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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 235. Full-time and part-time instructional faculty and staff in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, type and control of institution, academic rank, age, salary, and household income: Fall 1998

                             |          |       |                       |                      |                      |   Asian/              |  American
          Selected           |Number,   | Per-  |     White,            |     Black,           |  Hispanic            |   Pacific             |  Indian/
       characteristic        | in       | cent  |   non-Hispanic        |   non-Hispanic       |                      |   Islander            |Alaska Native
                             |thousands |       |_______________________|______________________|___________ __________|_______________________|________________________
                             |          |       |    Male   |  Female   |   Male    | Female   |   Male    |  Female  |   Male    |  Female   |   Male    |  Female
              1              |    2     |   3   |     4     |     5     |     6     |    7     |    8      |   9      |    10     |    11     |    12     |    13
                             |                                     Full-time instructional faculty and staff
                             |______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
  Number, in thousands ......| 560 (4.8)|      †|  305 (4.9)|  172 (3.1)|   15 (1.0)| 14  (1.0)|   11 (1.0)|   7 (0.7)|   23 (1.3)|   10 (0.9)|    3 (0.5)|    1  (0.2)
  Percentage distribution ...|      † † |  100.0| 54.5 (0.6)| 30.6 (0.6)|  2.6 (0.2)| 2.5 (0.2)|  2.0 (0.2)| 1.3 (0.1)|  4.0 (0.2)|  1.8 (0.2)|  0.5 (0.1)|   0.2 (0.0)
      Type and control       |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Public research  ............| 138 (2.3)|  100.0| 60.7 (1.2)| 23.8 (1.0)|  1.4 (0.2)| 1.8 (0.3)|  2.0 (0.4)| 1.4 (0.4)|  6.2 (0.6)|  2.3 (0.4)|  0.3 (0.1)|   0.2 (0.1)
Private research  ...........|  39 (1.7)|  100.0| 64.1 (2.4)| 21.4 (2.0)|  1.9 (0.4)| 1.7 (0.5)|  2.5 (0.7)| 1.0 (0.3)|  5.2 (1.0)|  1.8 (0.4)|  0.1 (0.1)|   0.1 (0.1)
Public doctoral .............|  58 (1.6)|  100.0| 56.7 (2.0)| 29.1 (1.8)|  1.9 (0.4)| 2.0 (0.4)|  2.0 (0.6)| 1.0 (0.3)|  5.2 (0.7)|  0.9 (0.2)|  0.9 (0.6)|   0.3 (0.1)
