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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 72.Average salaries for full-time teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by selected characteristics: 1993-94

                       |        |        |  Number  |     School year      |Supplemental contract | Number of teachers with
       Selected        | Total  |  Base  |    of    |supplemental contract |    during summer     |   nonschool employment
    characteristics    | earned | salary |full-time |----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------
                       | income |        | teachers |Number of|Supplemental|Number of|Supplemental|Teaching |Education| Not educa-
                       |        |        |          |teachers |   salary   |teachers |   salary   |or tutor | related |tion related
           1           |   2    |   3    |    4     |    5    |     6      |    7    |     8      |    9    |   10    |     11
                       |                                              Public schools
Total .................|$35,924 |$34,153 |2,340,182 | 815,827 |     $2,075 | 401,505 |     $2,070 | 118,369 |  80,014 |    237,177
  Men .................| 39,591 | 36,182 |  642,803 | 348,855 |      2,922 | 147,294 |      2,530 |  37,293 |  39,150 |    124,487
  Women ...............| 34,536 | 33,384 |1,697,380 | 466,972 |      1,442 | 254,210 |      1,803 |  81,076 |  40,863 |    112,689
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Race/ethnicity         |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  White, non-Hispanic .| 36,000 | 34,221 |2,011,889 | 722,694 |      2,067 | 328,487 |      2,015 |  99,783 |  68,991 |    208,306
  Black, non-Hispanic .| 35,548 | 33,889 |  181,896 |  48,968 |      2,325 |  40,819 |      2,221 |  10,734 |   5,490 |     16,336
  Hispanic ............| 34,837 | 32,996 |  102,965 |  31,653 |      1,930 |  24,122 |      2,477 |   5,817 |   3,644 |      7,337
  Asian or Pacific     |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
    Islander ..........| 37,701 | 36,134 |   25,383 |   6,391 |      1,873 |   5,381 |      2,285 |   1,298 |     910 |      2,327
  American Indian      |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
    or Alaskan Native .| 34,945 | 32,994 |   18,050 |   6,121 |      2,068 |   2,696 |      2,310 |     737 |     979 |      2,871
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Age                    |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  Less than 30 ........| 27,974 | 25,966 |  440,029 | 193,398 |      1,930 |  91,979 |      1,880 |  20,334 |  15,319 |     45,970
  30 to 39 ............| 33,448 | 31,737 |  684,515 | 242,075 |      2,146 | 120,762 |      1,891 |  33,174 |  24,735 |     66,564
  40 to 49 ............| 39,586 | 37,803 |  901,801 | 301,456 |      2,115 | 150,854 |      2,273 |  48,720 |  30,658 |     96,996
  50 or more ..........| 41,951 | 40,414 |  313,838 |  78,898 |      2,064 |  37,910 |      2,290 |  16,141 |   9,303 |     27,647
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Level                  |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  Elementary ..........| 34,611 | 33,517 |1,193,249 | 254,890 |      1,503 | 170,052 |      1,801 |  47,820 |  27,084 |     90,749
  Secondary ...........| 37,291 | 34,815 |1,146,933 | 560,937 |      2,335 | 231,453 |      2,267 |  70,549 |  52,930 |    146,427
                       |                                             Private schools
Total .................|$23,395 |$21,968 |  301,440 |  64,064 |     $1,894 |  62,810 |     $2,122 |  20,202 |  11,424 |     33,880
  Men .................| 28,948 | 26,120 |   71,854 |  27,419 |      2,408 |  21,317 |      2,584 |   3,993 |   4,969 |     14,126
  Women ...............| 21,657 | 20,669 |  229,586 |  36,645 |      1,509 |  41,493 |      1,885 |  16,209 |   6,456 |     19,754
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Race/ethnicity         |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  White, non-Hispanic .| 23,415 | 22,000 |  277,853 |  59,475 |      1,903 |  55,913 |      2,109 |  18,426 |  10,677 |     31,505
  Black, non-Hispanic .| 22,532 | 20,796 |    8,927 |   1,350 |      2,451 |   3,024 |      2,173 |   (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\)
  Hispanic ............| 22,013 | 20,672 |    9,786 |   2,013 |      1,209 |   2,269 |      2,298 |   (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\)
  Asian or Pacific     |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
    Islander ..........| 27,611 | 25,861 |    3,786 |     997 |      2,054 |   1,185 |      2,643 |   (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\)
  American Indian      |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
    or Alaskan Native .| 23,130 | 21,625 |    1,088 |   (\1\) |      (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\) |   (\1\) |   (\1\) |      (\1\)
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Age                    |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
  Less than 30 ........| 19,776 | 18,052 |   86,939 |  22,069 |      1,719 |  23,361 |      1,959 |   6,532 |   3,967 |     13,391
  30 to 39 ............| 23,700 | 22,193 |   82,809 |  19,182 |      1,922 |  18,856 |      2,165 |   5,466 |   3,708 |      9,895
  40 to 49 ............| 25,225 | 23,999 |   91,749 |  17,251 |      2,047 |  16,365 |      2,274 |   5,925 |   3,098 |      7,892
  50 or more ..........| 26,437 | 25,362 |   39,943 |   5,562 |      2,013 |   4,228 |      2,248 |   2,279 |   (\1\) |      2,702
                       |        |        |          |         |            |         |            |         |         |
Level                  |        |        |          |  64,063 |            |         |            |         |         |
  Elementary ..........| 20,962 | 19,977 |  179,373 |  23,015 |      1,514 |  33,301 |      1,846 |  11,805 |   5,645 |     18,074
  Secondary ...........| 26,970 | 24,896 |  122,068 |  41,048 |      2,106 |  29,509 |      2,435 |   8,397 |   5,780 |     15,805

\1\Too few sample cases (fewer than 30) for a reliable estimate.

NOTE.--Details may not add to totals because of rounding or missing values in cells with too few cases, or survey item nonresponse.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94." (This table was prepared August 1995.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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