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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 118.Average proficiency in mathematics content areas for 8th graders in public schools, by region and state: 1990 and 1992

                      |                  Average proficiency in content areas              |   1992 percent of
                      |--------------------------------------------------------------------| students at or above
        Region        |    All    |     Numbers |Measure- |Geometry |Data analy- |         |-----------------------
         and          |   areas   |      and    |  ment   |         |sis, statis-| Algebra |       |       |
        state         |           |   operations|         |         |tics, and   |  and    | Level | Level | Level
                      |           |             |         |         |probability |functions|200\1\ |250\2\ |300\3\
                      |-----------|-------------|---------|---------|------------|---------|       |       |
                      |1990 |1992 |   1990 |1992|1990|1992|1990|1992| 1990 |1992 |1990|1992|       |       |
          1           |  2  |  3  |     4  | 5  | 6  | 7  | 8  | 9  |  10  | 11  | 12 | 13 |  14   |  15   |  16
     United States ...| 262 | 266 |    266 |270 |258 |264 |259 |262 |  262 | 267 |260 |266 |    96 |    67 |    18
        Region        |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
  Northeast ..........| 270 | 267 |    272 |271 |267 |265 |268 |263 |  273 | 269 |268 |266 |    96 |    65 |    21
  Southeast ..........| 254 | 258 |    260 |263 |248 |253 |251 |253 |  253 | 258 |256 |259 |    95 |    58 |    12
  Central ............| 265 | 273 |    270 |277 |262 |272 |261 |269 |  265 | 274 |262 |272 |    98 |    75 |    22
  West ...............| 261 | 267 |    263 |270 |257 |266 |260 |263 |  261 | 267 |259 |266 |    96 |    68 |    19
        State         |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Alabama ..............| 253 | 251 |    259 |258 |248 |245 |249 |245 |  251 | 250 |252 |253 |    93 |    51 |     9
Arizona ..............| 260 | 265 |\4\ 265 |269 |257 |264 |256 |260 |  259 | 265 |258 |264 |    97 |    68 |    14
Arkansas .............| 256 | 255 |    262 |262 |254 |251 |253 |250 |  255 | 254 |253 |255 |    94 |    58 |     9
California ...........| 256 | 260 |    260 |263 |252 |258 |256 |259 |  255 | 258 |256 |258 |    93 |    61 |    15
Colorado .............| 267 | 272 |\4\ 269 |273 |265 |273 |266 |269 |  270 | 274 |266 |270 |    98 |    75 |    20
                      |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Connecticut ..........| 270 | 273 |\4\ 274 |277 |268 |275 |266 |268 |  271 | 274 |268 |270 |    97 |    74 |    24
Delaware .............| 261 | 262 |    265 |267 |259 |258 |256 |257 |  262 | 262 |259 |263 |    96 |    64 |    14
District of Columbia .| 231 | 234 |\4\ 239 |243 |222 |221 |229 |231 |  223 | 229 |235 |237 |    82 |    32 |     4
Florida ..............| 255 | 259 |    260 |264 |252 |254 |251 |255 |  255 | 259 |255 |260 |    94 |    61 |    14
Georgia ..............| 259 | 259 |    263 |265 |253 |253 |257 |253 |  260 | 259 |257 |259 |    95 |    60 |    12
                      |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Hawaii ...............| 251 | 257 |\4\ 257 |261 |249 |254 |252 |257 |  243 | 249 |249 |256 |    93 |    57 |    13
Idaho ................| 271 | 274 |\4\ 275 |277 |269 |276 |269 |271 |  273 | 274 |270 |274 |    99 |    80 |    20
Indiana...............| 267 | 269 |    271 |272 |265 |269 |264 |266 |  269 | 273 |265 |267 |    98 |    72 |    19
Iowa .................| 278 | 283 |\4\ 282 |285 |276 |287 |274 |278 |  280 | 285 |275 |280 |   100 |    86 |    29
Kentucky .............| 257 | 261 |\4\ 261 |266 |254 |259 |253 |256 |  258 | 262 |257 |260 |    96 |    64 |    13
                      |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Louisiana ............| 246 | 249 |    253 |256 |241 |242 |243 |244 |  243 | 248 |246 |249 |    92 |    50 |     7
Maine ................| --- | 278 |    --- |280 |--- |282 |--- |274 |  --- | 282 |--- |274 |    99 |    83 |    24
Maryland .............| 261 | 264 |    264 |269 |256 |261 |257 |259 |  261 | 266 |262 |264 |    95 |    64 |    19
Massachusetts ........| --- | 272 |    --- |276 |--- |270 |--- |267 |  --- | 274 |--- |271 |    98 |    74 |    22