Private doctoral ............|  21 (0.6)|  100.0| 51.5 (2.8)| 30.4 (2.8)|  2.7 (0.6)| 1.7 (0.5)|  2.6 (0.8)| 1.2 (0.4)|  6.4 (1.2)|  2.9 (0.9)|  0.5 (0.3)|   0.2 (0.2)
Public comprehensive ........|  83 (1.9)|  100.0| 51.1 (1.6)| 31.5 (1.4)|  3.9 (0.5)| 3.5 (0.8)|  2.3 (0.4)| 1.3 (0.3)|  4.0 (0.6)|  1.8 (0.4)|  0.4 (0.1)|   0.2 (0.1)
Private comprehensive .......|  38 (1.1)|  100.0| 54.5 (2.2)| 33.3 (2.0)|  2.8 (0.6)| 1.7 (0.4)|  1.9 (0.8)| 0.8 (0.3)|  3.1 (0.6)|  0.7 (0.2)|  1.0 (0.4)|   0.3 (0.2)
Private liberal arts ........|  48 (1.3)|  100.0| 54.7 (2.1)| 33.4 (1.9)|  4.0 (0.7)| 2.4 (0.5)|  0.8 (0.3)| 0.8 (0.3)|  2.1 (0.5)|  0.7 (0.3)|  0.6 (0.3)|   0.5 (0.2)
Public 2-year ...............| 102 (1.7)|  100.0| 42.9 (1.3)| 42.4 (1.3)|  2.4 (0.3)| 3.6 (0.4)|  2.7 (0.5)| 1.9 (0.3)|  1.3 (0.3)|  2.0 (0.4)|  0.7 (0.2)|   0.1 (0.1)
Other .......................|  35 (1.5)|  100.0| 59.5 (2.9)| 26.9 (2.4)|  4.9 (1.8)| 2.2 (0.5)|  0.9 (0.4)| 0.4 (0.3)|  2.4 (0.6)|  2.2 (0.9)|  0.1 (0.1)|   0.5 (0.3)
                             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
        Academic rank        |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Full professor ..............| 172 (2.8)|  100.0| 70.7 (1.0)| 18.4 (0.8)|  2.0 (0.2)| 0.9 (0.2)|  2.1 (0.4)| 0.6 (0.2)|  4.1 (0.4)|  0.8 (0.2)|  0.4 (0.1)|     #   (#)
Associate professor .........| 132 (2.4)|  100.0| 55.7 (1.3)| 29.3 (1.1)|  3.0 (0.3)| 2.4 (0.3)|  1.8 (0.3)| 0.9 (0.2)|  4.8 (0.5)|  1.5 (0.4)|  0.4 (0.1)|   0.1 (0.1)
Assistant professor .........| 125 (2.1)|  100.0| 44.1 (1.3)| 36.1 (1.2)|  3.4 (0.5)| 4.0 (0.6)|  1.9 (0.3)| 1.7 (0.3)|  5.3 (0.5)|  2.7 (0.4)|  0.4 (0.1)|   0.4 (0.1)
Instructor or lecturer ......|  89 (2.1)|  100.0| 40.1 (1.7)| 44.2 (1.6)|  2.3 (0.3)| 2.9 (0.4)|  2.5 (0.5)| 2.3 (0.4)|  2.1 (0.5)|  2.6 (0.5)|  0.9 (0.4)|   0.2 (0.1)
Other  ......................|  26 (0.7)|  100.0| 42.1 (2.5)| 41.2 (2.4)|  2.2 (0.6)| 3.7 (0.7)|  3.3 (1.3)| 1.7 (0.4)|  2.3 (0.6)|  2.3 (0.8)|  0.8 (0.4)|   0.5 (0.3)
No rank .................... |  16 (0.6)|  100.0| 52.7 (3.2)| 36.5 (3.1)|  2.0 (0.9)| 2.8 (1.2)|  0.9 (0.3)| 1.0 (0.5)|  0.5 (0.3)|  1.6 (0.7)|  0.6 (0.4)|   1.4 (0.7)
                             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
