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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 142. Percent of high school seniors who participate in various school-sponsored extracurricular activities, by selected student characteristics: 1980 and 1992

                              |  Academic | Athletics | Cheerleading  | Newspaper   |Music, drama,| Vocational
       Selected student       |    clubs  |           |and drill team | or yearbook |    debate   |   clubs
        characteristic        |___________|___________|_______________|_____________|_____________|___________
                              |1980 |1992 |1980 |1992 | 1980  | 1992  | 1980 | 1992 | 1980 | 1992 |1980 |1992
              1               |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |   6   |   7   |  8   |  9   |  10  |  11  | 12  | 13
All seniors...................| 25.6| 25.1| 51.8| 42.9|   15.1|    7.5|  19.9|  18.8|  36.5|  27.9| 23.1| 17.7
Sex                           |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
  Male .......................| 20.3| 22.8| 64.0| 55.3|    4.5|    2.0|  15.4|  14.0|  28.4|  23.0| 19.1| 14.7
  Female .....................| 30.9| 27.4| 40.6| 30.3|   24.8|   13.0|  24.0|  23.5|  44.0|  32.7| 26.7| 20.6
                              |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
Race/ethnicity                |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
  White ......................| 25.0| 25.8| 51.6| 44.1|   14.9|    7.4|  20.1|  19.7|  35.8|  28.1| 22.3| 17.6
  Black ......................| 33.1| 20.6| 54.4| 41.4|   17.6|   10.6|  17.8|  14.3|  43.2|  32.2| 30.1| 22.5
  Hispanic ...................| 24.2| 22.6| 49.4| 35.3|   12.3|    6.6|  15.8|  16.8|  31.1|  22.3| 27.3| 16.4
  Asian ......................| 26.6| 32.3| 48.8| 45.2|   14.6|    5.1|  21.4|  18.9|  36.6|  25.8|  9.6|  8.8
                              |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
Test performance quartile\1\  |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
  Lowest test quartile .......| 24.6| 18.1| 46.3| 40.3|   15.0|    8.5|  14.6|  12.0|  31.8|  23.3| 33.0| 25.0
  Middle 2 test quartiles ....| 24.3| 23.3| 49.4| 42.3|   16.0|    7.6|  18.7|  17.1|  35.6|  26.5| 24.2| 20.0
  Highest test quartile ......| 29.0| 37.1| 54.0| 49.0|   13.5|    7.9|  27.1|  27.9|  43.4|  35.2| 12.4| 11.4
                              |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
Socioeconomic status\2\       |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
  Low ........................| 24.6| 19.4| 43.2| 33.9|   13.0|    6.7|  15.7|  14.2|  31.0|  24.1| 30.6| 24.8
  Middle .....................| 24.3| 24.5| 52.1| 41.7|   15.9|    8.0|  19.2|  17.5|  35.8|  27.8| 24.1| 18.5
  High .......................| 29.0| 31.7| 61.7| 53.9|   15.6|    7.7|  25.3|  25.5|  43.8|  31.6| 13.4|  9.3
                              |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
Region                        |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
  Northwest...................| 19.6| 23.1| 54.5| 48.6|   11.5|    6.9|  24.6|  28.3|  34.5|  28.4| 10.6|  8.1
  Midwest.....................| 21.4| 25.4| 52.8| 45.8|   15.3|    8.0|  18.4|  18.2|  37.1|  32.0| 20.0| 18.4
  South.......................| 30.8| 28.2| 48.2| 38.8|   18.0|    8.5|  18.8|  15.0|  37.9|  25.6| 40.0| 27.2
  West....................... | 21.9| 21.6| 52.9| 40.6|   14.0|    6.0|  16.8|  16.5|  35.2|  25.6| 15.8| 10.0
                              |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
High school program\3\        |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |      |     |
  General.....................| 19.6| 18.3| 49.9| 37.8|   14.0|    7.1|  16.7|  14.6|  34.5|  26.3| 22.6| 16.7
  Academic....................| 28.7| 34.2| 60.1| 50.8|   17.2|    8.8|  26.9|  24.9|  44.1|  32.8| 13.1| 12.6
  Vocational..................| 23.1| 14.7| 42.4| 30.1|   13.3|    4.9|  13.2|  11.2|  27.7|  16.2| 39.3| 41.2

\1\Composite of performance on mathematics, reading, science, and social studies tests.
\2\Socioeconomic status (SES) was measured by a composite score on parental education and occupations, and family income. The "low" SES group is the lowest quartile; the "middle" SES group is the middle two quartiles; and the "high" SES group is the upper quartile.
\3\Program as reported by student.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "High School and Beyond," Senior Cohort; and "National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988," Second Followup survey. (This table was prepared February 1996.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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