevada 15,867 15,201   666 8,373 8,744 7,132 55.1 44.9
New Hampshire 15,553 13,309   2,244 8,947 8,737 4,781 56.2 30.7
New Jersey 95,760 83,826   11,934 38,104 60,694 34,841 63.4 36.4
New Mexico 19,134 17,892   1,242 11,574 11,762 9,908 61.5 51.8
New York 169,397 142,526 6 26,871 120,947 123,062 99,455 72.6 58.7
North Carolina 77,255 72,126   5,129 57,466 49,635 45,212 64.2 58.5
North Dakota 8,346 7,888   458 7,448 5,661 4,196 67.8 50.3
Ohio 133,116 119,029   14,087 68,976 70,236 58,900 52.8 44.2
Oklahoma 38,344 36,799   1,545 22,287 20,265 18,037 52.9 47.0
Oregon 35,566 32,958   2,608 16,575 16,225 12,431 45.6 35.0
Pennsylvania 141,740 123,474   18,266 96,885 84,159 69,840 59.4 49.3
Rhode Island 11,058 9,258   1,800 9,432 6,229 4,011 56.3 36.3
South Carolina 36,065 33,235   2,830 27,581 24,049 21,517 66.7 59.7
South Dakota 9,476 9,001   475 6,670 6,541 4,722 69.0 49.8
Tennessee 51,376 46,096   5,280 25,751 24,498 19,221 47.7 37.4
Texas 254,769 244,165   10,604 126,009 132,198 117,899 51.9 46.3
Utah 31,281 30,252   1,029 16,131 12,083 10,953 38.6 35.0
Vermont 8,362 7,100   1,262 5,417 3,679 1,592 44.0 19.0
Virginia 77,877 72,042   5,835 48,458 44,937 36,272 57.7 46.6
Washington 65,025 61,274   3,751 26,861 28,237 22,368 43.4 34.4
West Virginia 18,098 17,339   759 12,382 9,681 8,472 53.5 46.8
Wisconsin 68,709 62,784 6 5,925 39,465 39,168 31,821 57.0 46.3
Wyoming 5,875 5,833   42 4,562 3,461 2,395 58.9 40.8
1 Total includes public high school graduates for 2003–04 and private high school graduates for 2002–03.
2 All of the new students reported by the institutions in that state; i.e., all in-migrants and "remaining" students. Also, includes students who are not residents of the United States..
3 All U.S. resident students living in a particular state when admitted to an institution in any state. Students may be enrolled in any state.
4 Students who attend institutions in their home state.
5 U.S. total enrollment includes some students not identified by state.
6 Estimated high school graduates from NCES 2006-606rev, The Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate for Public High Schools From the Common Core of Data: School Years 2002–03 and 2003–04.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education," 2004–05; "Private School Survey (PSS)," 2003–04; and 2004 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2005. (This table was prepared August 2007.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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