             Age             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Under 35  ...................|  41 (1.4)|  100.0| 43.6 (2.4)| 38.3 (2.2)|  1.6 (0.4)| 3.1 (0.8)|  3.5 (1.1)| 1.8 (0.4)|  3.6 (0.6)|  3.8 (0.8)|  0.4 (0.2)|   0.3 (0.2)
35 to 44 ....................| 142 (2.6)|  100.0| 47.3 (1.3)| 33.1 (1.2)|  2.5 (0.3)| 2.6 (0.4)|  2.8 (0.4)| 1.9 (0.3)|  6.5 (0.6)|  2.3 (0.3)|  0.7 (0.3)|   0.3 (0.1)
45 to 54 ....................| 202 (2.7)|  100.0| 50.5 (1.0)| 34.6 (0.9)|  3.1 (0.4)| 2.7 (0.3)|  1.8 (0.3)| 1.4 (0.3)|  3.3 (0.3)|  1.8 (0.3)|  0.6 (0.1)|   0.2 (0.1)
55 to 64 ....................| 145 (2.4)|  100.0| 66.8 (1.1)| 23.2 (1.0)|  2.4 (0.3)| 2.1 (0.4)|  1.3 (0.3)| 0.3 (0.1)|  2.5 (0.3)|  0.9 (0.2)|  0.3 (0.1)|   0.1 (0.1)
65 to 69 ....................|  23 (1.0)|  100.0| 70.6 (2.9)| 16.8 (2.5)|  3.0 (0.8)| 0.9 (0.5)|  1.3 (0.5)| 1.1 (0.5)|  5.1 (1.5)|  0.8 (0.4)|  0.2 (0.2)|   0.1 (0.1)
70 or older .................|   8 (0.8)|  100.0| 69.7 (5.0)| 18.7 (4.0)|  1.6 (0.9)| 1.9 (1.2)|  1.1 (1.1)| 1.5 (0.9)|  4.4 (2.3)|  0.7 (0.5)|    #   (#)|   0.3 (0.3)
                             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
         Base salary         |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Under $10,000 ...............|   8 (0.7)|  100.0| 50.4 (6.1)| 37.0 (6.4)|  3.3 (1.4)| 3.8 (1.6)|  1.1 (0.6)| 1.6 (0.9)|  1.4 (0.9)|  1.0 (0.7)|    #   (#)|   0.4 (0.5)
$10,000 to 24,999 ...........|  15 (0.9)|  100.0| 40.4 (4.4)| 45.4 (4.3)|  1.5 (0.6)| 1.6 (0.6)|  6.4 (2.8)| 0.8 (0.4)|  2.4 (0.9)|  1.1 (0.7)|  0.3 (0.3)|   0.2 (0.2)
$25,000 to 39,999 ...........| 123 (2.3)|  100.0| 40.8 (1.4)| 45.0 (1.3)|  2.3 (0.3)| 3.5 (0.4)|  1.4 (0.3)| 1.8 (0.2)|  2.0 (0.4)|  2.0 (0.3)|  0.8 (0.3)|   0.4 (0.1)
$40,000 to 54,999 ...........| 173 (2.3)|  100.0| 50.3 (1.1)| 33.2 (0.9)|  3.7 (0.4)| 3.1 (0.4)|  1.9 (0.3)| 1.6 (0.3)|  3.6 (0.4)|  1.8 (0.3)|  0.5 (0.1)|   0.2 (0.1)
$55,000 to 69,999 ...........| 108 (2.2)|  100.0| 60.1 (1.4)| 24.7 (1.2)|  2.0 (0.3)| 2.1 (0.3)|  2.1 (0.4)| 1.2 (0.4)|  5.0 (0.6)|  2.1 (0.5)|  0.4 (0.1)|   0.2 (0.1)
$70,000 to 84,999 ...........|  60 (1.5)|  100.0| 66.9 (1.7)| 18.9 (1.5)|  2.4 (0.4)| 1.3 (0.3)|  2.8 (0.8)| 0.5 (0.2)|  5.4 (0.6)|  1.2 (0.4)|  0.4 (0.2)|   0.1 (0.1)
$85,000 to 99,999 ...........|  29 (1.3)|  100.0| 70.4 (2.7)| 15.4 (2.3)|  2.0 (0.6)| 0.7 (0.3)|  2.2 (0.6)| 0.6 (0.3)|  7.3 (1.4)|  1.1 (0.4)|  0.2 (0.2)|   0.1 (0.1)
