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2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 134. Scholastic Assessment Test score averages for college-bound seniors, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1987-88 to 2002-03

                      |    1987-88   |    1995-96   |  1999-2000   |   2000-01    |   2001-02    |   2002-03    |  Percent   |  Percent
                      |______________|______________|______________|______________|______________|______________|     of     |     of
        State         |Verbal|Mathe- |Verbal|Mathe- |Verbal|Mathe- |Verbal|Mathe- |Verbal|Mathe- |Verbal|Mathe- | graduates  | graduates
   or jurisdiction    |      |matical|      |matical|      |matical|      |matical|      |matical|      |matical|taking SAT, |taking SAT,
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |  2001-02   |  2002-03
          1           |  2   |   3   |  4   |   5   |  6   |  7    |  8   |  9    | 10   |  11   | 12   |  13   |    14      |    15
    United States ....|   505|    501|   505|    508|   505|    514|   506|    514|   504|    516|   507|    519|          46|          48
Alabama ..............|   554|    540|   565|    558|   559|    555|   559|    554|   560|    559|   559|    552|           9|          10
Alaska ...............|   518|    501|   521|    513|   519|    515|   514|    510|   516|    519|   518|    518|          52|          55
Arizona ..............|   531|    523|   525|    521|   521|    523|   523|    525|   520|    523|   524|    525|          36|          38
Arkansas .............|   554|    536|   566|    550|   563|    554|   562|    550|   560|    556|   564|    554|           5|           6
California ...........|   500|    508|   495|    511|   497|    518|   498|    517|   496|    517|   499|    519|          52|          54
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
Colorado .............|   537|    532|   536|    538|   534|    537|   539|    542|   543|    548|   551|    553|          28|          27
Connecticut ..........|   513|    498|   507|    504|   508|    509|   509|    510|   509|    509|   512|    514|          83|          84
Delaware .............|   510|    493|   508|    495|   502|    496|   501|    499|   502|    500|   501|    501|          69|          73
District of Columbia .|   479|    461|   489|    473|   494|    486|   482|    474|   480|    473|   484|    474|          76|          77
Florida ..............|   499|    495|   498|    496|   498|    500|   498|    499|   496|    499|   498|    498|          57|          61
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
Georgia ..............|   480|    473|   484|    477|   488|    486|   491|    489|   489|    491|   493|    491|          65|          66
Hawaii ...............|   484|    505|   485|    510|   488|    519|   486|    515|   488|    520|   486|    516|          53|          54
Idaho ................|   543|    523|   543|    536|   540|    541|   543|    542|   539|    541|   540|    540|          18|          18
Illinois .............|   540|    540|   564|    575|   568|    586|   576|    589|   578|    596|   583|    596|          11|          11
Indiana...............|   490|    486|   494|    494|   498|    501|   499|    501|   498|    503|   500|    504|          62|          63
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
Iowa .................|   587|    588|   590|    600|   589|    600|   593|    603|   591|    602|   586|    597|           5|           5
Kansas ...............|   568|    557|   579|    571|   574|    580|   577|    580|   578|    580|   578|    582|           9|           9
Kentucky .............|   551|    535|   549|    544|   548|    550|   550|    550|   550|    552|   554|    552|          12|          13
Louisiana ............|   551|    533|   559|    550|   562|    558|   564|    562|   561|    559|   563|    559|           8|           8
Maine ................|   508|    493|   504|    498|   504|    500|   506|    500|   503|    502|   503|    501|          69|          70
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
Maryland .............|   509|    501|   507|    504|   507|    509|   508|    510|   507|    513|   509|    515|          67|          68
Massachusetts ........|   508|    499|   507|    504|   511|    513|   511|    515|   512|    516|   516|    522|          81|          82
Michigan .............|   532|    533|   557|    565|   557|    569|   561|    572|   558|    572|   564|    576|          11|          11
Minnesota ............|   546|    549|   582|    593|   581|    594|   580|    589|   581|    591|   582|    591|          10|          10
Mississippi ..........|   557|    539|   569|    557|   562|    549|   566|    551|   559|    547|   565|    551|           4|           4
