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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 366.U.S. Department of Agriculture obligations for child nutrition programs, by state or other area: Fiscal years 1994 and 1995 [In thousands]

                         |              |                                      Fiscal year 1995
                         |              |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         |    Total,    |            |         |            |            |   State    | Commodities  |   Child    |            | Nutrition
   State or other area   | fiscal year  |   Total    | Special |   School   |   School   |administra- | and cash in  |    and     |   Summer   | education
                         |     1994     |            |  milk   |  lunch\1\  |breakfast   |    tive    |   lieu of    |   adult    |    food    |    and
                         |              |            |         |            |            |  expenses  |commodities\2\|    care    |  service   |  training
            1            |      2       |     3      |    4    |     5      |     6      |     7      |    8         |     9      |     10     |     11
    Total ...............|   $7,768,161 | $8,362,921 | $20,649 | $4,587,635 | $1,181,816 |    $93,583 |     $742,844 | $1,470,171 |   $255,954 |    $10,269
Alabama .................|      154,926 |    161,661 |      38 |     93,076 |     20,206 |      1,847 |       16,216 |     25,433 |      4,685 |        158
Alaska ..................|       20,303 |     21,225 |       5 |     12,355 |      1,638 |        378 |        1,416 |      5,366 |          3 |         63
Arizona .................|      132,265 |    141,671 |     178 |     75,771 |     19,695 |      1,556 |       10,866 |     29,649 |      3,818 |        138
Arkansas ................|       95,127 |     97,920 |      33 |     52,863 |     15,846 |      1,295 |        9,604 |     15,177 |      3,009 |         93
California ..............|      940,962 |    996,563 |     852 |    582,713 |    144,465 |     10,819 |       70,499 |    167,757 |     18,294 |      1,164
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Colorado ................|       82,560 |     86,904 |     121 |     42,498 |      6,322 |      1,218 |        8,592 |     26,316 |      1,704 |        134
Connecticut .............|       54,620 |     62,948 |     492 |     34,105 |      7,519 |        817 |        6,545 |     11,123 |      2,236 |        112
Delaware ................|       21,625 |     22,619 |      44 |      9,494 |      2,473 |        397 |        1,980 |      7,677 |        491 |         63
District of Columbia ....|       20,407 |     21,964 |      13 |     13,522 |      3,277 |        336 |        1,503 |      2,841 |        411 |         63
Florida .................|      395,496 |    414,622 |     136 |    248,317 |     61,056 |      4,209 |       34,883 |     44,430 |     21,142 |        448
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Georgia .................|      255,972 |    273,973 |      39 |    159,372 |     46,522 |      2,611 |       26,848 |     29,777 |      8,541 |        262
Hawaii ..................|       31,603 |     33,551 |       8 |     19,551 |      4,334 |        447 |        3,763 |      4,769 |        617 |         63
Idaho ...................|       30,497 |     32,162 |     208 |     19,374 |      2,954 |        444 |        4,160 |      4,201 |        759 |         63
Illinois ................|      277,206 |    299,757 |   2,649 |    174,230 |     25,996 |      3,265 |       26,430 |     52,901 |     13,846 |        440
Indiana..................|      118,543 |    124,866 |     333 |     70,284 |     14,081 |      1,473 |       16,012 |     20,797 |      1,675 |        210
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Iowa ....................|       71,155 |     74,481 |     186 |     40,081 |      6,025 |        961 |       10,958 |     15,394 |        769 |        107
Kansas ..................|       87,244 |     91,398 |     150 |     39,784 |      8,688 |      1,138 |        8,292 |     32,373 |        878 |         96
Kentucky ................|      130,885 |    136,412 |     123 |     78,688 |     23,575 |      1,518 |       13,646 |     15,540 |      3,184 |        138
Louisiana ...............|      228,522 |    234,257 |      58 |    125,663 |     36,095 |      3,238 |       18,753 |     43,531 |      6,733 |        185
Maine ...................|       30,112 |     32,865 |     123 |     15,559 |      2,779 |        463 |        3,041 |     10,093 |        745 |         63
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Maryland ................|      106,453 |    116,514 |     405 |     60,253 |     12,331 |      1,429 |        9,976 |     28,970 |      2,978 |        173
Massachusetts ...........|      125,834 |    133,231 |     516 |     65,757 |     14,784 |      1,717 |       11,487 |     35,023 |      3,747 |        201
Michigan ................|      188,997 |    211,255 |   1,020 |    112,462 |     23,102 |      2,294 |       19,456 |     48,407 |      4,158 |        355
Minnesota ...............|      144,829 |    150,547 |   1,074 |     58,146 |      9,585 |      2,266 |       13,696 |     63,267 |      2,338 |        176
Mississippi .............|      144,657 |    150,102 |      10 |     86,811 |     24,977 |      1,809 |       11,791 |     20,857 |      3,734 |        114
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Missouri.................|      137,082 |    148,563 |     433 |     78,990 |     19,840 |      1,705 |       15,381 |     28,361 |      3,658 |        195
Montana .................|       24,210 |     25,591 |      46 |     12,503 |      2,153 |        461 |        2,428 |      7,486 |        452 |         63
Nebraska ................|       53,416 |     58,413 |     225 |     23,756 |      3,264 |      1,050 |        6,064 |     23,378 |        613 |         63
Nevada ..................|       25,524 |     27,796 |     120 |     16,207 |      4,174 |        370 |        2,800 |      3,161 |        902 |         63
New Hampshire ...........|       17,234 |     18,296 |     215 |      9,988 |      1,771 |        389 |        2,759 |      2,769 |        343 |         63
