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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 156.Revenues for public elementary and secondary schools, by source and state: 1993-94

                                       [Amounts in thousands of dollars]

                      |             |       Federal       |        State         |Local and intermediate|     Private\1\
        State         |             |---------------------|----------------------|----------------------|--------------------
    or other area     |    Total    |            |Percent |             |Percent |             |Percent |           |Percent
                      |             |   Amount   |of total|   Amount    |of total|   Amount    |of total|   Amount  |of total
          1           |      2      |     3      |   4    |      5      |   6    |      7      |   8    |     9     |   10
   United States .....|$260,142,087 |$18,335,803 |    7.0 |$117,462,492 |   45.2 |$117,424,123 |   45.1 |$6,919,668 |    2.7
Alabama ..............|   3,121,320 |    346,246 |   11.1 |   1,850,898 |   59.3 |     667,382 |   21.4 |   256,794 |    8.2
Alaska ...............|   1,159,259 |    138,061 |   11.9 |     777,478 |   67.1 |     217,973 |   18.8 |    25,747 |    2.2
Arizona ..............|   3,550,177 |    332,091 |    9.4 |   1,474,316 |   41.5 |   1,661,537 |   46.8 |    82,232 |    2.3
Arkansas .............|   2,014,900 |    176,931 |    8.8 |   1,164,432 |   57.8 |     577,017 |   28.6 |    96,521 |    4.8
California ...........|  29,050,409 |  2,572,258 |    8.9 |  16,324,953 |   56.2 |   9,824,487 |   33.8 |   328,711 |    1.1
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
Colorado .............|   3,368,596 |    185,835 |    5.5 |   1,466,584 |   43.5 |   1,599,758 |   47.5 |   116,419 |    3.5
Connecticut ..........|   4,103,218 |    163,091 |    4.0 |   1,653,755 |   40.3 |   2,176,137 |   53.0 |   110,234 |    2.7
Delaware .............|     684,411 |     53,531 |    7.8 |     441,043 |   64.4 |     178,558 |   26.1 |    11,278 |    1.6
District of Columbia .|     735,722 |     79,433 |   10.8 |         --- |    --- |     652,754 |   88.7 |     3,535 |    0.5
Florida ..............|  11,927,112 |    921,140 |    7.7 |   5,945,110 |   49.8 |   4,610,243 |   38.7 |   450,619 |    3.8
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
Georgia ..............|   6,630,693 |    518,047 |    7.8 |   3,360,515 |   50.7 |   2,617,848 |   39.5 |   134,283 |    2.0
Hawaii ...............|   1,128,456 |     84,217 |    7.5 |   1,014,096 |   89.9 |       8,862 |    0.8 |    21,281 |    1.9
Idaho ................|     955,081 |     80,589 |    8.4 |     576,967 |   60.4 |     279,049 |   29.2 |    18,476 |    1.9
Illinois .............|  11,322,719 |    743,760 |    6.6 |   3,196,325 |   28.2 |   7,116,481 |   62.9 |   266,153 |    2.4
Indiana...............|   5,918,601 |    299,738 |    5.1 |   3,097,205 |   52.3 |   2,337,103 |   39.5 |   184,554 |    3.1
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
Iowa .................|   2,782,621 |    147,123 |    5.3 |   1,339,923 |   48.2 |   1,141,428 |   41.0 |   154,147 |    5.5
Kansas ...............|   2,695,033 |    148,303 |    5.5 |   1,558,260 |   57.8 |     920,280 |   34.1 |    68,191 |    2.5
Kentucky .............|   3,194,404 |    329,830 |   10.3 |   2,105,658 |   65.9 |     733,116 |   23.0 |    25,800 |    0.8
Louisiana ............|   3,608,436 |    439,492 |   12.2 |   1,912,880 |   53.0 |   1,160,708 |   32.2 |    95,356 |    2.6
Maine ................|   1,327,946 |     78,641 |    5.9 |     641,322 |   48.3 |     592,856 |   44.6 |    15,127 |    1.1
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
Maryland .............|   5,145,236 |    268,305 |    5.2 |   2,002,376 |   38.9 |   2,715,108 |   52.8 |   159,447 |    3.1
Massachusetts ........|   6,227,191 |    334,600 |    5.4 |   2,125,314 |   34.1 |   3,652,395 |   58.7 |   114,882 |    1.8
Michigan .............|  11,134,083 |    714,960 |    6.4 |   3,200,682 |   28.7 |   7,007,174 |   62.9 |   211,267 |    1.9
Minnesota ............|   5,160,259 |    236,773 |    4.6 |   2,840,930 |   55.1 |   1,887,199 |   36.6 |   195,358 |    3.8
Mississippi ..........|   1,879,377 |    307,241 |   16.3 |   1,024,792 |   54.5 |     478,941 |   25.5 |    68,404 |    3.6
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
Missouri..............|   4,526,828 |    297,101 |    6.6 |   1,733,542 |   38.3 |   2,307,866 |   51.0 |   188,319 |    4.2