$100,000 or more ............|  45 (1.3)|  100.0| 73.1 (1.9)| 14.4 (1.6)|  1.5 (0.4)| 0.7 (0.3)|  2.0 (0.5)| 0.2 (0.1)|  6.1 (1.0)|  1.5 (0.4)|  0.3 (0.2)|   0.1 (0.1)
                             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
   Total household income    |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Under $10,000 ...............|   1 (0.1)|  100.0| 47.5(11.9)| 40.1(11.7)|  8.2 (5.5)|   #   (#)|  1.1 (1.1)| 1.1 (1.1)|  2.1 (2.1)|    #   (#)|    #   (#)|     #   (#)
$10,000 to 24,999 ...........|  15 (0.8)|  100.0| 52.5 (4.0)| 29.0 (3.3)|  1.6 (0.7)| 5.9 (1.4)|  3.8 (2.1)| 0.7 (0.3)|  4.4 (1.2)|  1.4 (0.6)|  0.6 (0.5)|     #   (#)
$25,000 to 39,999 ...........|  31 (1.2)|  100.0| 41.2 (2.9)| 42.8 (2.7)|  1.8 (0.5)| 2.9 (0.6)|  2.6 (0.9)| 1.6 (0.5)|  4.3 (1.2)|  1.5 (0.4)|  0.8 (0.4)|   0.6 (0.3)
$40,000 to 54,999 ...........|  59 (1.6)|  100.0| 48.0 (2.0)| 34.5 (1.7)|  3.4 (0.5)| 5.0 (1.1)|  1.7 (0.3)| 1.6 (0.4)|  3.3 (0.5)|  1.4 (0.4)|  0.9 (0.6)|   0.3 (0.1)
$55,000 to 69,999 ...........|  63 (1.7)|  100.0| 54.4 (1.9)| 30.4 (1.7)|  2.6 (0.5)| 2.7 (0.6)|  2.5 (0.7)| 0.7 (0.2)|  4.8 (0.9)|  1.1 (0.3)|  0.5 (0.2)|   0.2 (0.1)
$70,000 to 84,999 ...........|  67 (1.7)|  100.0| 54.5 (1.8)| 30.0 (1.5)|  3.1 (0.5)| 2.3 (0.5)|  2.1 (0.5)| 1.5 (0.5)|  3.7 (0.5)|  2.0 (0.6)|  0.6 (0.2)|   0.1 (0.1)
$85,000 to 99,999 ...........|  57 (1.5)|  100.0| 62.5 (1.7)| 25.6 (1.5)|  2.7 (0.5)| 2.4 (0.4)|  1.3 (0.3)| 0.9 (0.2)|  2.7 (0.5)|  1.3 (0.4)|  0.3 (0.2)|   0.2 (0.1)
$100,000 or more ............| 266 (3.2)|  100.0| 55.9 (0.9)| 29.6 (0.8)|  2.4 (0.3)| 1.6 (0.2)|  2.0 (0.3)| 1.3 (0.2)|  4.3 (0.3)|  2.1 (0.3)|  0.4 (0.1)|   0.2 (0.1)
                             |                                     Part-time instructional faculty and staff
                             |______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
  Number, in thousands ......| 416 (5.9)|      †|191.1 (5.2)|173.3 (4.8)|  9.9 (1.1)| 9.0 (0.9)|  8.6 (1.2)| 7.0 (0.8)|  6.1 (0.8)|  7.1 (1.5)|  1.4 (0.3)|   2.6 (0.8)
  Percentage distribution ...|       † †|  100.0| 45.9 (1.0)| 41.7 (1.0)|  2.4 (0.3)| 2.2 (0.2)|  2.1 (0.3)| 1.7 (0.2)|  1.5 (0.2)|  1.7 (0.4)|  0.3 (0.1)|   0.6 (0.2)
      Type and control       |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Public research  ............|  36 (1.5)|  100.0| 48.3 (3.2)| 38.8 (3.1)|  1.7 (0.8)| 1.2 (0.6)|  2.1 (0.7)| 1.4 (0.5)|  2.6 (0.8)|  2.0 (0.7)|  0.6 (0.3)|   1.4 (1.2)
