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Digest of Education Statistics
2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 28. Direct general expenditures of state and local governments for all functions and for education, by level of education and state: 2004–05

[In millions of current dollars]
State Total direct
general expenditures1 
Education expenditures
Total Elementary and secondary education Colleges and universities Other education2
Total Current expenditure Capital outlay Total Current expenditure Capital outlay
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
United States $2,009,644 (1,808.7) $689,376 (206.8) $473,520 (189.4) $418,852 $54,668 $182,268 (18.2) $159,376 $22,892 $33,587
Alabama 29,029 (168.4) 9,877 (#) 5,805 (0.6) 5,242 563 3,491 (#) 2,841 650 581
Alaska 8,795 (25.5) 2,361 (26.7) 1,729 (26.8) 1,458 272 546 (#) 502 45 85
Arizona 32,929 (194.3) 10,878 (#) 6,942 (#) 6,080 861 3,448 (#) 2,919 529 488
Arkansas 15,504 (94.6) 5,915 (#) 3,845 (#) 3,451 395 1,706 (#) 1,530 176 363
California 275,715 (1,213.1) 88,631 (8.9) 61,760 (12.4) 51,548 10,211 23,272 (#) 19,782 3,490 3,600
Colorado 28,991 (258.0) 10,131 (#) 6,917 (#) 5,998 919 2,917 (#) 2,708 210 297
Connecticut 26,212 (44.6) 9,097 (17.3) 6,781 (17.6) 6,253 528 1,955 (#) 1,739 216 361
Delaware 6,822 (15.7) 2,396 (#) 1,452 (#) 1,279 173 781 (#) 655 126 163
District of Columbia 7,244 (#) 1,336 (#) 1,235 (#) 1,146 89 102 (#) 92 9 #
Florida 112,637 (473.1) 32,043 (#) 23,314 (#) 19,510 3,804 7,166 (#) 6,226 940 1,563
Georgia 50,701 (131.8) 19,916 (#) 14,179 (#) 12,384 1,795 4,436 (#) 3,816 620 1,301
Hawaii 9,329 (0.9) 2,648 (#) 1,728 (#) 1,635 93 880 (#) 800 80 40
Idaho 8,062 (28.2) 2,772 (#) 1,779 (#) 1,598 182 858 (#) 754 105 135
Illinois 82,258 (304.4) 28,667 (#) 19,849 (#) 17,711 2,137 7,506 (#) 6,863 643 1,313
Indiana 38,197 (233.0) 14,616 (106.7) 9,639 (107.0) 8,584 1,055 4,241 (#) 3,850 391 735
Iowa 19,456 (77.8) 7,259 (#) 4,378 (#) 3,839 538 2,534 (#) 2,248 286 348
Kansas 16,796 (235.1) 6,280 (0.6) 3,804 (0.8) 3,496 308 2,283 (#) 2,064 219 193
Kentucky 23,442 (42.2) 8,249 (#) 4,955 (#) 4,213 741 2,566 (#) 2,309 256 729
Louisiana 28,528 (79.9) 8,981 (0.9) 5,872 (0.6) 5,521 351 2,377 (#) 2,165 212 732
Maine 9,512 (24.7) 2,866 (15.8) 2,054 (15.8) 1,921 133 669 (#) 602 67 142
Maryland 36,655 (62.3) 13,549 (#) 8,960 (#) 8,017 944 3,867 (#) 3,481 386 722
Massachusetts 49,735 (89.5) 16,096 (29.0) 11,007 (29.7) 10,220 787 3,176 (#) 2,838 338 1,914
Michigan 67,108 (228.2) 27,161 (#) 18,547 (#) 16,597 1,950 7,891 (#) 6,808 1,083 723
Minnesota 38,009 (273.7) 12,197 (#) 8,381 (#) 7,444 937 3,118 (#) 2,886 231 698
Mississippi 17,847 (123.1) 5,860 (#) 3,545 (#) 3,263 282 2,023 (#) 1,800 224 292
Missouri 32,614 (202.2) 11,279 (#) 7,844 (#) 7,135 709 2,897 (#) 2,603 294 538
Montana 5,747 (21.3) 1,979 (#) 1,249 (0.1) 1,189 60 614 (#) 572 42 116
Nebraska 10,964 (87.7) 4,136 (#) 2,603 (#) 2,340 263 1,379 (#) 1,233 145 154