Montana ..............|     877,807 |     84,632 |    9.6 |     451,223 |   51.4 |     306,411 |   34.9 |    35,542 |    4.0
Nebraska .............|   1,674,836 |    106,686 |    6.4 |     547,921 |   32.7 |     917,262 |   54.8 |   102,966 |    6.1
Nevada ...............|   1,268,826 |     58,523 |    4.6 |     416,469 |   32.8 |     746,914 |   58.9 |    46,920 |    3.7
New Hampshire ........|   1,097,159 |     35,284 |    3.2 |      89,552 |    8.2 |     945,881 |   86.2 |    26,442 |    2.4
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
New Jersey ...........|  11,301,907 |    406,261 |    3.6 |   4,564,512 |   40.4 |   6,048,629 |   53.5 |   282,505 |    2.5
New Mexico ...........|   1,562,447 |    188,548 |   12.1 |   1,153,974 |   73.9 |     184,483 |   11.8 |    35,441 |    2.3
New York .............|  23,775,186 |  1,472,573 |    6.2 |   9,090,191 |   38.2 |  12,979,174 |   54.6 |   233,248 |    1.0
North Carolina .......|   5,560,314 |    454,606 |    8.2 |   3,559,792 |   64.0 |   1,320,661 |   23.8 |   225,257 |    4.1
North Dakota .........|     563,352 |     67,042 |   11.9 |     240,860 |   42.8 |     225,514 |   40.0 |    29,936 |    5.3
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
Ohio .................|  10,499,236 |    668,428 |    6.4 |   4,280,781 |   40.8 |   5,121,069 |   48.8 |   428,958 |    4.1
Oklahoma .............|   3,077,911 |    263,440 |    8.6 |   1,811,319 |   58.8 |     870,556 |   28.3 |   132,595 |    4.3
Oregon ...............|   3,074,679 |    212,437 |    6.9 |   1,215,454 |   39.5 |   1,550,028 |   50.4 |    96,760 |    3.1
Pennsylvania .........|  12,601,361 |    724,185 |    5.7 |   5,075,591 |   40.3 |   6,558,357 |   52.0 |   243,228 |    1.9
Rhode Island .........|   1,022,861 |     60,415 |    5.9 |     399,395 |   39.0 |     552,150 |   54.0 |    10,901 |    1.1
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
South Carolina .......|   3,200,412 |    294,566 |    9.2 |   1,478,065 |   46.2 |   1,285,545 |   40.2 |   142,237 |    4.4
South Dakota .........|     647,026 |     69,536 |   10.7 |     168,964 |   26.1 |     390,003 |   60.3 |    18,523 |    2.9
Tennessee ............|   3,649,630 |    347,887 |    9.5 |   1,707,740 |   46.8 |   1,344,658 |   36.8 |   249,345 |    6.8
Texas ................|  18,744,302 |  1,516,708 |    8.1 |   7,542,112 |   40.2 |   9,174,217 |   48.9 |   511,265 |    2.7
Utah .................|   1,785,758 |    126,294 |    7.1 |     981,014 |   54.9 |     581,418 |   32.6 |    97,032 |    5.4
                      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
Vermont ..............|     703,939 |     35,655 |    5.1 |     220,614 |   31.3 |     432,877 |   61.5 |    14,793 |    2.1
Virginia .............|   6,162,835 |    370,560 |    6.0 |   1,895,429 |   30.8 |   3,671,851 |   59.6 |   224,995 |    3.7
Washington ...........|   5,723,616 |    334,306 |    5.8 |   3,988,235 |   69.7 |   1,224,521 |   21.4 |   176,554 |    3.1
West Virginia.........|   1,879,452 |    151,207 |    8.0 |   1,214,154 |   64.6 |     486,196 |   25.9 |    27,895 |    1.5
Wisconsin ............|   5,661,241 |    249,844 |    4.4 |   2,188,298 |   38.7 |   3,110,476 |   54.9 |   112,622 |    2.0
Wyoming ..............|     673,906 |     38,846 |    5.8 |     351,479 |   52.2 |     273,010 |   40.5 |    10,571 |    1.6
  Outlying areas      |             |            |        |             |        |             |        |           |
American Samoa .......|      41,683 |     34,722 |   83.3 |       6,699 |   16.1 |          99 |    0.2 |       164 |    0.4
Guam .................|     168,461 |     16,765 |   10.0 |         --- |    --- |     150,067 |   89.1 |     1,629 |    1.0
Northern Marianas ....|      41,406 |     11,042 |   26.7 |      30,215 |   73.0 |          64 |    0.2 |        85 |    0.2
Puerto Rico ..........|   1,510,847 |    473,394 |   31.3 |   1,036,657 |   68.6 |         387 |  (\2\) |       408 |  (\2\)
Virgin Islands .......|     132,711 |     25,169 |   19.0 |         --- |    --- |     107,467 |   81.0 |        75 |    0.1

\1\Includes revenues from gifts, and tuition and fees from patrons.

\2\Less than .05 percent.

---Data not available or not applicable.

NOTE.--Excludes revenues for state education agencies. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data survey. (This table was prepared May 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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