Private research  ...........|  15 (1.5)|  100.0| 54.9 (6.2)| 35.0 (5.6)|  0.8 (0.6)| 2.6 (1.7)|  2.9 (1.5)| 1.5 (0.6)|  1.8 (0.8)|  0.7 (0.5)|    #   (#)|     #   (#)
Public doctoral .............|  26 (1.6)|  100.0| 44.8 (4.5)| 43.1 (4.2)|  2.6 (1.1)| 1.1 (0.4)|  0.9 (0.4)| 2.2 (1.0)|  1.4 (0.8)|  1.6 (0.8)|    #   (#)|   2.3 (1.6)
Private doctoral ............|  18 (0.5)|  100.0| 50.6 (3.5)| 36.2 (3.2)|  2.5 (0.8)| 0.9 (0.4)|  1.3 (0.5)| 1.0 (0.5)|  4.2 (2.0)|  2.8 (0.9)|    #   (#)|   0.4 (0.4)
Public comprehensive ........|  48 (2.1)|  100.0| 40.9 (2.8)| 44.6 (2.9)|  1.9 (0.5)| 2.1 (0.5)|  2.1 (0.8)| 1.7 (0.5)|  1.4 (0.4)|  4.1 (2.6)|  0.3 (0.2)|   0.9 (0.6)
Private comprehensive .......|  37 (1.4)|  100.0| 54.7 (3.2)| 38.3 (3.1)|  2.0 (0.8)| 0.7 (0.4)|  1.3 (0.5)| 0.7 (0.4)|  0.8 (0.4)|  0.9 (0.4)|  0.2 (0.2)|   0.3 (0.2)
Private liberal arts ........|  33 (2.1)|  100.0| 37.7 (3.7)| 49.0 (4.2)|  3.9 (1.9)| 2.9 (0.9)|  1.3 (0.5)| 1.8 (0.8)|  0.8 (0.4)|  2.3 (1.4)|  0.2 (0.2)|     #   (#)
Public 2-year ...............| 170 (3.9)|  100.0| 44.7 (1.6)| 41.9 (1.6)|  2.5 (0.4)| 2.8 (0.4)|  2.9 (0.6)| 1.9 (0.4)|  1.1 (0.2)|  1.1 (0.2)|  0.5 (0.2)|   0.5 (0.3)
Other .......................|  34 (1.5)|  100.0| 49.7 (3.4)| 40.6 (3.4)|  2.3 (0.8)| 2.3 (0.7)|  0.4 (0.3)| 1.7 (0.6)|  1.9 (1.1)|  1.0 (0.4)|    #   (#)|   0.2 (0.2)
                             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
        Academic rank        |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Full professor ..............|  30 (2.3)|  100.0| 68.0 (3.9)| 21.9 (3.3)|  1.9 (0.8)| 1.1 (0.7)|  1.6 (0.6)| 0.8 (0.4)|  4.2 (1.4)|  0.3 (0.2)|    #   (#)|   0.2 (0.2)
Associate professor .........|  19 (1.1)|  100.0| 65.5 (4.0)| 23.5 (3.5)|  3.3 (1.4)| 1.6 (0.7)|  1.9 (0.9)| 0.6 (0.4)|  2.1 (0.9)|  1.2 (0.7)|    #   (#)|   0.3 (0.3)
Assistant professor .........|  23 (1.3)|  100.0| 46.2 (4.2)| 41.5 (4.0)|  2.4 (0.9)| 2.7 (0.9)|  1.6 (0.9)| 1.1 (0.6)|  1.9 (1.1)|  1.9 (0.7)|    #   (#)|   0.7 (0.7)
Instructor or lecturer ......| 252 (4.7)|  100.0| 41.8 (1.3)| 45.6 (1.3)|  2.4 (0.3)| 2.5 (0.3)|  2.1 (0.4)| 1.8 (0.3)|  1.0 (0.2)|  2.0 (0.6)|  0.4 (0.1)|   0.3 (0.2)
Other  ......................|  75 (2.0)|  100.0| 45.9 (2.1)| 40.1 (2.1)|  2.3 (0.8)| 1.7 (0.4)|  2.5 (0.8)| 2.0 (0.4)|  1.6 (0.5)|  1.5 (0.4)|  0.4 (0.2)|   1.9 (0.8)