Nevada 14,933 (115.0) 4,485 (#) 3,292 (#) 2,707 584 1,061 (#) 938 123 133
New Hampshire 7,834 (13.3) 2,894 (#) 2,133 (#) 1,970 164 673 (#) 576 98 87
New Jersey 65,992 (250.8) 26,577 (15.9) 20,964 (16.8) 18,765 2,199 4,783 (#) 4,078 705 830
New Mexico 14,093 (50.7) 4,879 (#) 2,967 (#) 2,500 467 1,705 (#) 1,568 137 207
New York 184,121 (626.0) 53,849 (10.8) 42,402 (#) 39,059 3,344 9,429 (12.3) 8,186 1,243 2,017
North Carolina 52,596 (147.3) 18,634 (48.4) 10,734 (46.2) 9,912 823 7,402 (8.1) 6,272 1,131 497
North Dakota 4,349 (12.2) 1,600 (#) 915 (#) 827 88 634 (#) 588 46 51
Ohio 77,930 (397.4) 27,509 (#) 19,105 (#) 17,058 2,046 6,745 (#) 5,764 981 1,659
Oklahoma 19,081 (61.1) 7,557 (#) 4,710 (#) 4,313 397 2,505 (#) 2,111 394 341
Oregon 23,726 (87.8) 7,880 (#) 4,897 (#) 4,532 365 2,730 (#) 2,284 446 253
Pennsylvania 86,303 (293.4) 30,193 (#) 20,771 (#) 18,853 1,919 6,546 (#) 5,950 596 2,876
Rhode Island 8,043 (23.3) 2,670 (13.9) 1,839 (14.0) 1,818 21 516 (#) 481 35 314
South Carolina 28,002 (39.2) 9,763 (#) 6,383 (#) 5,444 938 2,602 (#) 2,284 318 778
South Dakota 4,446 (23.1) 1,520 (#) 1,019 (#) 896 123 424 (#) 368 56 77
Tennessee 33,893 (176.2) 10,286 (62.7) 6,995 (62.3) 6,477 518 2,735 (#) 2,511 224 556
Texas 131,336 (341.5) 52,818 (#) 36,201 (#) 30,609 5,592 14,955 (#) 12,820 2,135 1,661
Utah 14,522 (49.4) 5,522 (#) 3,114 (#) 2,646 468 2,183 (#) 2,047 136 225
Vermont 4,729 (9.9) 1,905 (#) 1,204 (#) 1,140 63 586 (#) 491 95 115
Virginia 46,604 (293.6) 17,585 (121.3) 12,055 (121.8) 10,836 1,219 4,877 (#) 4,157 720 653
Washington 44,360 (159.7) 14,711 (#) 9,232 (#) 7,752 1,480 4,527 (#) 3,966 561 952
West Virginia 11,109 (27.8) 3,965 (#) 2,443 (#) 2,306 137 1,098 (#) 923 175 423
Wisconsin 37,724 (143.4) 13,801 (2.8) 8,961 (2.7) 8,486 475 4,376 (#) 3,905 471 464
Wyoming 5,077 (18.8) 1,596 (#) 1,030 (#) 871 158 475 (#) 420 55 92
# Rounds to zero.
1 Includes state and local government expenditures for education services, social services and income maintenance, transportation, public safety, environment and housing, govern­mental administration, interest on general debt, and other general expenditures.
2 Includes assistance and subsidies to individuals, private elementary and secondary schools, and colleges and universities, as well as miscellaneous education expenditures.
NOTE: Current expenditure data in this table differ from figures appearing in other tables because of slightly varying definitions used in the Governmental Finances and Common Core of Data surveys. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses. Standard errors that are not shown are available upon request.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Governmental Finances. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from (This table was prepared July 2007.)

2007 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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