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
New Jersey ..............|      141,022 |    152,008 |   1,006 |     91,084 |     12,431 |      1,664 |       14,974 |     24,035 |      6,546 |        267
New Mexico ..............|       84,928 |     91,372 |       9 |     39,113 |      9,848 |      1,626 |        5,360 |     29,298 |      6,050 |         68
New York ................|      554,838 |    583,279 |   1,211 |    333,558 |     74,425 |      5,711 |       47,082 |     83,858 |     36,793 |        640
North Carolina ..........|      211,594 |    225,646 |     134 |    122,353 |     35,497 |      2,526 |       22,470 |     38,400 |      4,028 |        239
North Dakota ............|       24,897 |     25,104 |      66 |      9,487 |      1,272 |        507 |        2,442 |     10,914 |        354 |         63
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Ohio ....................|      227,041 |    244,491 |     944 |    137,760 |     28,040 |      2,873 |       25,671 |     44,330 |      4,463 |        409
Oklahoma ................|      113,223 |    118,610 |      98 |     63,039 |     17,090 |      1,578 |       10,875 |     23,851 |      1,954 |        126
Oregon ..................|       75,608 |     83,270 |     222 |     38,321 |      9,572 |      1,062 |        7,081 |     25,739 |      1,163 |        110
Pennsylvania ............|      232,624 |    245,960 |     839 |    142,926 |     25,062 |      2,599 |       26,474 |     33,749 |     13,901 |        410
Rhode Island ............|       18,055 |     19,677 |     125 |     11,567 |      1,500 |        317 |        1,777 |      2,980 |      1,348 |         63
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
South Carolina ..........|      136,709 |    144,621 |      33 |     81,758 |     25,505 |      1,462 |       12,346 |     16,564 |      6,817 |        137
South Dakota ............|       26,002 |     28,021 |      46 |     14,323 |      2,590 |        455 |        3,120 |      6,449 |        976 |         63
Tennessee ...............|      150,313 |    160,606 |      30 |     90,748 |     24,633 |      1,782 |       16,481 |     22,635 |      4,113 |        185
Texas ...................|      725,389 |    742,563 |      99 |    427,322 |    117,379 |      8,298 |       61,671 |    109,606 |     17,433 |        755
Utah ....................|       70,972 |     73,008 |      73 |     32,495 |      3,930 |      1,068 |        7,401 |     26,031 |      1,915 |         93
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Vermont .................|       12,893 |     14,196 |     107 |      6,360 |      1,448 |        336 |        1,352 |      4,289 |        241 |         63
Virginia ................|      137,872 |    151,544 |     221 |     86,354 |     20,955 |      1,091 |       17,356 |     22,138 |      3,209 |        219
Washington ..............|      127,421 |    135,961 |     263 |     68,856 |     15,631 |      1,695 |       12,402 |     34,379 |      2,543 |        192
West Virginia............|       56,802 |     60,502 |      41 |     33,055 |     11,704 |        747 |        5,254 |      8,238 |      1,401 |         63
Wisconsin ...............|       99,671 |    108,580 |   1,653 |     60,429 |      5,670 |      1,330 |       14,290 |     22,564 |      2,453 |        191
Wyoming .................|       18,498 |     14,831 |      14 |      7,166 |      1,165 |        324 |        1,551 |      4,494 |         54 |         63
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Administrative costs ....|            0 |      6,755 |       0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |        6,755 |          0 |          0 |          0
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
Department of Defense .. |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
  dependents schools ....|        5,933 |      5,942 |       0 |      4,561 |          0 |          0 |        1,382 |          0 |          0 |          0
                         |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
    Outlying areas       |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
American Samoa ..........|           63 |         63 |       0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |            0 |          0 |          0 |         63
Guam ....................|        4,097 |      4,483 |       0 |      2,578 |        803 |        213 |          587 |        302 |          0 |          0
Northern Marianas .......|           63 |         72 |       0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |           72 |          0 |          0 |          0
Puerto Rico .............|      161,239 |    159,370 |       0 |    112,121 |     26,957 |      1,514 |       10,961 |      3,585 |      4,092 |        140
Freely Associated        |              |            |         |            |            |            |              |            |            |
   States ...............|            0 |          0 |       0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |            0 |          0 |          0 |          0
Trust Territory .........|           87 |        152 |       0 |          0 |          0 |         14 |           72 |          0 |          0 |         66
Virgin Islands ..........|        5,889 |      6,617 |       4 |      4,232 |        421 |        314 |          474 |        678 |        431 |         63
Undistributed\3\ ........|      196,154 |    353,492 |   3,558 |    133,897 |    138,760 |        561 |       15,265 |     44,241 |     17,211 |         -2

1 Special Meal Assistance program is combined with "School Lunch" program.

2 Commodities are based on preliminary food orders for fiscal year 1995.

3 Undistributed amount reflects the difference between preliminary state earnings reports and federal obligations as of September 30, 1995.

NOTE.--Data are based on obligations as reported September 30, 1995. Negative amounts occur when program receipts exceed the obligations. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Budget Division, unpublished data. (This table was prepared March 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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