No rank .....................|  16 (1.0)|  100.0| 44.9 (4.6)| 46.2 (4.8)|  2.0 (1.2)| 1.1 (0.6)|  1.4 (0.6)| 1.8 (0.9)|  1.4 (0.7)|  1.2 (0.7)|    #   (#)|   0.0 (0.0)
                             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
             Age             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Under 35  ...................|  52 (2.4)|  100.0| 38.9 (3.0)| 46.3 (3.2)|  1.3 (0.5)| 2.3 (0.6)|  2.3 (0.6)| 3.8 (1.1)|  2.4 (0.7)|  2.5 (0.6)|  0.1 (0.1)|     #   (#)
35 to 44 ....................| 108 (3.1)|  100.0| 40.0 (2.0)| 45.0 (2.0)|  2.5 (0.5)| 2.0 (0.4)|  2.5 (0.7)| 1.8 (0.3)|  1.4 (0.4)|  3.5 (1.3)|  0.3 (0.1)|   1.1 (0.5)
45 to 54 ....................| 142 (3.5)|  100.0| 45.3 (1.8)| 43.9 (1.7)|  2.3 (0.5)| 2.5 (0.4)|  1.9 (0.5)| 1.2 (0.3)|  0.8 (0.2)|  0.9 (0.2)|  0.2 (0.1)|   0.9 (0.4)
55 to 64 ....................|  76 (2.3)|  100.0| 51.6 (2.3)| 37.8 (2.2)|  2.2 (0.5)| 2.1 (0.4)|  1.4 (0.3)| 1.4 (0.4)|  1.8 (0.5)|  0.8 (0.3)|  0.7 (0.3)|   0.1 (0.1)
65 to 69 ....................|  22 (1.0)|  100.0| 63.8 (3.6)| 24.2 (2.9)|  2.3 (0.8)| 2.1 (1.0)|  3.0 (1.7)| 0.7 (0.4)|  1.9 (1.6)|  0.8 (0.5)|  0.7 (0.5)|   0.6 (0.5)
70 or older .................|  16 (1.3)|  100.0| 62.4 (4.8)| 26.5 (4.1)|  6.5 (3.1)| 0.8 (0.5)|  1.3 (0.7)| 0.5 (0.4)|  1.6 (0.9)|  0.4 (0.5)|    #   (#)|     #   (#)
                             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
         Base salary         |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Under $10,000 ...............| 259 (4.5)|  100.0| 45.9 (1.3)| 41.8 (1.3)|  2.4 (0.4)| 2.4 (0.3)|  2.0 (0.4)| 1.4 (0.2)|  1.4 (0.2)|  1.8 (0.5)|  0.4 (0.1)|   0.6 (0.3)
$10,000 to 24,999 ...........| 111 (2.9)|  100.0| 43.8 (1.9)| 44.9 (1.9)|  1.9 (0.4)| 1.9 (0.4)|  2.2 (0.6)| 2.3 (0.6)|  1.1 (0.3)|  1.4 (0.3)|  0.2 (0.1)|   0.3 (0.2)
$25,000 to 39,999 ...........|  27 (2.0)|  100.0| 49.7 (4.8)| 35.0 (3.9)|  2.0 (0.7)| 1.7 (0.8)|  0.8 (0.3)| 2.6 (0.8)|  3.2 (1.5)|  2.9 (0.9)|  0.5 (0.4)|   1.5 (1.4)
$40,000 to 54,999 ...........|  11 (1.5)|  100.0| 46.3 (8.2)| 36.8 (9.6)|  8.0 (3.4)| 2.0 (0.9)|  1.1 (0.8)| 1.5 (0.7)|  2.1 (1.3)|  1.1 (0.8)|    #   (#)|   1.0 (0.7)
$55,000 to 69,999 ...........|   4 (0.5)|  100.0| 69.0 (7.5)| 21.9 (6.4)|  2.5 (2.0)| 1.1 (0.9)|  5.4 (3.3)|   #   (#)|    #   (#)|    #   (#)|    #   (#)|     #   (#)