Michigan .............| 264 | 267 |    269 |270 |261 |266 |261 |261 |  265 | 268 |264 |267 |    96 |    69 |    18
                      |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Minnesota ............| 275 | 282 |\4\ 279 |282 |272 |285 |272 |278 |  279 | 284 |274 |281 |    99 |    83 |    29
Mississippi ..........| --- | 246 |    --- |256 |--- |236 |--- |239 |  --- | 243 |--- |245 |    90 |    45 |     6
Missouri .............| --- | 270 |    --- |272 |--- |271 |--- |266 |  --- | 272 |--- |270 |    98 |    74 |    18
Nebraska .............| 276 | 277 |    279 |279 |273 |278 |273 |274 |  278 | 278 |273 |275 |    98 |    81 |    25
New Hampshire ........| 273 | 278 |\4\ 275 |280 |272 |280 |271 |273 |  275 | 281 |272 |274 |    99 |    82 |    23
                      |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
New Jersey ...........| 270 | 271 |    274 |276 |267 |268 |266 |265 |  270 | 271 |268 |272 |    97 |    73 |    22
New Mexico ...........| 256 | 259 |\4\ 259 |263 |254 |257 |257 |256 |  253 | 258 |257 |257 |    96 |    61 |    10
New York .............| 261 | 266 |    264 |270 |255 |262 |260 |261 |  263 | 268 |260 |265 |    94 |    68 |    19
North Carolina .......| 250 | 258 |\4\ 256 |261 |242 |253 |249 |254 |  248 | 258 |251 |259 |    95 |    59 |    11
North Dakota .........| 281 | 283 |    286 |286 |279 |285 |278 |277 |  285 | 286 |275 |279 |   100 |    87 |    28
                      |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Ohio .................| 264 | 267 |    269 |272 |259 |266 |260 |262 |  266 | 270 |262 |267 |    97 |    70 |    17
Oklahoma .............| 263 | 267 |\4\ 268 |271 |258 |266 |260 |262 |  264 | 269 |262 |267 |    97 |    72 |    16
Pennsylvania .........| 266 | 271 |    270 |274 |264 |271 |263 |265 |  268 | 273 |265 |270 |    98 |    73 |    20
Rhode Island .........| 260 | 265 |\4\ 264 |269 |257 |263 |256 |259 |  259 | 266 |261 |266 |    97 |    68 |    15
South Carolina .......| --- | 260 |    --- |265 |--- |257 |--- |256 |  --- | 258 |--- |259 |    96 |    60 |    14
                      |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Tennessee ..........  | --- | 258 |    --- |264 |--- |253 |--- |252 |  --- | 259 |--- |257 |    95 |    59 |    11
Texas ................| 258 | 264 |\4\ 262 |267 |254 |260 |258 |262 |  257 | 263 |256 |266 |    96 |    64 |    17
Utah .................| --- | 274 |    --- |276 |--- |275 |--- |269 |  --- | 275 |--- |272 |    99 |    78 |    21
Virginia .............| 264 | 267 |    268 |272 |260 |265 |261 |261 |  264 | 268 |265 |267 |    97 |    68 |    18
West Virginia ........| 256 | 258 |    260 |263 |253 |256 |254 |254 |  256 | 260 |254 |257 |    97 |    60 |     9
                      |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Wisconsin ............| 274 | 277 |    278 |280 |273 |279 |272 |272 |  277 | 280 |271 |275 |    98 |    80 |    26
Wyoming ..............| 272 | 274 |\4\ 275 |276 |270 |278 |270 |272 |  273 | 275 |270 |271 |    99 |    79 |    19
    Outlying areas    |     |     |        |    |    |    |    |    |      |     |    |    |       |       |
Guam .................| 232 | 234 |\4\ 240 |240 |229 |228 |236 |239 |  214 | 221 |230 |235 |    80 |    34 |     5
Virgin Islands .......| 219 | 222 |\4\ 229 |231 |216 |211 |223 |222 |  196 | 214 |219 |221 |    76 |    18 |     1

\1\Indicates ability to perform simple additive reasoning and problem solving.

\2\Indicates ability to perform simple multiplicative reasoning and 2-step problem solving.

\3\Indicates ability to perform reasoning and problem solving involving fractions, decimals, percents, elementary geometry, and simple algebra.

\4\Statistically significant increases from 1990 to 1992.

---Did not participate in 1990 Trial State Assessment.

NOTE.--These test scores are from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Forty-one states, the District of Columbia, and two outlying areas participated in the 1992 Trial State Assessment of 8th graders. Seven of these states did not participate in the 1990 assessment. Scale ranges from 0 to 500.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP 1992 Mathematics Report Card for the Nation and the States, prepared by Educational Testing Service. (This table was prepared April 1993.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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