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
Missouri..............|   547|    539|   570|    569|   572|    577|   577|    577|   574|    580|   582|    583|           8|           8
Montana ..............|   547|    547|   546|    547|   543|    546|   539|    539|   541|    547|   538|    543|          23|          26
Nebraska .............|   562|    561|   567|    568|   560|    571|   562|    568|   561|    570|   573|    578|           8|           8
Nevada ...............|   517|    510|   508|    507|   510|    517|   509|    515|   509|    518|   510|    517|          34|          36
New Hampshire ........|   523|    511|   520|    514|   520|    519|   520|    516|   519|    519|   522|    521|          73|          75
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
New Jersey ...........|   500|    495|   498|    505|   498|    513|   499|    513|   498|    513|   501|    515|          82|          85
New Mexico ...........|   553|    543|   554|    548|   549|    543|   551|    542|   551|    543|   548|    540|          14|          14
New York .............|   497|    495|   497|    499|   494|    506|   495|    505|   494|    506|   496|    510|          79|          82
North Carolina .......|   478|    470|   490|    486|   492|    496|   493|    499|   493|    505|   495|    506|          67|          68
North Dakota .........|   572|    569|   596|    599|   588|    609|   592|    599|   597|    610|   602|    613|           4|           4
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
Ohio .................|   529|    521|   536|    535|   533|    539|   534|    539|   533|    540|   536|    541|          27|          28
Oklahoma .............|   558|    542|   566|    557|   563|    560|   567|    561|   565|    562|   569|    562|           8|           8
Oregon ...............|   517|    507|   523|    521|   527|    527|   526|    526|   524|    528|   526|    527|          56|          57
Pennsylvania .........|   502|    489|   498|    492|   498|    497|   500|    499|   498|    500|   500|    502|          72|          73
Rhode Island .........|   508|    496|   501|    491|   505|    500|   501|    499|   504|    503|   502|    504|          73|          74
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
South Carolina .......|   477|    468|   480|    474|   484|    482|   486|    488|   488|    493|   493|    496|          59|          59
South Dakota .........|   585|    573|   574|    566|   587|    588|   577|    582|   576|    586|   588|    588|           5|           4
Tennessee ............|   560|    543|   563|    552|   563|    553|   562|    553|   562|    555|   568|    560|          14|          14
Texas ................|   494|    490|   495|    500|   493|    500|   493|    499|   491|    500|   493|    500|          55|          57
Utah .................|   572|    553|   583|    575|   570|    569|   575|    570|   563|    559|   566|    559|           6|           7
                      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |            |
Vermont ..............|   514|    499|   506|    500|   513|    508|   511|    506|   512|    510|   515|    512|          69|          70
Virginia .............|   507|    498|   507|    496|   509|    500|   510|    501|   510|    506|   514|    510|          68|          71
Washington ...........|   525|    517|   519|    519|   526|    528|   527|    527|   525|    529|   530|    532|          54|          56
West Virginia.........|   528|    519|   526|    506|   526|    511|   527|    512|   525|    515|   522|    510|          18|          20
Wisconsin ............|   549|    551|   577|    586|   584|    597|   584|    596|   583|    599|   585|    594|           7|           7
Wyoming ..............|   550|    545|   544|    544|   545|    545|   547|    545|   531|    537|   548|    549|          11|          11

NOTE: Scholastic Assessment Test was formerly known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test. The percent of graduates taking the SAT is based on the projection of high school graduates by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, and number of students in the graduating class who took the SAT I: Reasoning Test. Possible scores on each part of the SAT range from 200 to 800. Rankings of states based on SAT scores alone are invalid because of the varying proportions of students in each state taking the tests.

SOURCE: College Entrance Examination Board, "College-Bound Seniors: 2003 Profile of SAT Program Test Takers," (Copyright © 2003 by the College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.) (This table was prepared August 2003.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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