$70,000 to 84,999 ...........|   2 (0.2)|  100.0| 58.9(11.2)| 23.4 (9.8)|  1.7 (1.7)| 0.9 (0.9)|    #   (#)|   #   (#)| 13.2 (9.1)|  2.1 (2.1)|    #   (#)|     #   (#)
$85,000 to 99,999 ...........|   ‡   (‡)|      ‡|    ‡   (‡)|    ‡   (‡)|    ‡   (‡)|   ‡   (‡)|    ‡   (‡)|   ‡   (‡)|    ‡   (‡)|    ‡   (‡)|    ‡   (‡)|     ‡   (‡)
$100,000 or more ............|   2 (0.1)|  100.0| 60.1(11.2)| 19.5 (9.1)|    #   (#)|   #   (#)| 15.4 (8.2)|   #   (#)|  2.0 (2.1)|  2.9 (2.1)|    #   (#)|     #   (#)
                             |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
   Total household income    |          |       |           |           |           |          |           |          |           |           |           |
Under $10,000 ...............|   7 (0.6)|  100.0| 25.2 (5.0)| 43.9 (6.5)|  7.0 (3.0)| 8.7 (5.0)|  1.2 (0.7)| 3.2 (1.8)|  2.3 (1.9)|  7.5 (5.7)|  1.0 (1.0)|     #   (#)
$10,000 to 24,999 ...........|  33 (1.6)|  100.0| 45.0 (3.6)| 44.3 (3.6)|  1.8 (0.7)| 2.5 (0.9)|  1.6 (0.7)| 1.2 (0.4)|  1.0 (0.3)|  1.9 (0.8)|  0.5 (0.3)|   0.2 (0.2)
$25,000 to 39,999 ...........|  36 (1.8)|  100.0| 52.8 (3.5)| 36.5 (3.2)|  1.2 (0.4)| 3.3 (1.0)|  1.7 (0.5)| 1.5 (0.6)|  1.3 (0.5)|  1.0 (0.4)|  0.6 (0.4)|   0.1 (0.1)
$40,000 to 54,999 ...........|  48 (1.7)|  100.0| 40.4 (2.7)| 46.1 (2.8)|  3.7 (1.2)| 2.3 (0.6)|  1.7 (0.4)| 1.7 (0.5)|  0.5 (0.2)|  1.4 (0.5)|  0.5 (0.3)|   1.7 (1.0)
$55,000 to 69,999 ...........|  49 (2.3)|  100.0| 43.8 (3.0)| 39.7 (3.0)|  2.9 (0.8)| 1.9 (0.6)|  3.3 (1.3)| 3.2 (1.1)|  1.1 (0.4)|  3.6 (2.5)|  0.1 (0.1)|   0.5 (0.4)
$70,000 to 84,999 ...........|  48 (1.6)|  100.0| 46.1 (2.7)| 40.0 (2.6)|  3.7 (1.4)| 3.0 (0.7)|  2.5 (0.9)| 2.3 (0.5)|  1.6 (0.5)|  0.4 (0.2)|  0.3 (0.2)|   0.1 (0.1)
$85,000 to 99,999 ...........|  42 (1.7)|  100.0| 47.1 (3.1)| 40.9 (3.1)|  2.5 (0.7)| 2.2 (0.6)|  4.0 (1.4)| 1.3 (0.4)|  0.7 (0.3)|  1.2 (0.4)|    #   (#)|   0.2 (0.2)
$100,000 or more ............| 152 (3.9)|  100.0| 47.6 (1.8)| 42.2 (1.8)|  1.5 (0.3)| 1.3 (0.2)|  1.3 (0.4)| 1.2 (0.3)|  2.1 (0.4)|  1.6 (0.3)|  0.3 (0.1)|   0.8 (0.4)

‡ Reporting standards not met. Not applicable.
# Rounds to zero.

NOTE: Totals may differ from figures reported in other tables because of varying survey methodologies. Standard errors appear in parentheses. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99). (This table was prepared September 2001.)

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