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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 101. Percent of public schools with building deficiencies and renovation plans, by level, enrollment size, metropolitan status, and free lunch eligibility: 1999

                                        |            |Instructional level\1\   |    Size of school                       |      Metropolitan status             |Percent of students eligible for
                                        |  All       |                         |      enrollment                         |                                      |  free or reduced-price lunch
        Type of school condition        |public      |_________________________|_________________________________________|______________________________________|___________________________________________________
                                        |schools     |            |            |  Less       |  300        |  600        |            | Urban      |            | Less       | 20 to      | 40 to      |  70
                                        |            | Elementary | Secondary  |  than       |   to        |   or        |Central     |fringe/     |Rural/      |than 20     |  39        |  69        |percent
                                        |            |            |            |  300        |  599        |  more       | city       | large      | small      |percent     |percent     |percent     |or more
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            | town       | town       |            |            |            |
                   1                    |   2        |   3        |   4        |   5         |   6         |   7         |   8        |   9        |  10        |  11        |  12        |  13        |  14
Estimated number of schools\2\ .........|78,313 (632)|59,940  --- |15,505  --- | 18,095  --- | 31,942  --- | 28,275  --- |21,294  --- |27,846  --- |29,173  --- |21,216  --- |20,915  --- |20,947  --- |15,234  ---
Estimated enrollment, in thousands .....|45,000 (575)|   ---  --- |   ---  --- |    ---  --- |    ---  --- |    ---  --- |   ---  --- |   ---  --- |   ---  --- |   ---  --- |   ---  --- |   ---  --- |   ---  ---
Percent of schools with                 |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  temporary buildings ..................|    39 (2.0)|    40 (2.5)|    37 (2.9)|     21 (4.3)|     39 (3.1)|     50 (2.5)|    45 (3.6)|    44 (3.1)|    29 (2.9)|    35 (3.3)|    36 (3.0)|    42 (3.7)|    43 (4.6)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      Percent of buildings in less      |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
      than adequate condition           |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Original buildings .....................|    19 (1.6)|    19 (1.8)|    21 (2.3)|     22 (3.8)|     19 (2.4)|     18 (2.0)|    20 (2.7)|    18 (2.6)|    19 (2.5)|    20 (3.1)|    18 (2.4)|    16 (2.5)|    25 (4.2)
Permanent additions ....................|    16 (1.8)|    17 (2.1)|    14 (2.5)|     16 (3.5)|     17 (2.7)|     14 (2.4)|    18 (3.6)|    17 (2.8)|    14 (2.5)|     8 (2.3)|    13 (3.3)|    16 (3.2)|    30 (5.1)
Temporary buildings ....................|    19 (2.2)|    18 (2.4)|    21 (4.5)|    ---  --- |     22 (3.5)|     20 (3.0)|    19 (3.8)|    18 (3.4)|    19 (4.1)|    17 (4.4)|    16 (3.9)|    19 (3.3)|    25 (5.3)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Percent of schools with building    |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  features rated as less than adequate  |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
At least one feature less than          |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  adequate .............................|    50 (1.5)|    49 (1.9)|    56 (3.0)|     55 (4.6)|     50 (2.9)|     49 (2.3)|    56 (3.7)|    44 (3.2)|    52 (2.6)|    45 (3.4)|    45 (3.7)|    53 (3.3)|    63 (4.5)
  Roofs ................................|    22 (1.7)|    22 (1.9)|    26 (3.1)|     24 (3.8)|     22 (2.9)|     22 (1.9)|    23 (3.2)|    19 (2.6)|    25 (2.9)|    18 (2.9)|    21 (2.8)|    22 (2.9)|    32 (4.6)
  Framing, floors, and foundations .....|    14 (1.3)|    14 (1.6)|    16 (2.2)|     19 (3.1)|     12 (2.3)|     14 (1.8)|    12 (2.5)|    13 (1.9)|    17 (2.5)|    14 (2.4)|    11 (2.3)|    16 (2.3)|    17 (3.9)
  Exterior walls, finishes,             |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    windows, doors .....................|    24 (1.5)|    23 (1.9)|    27 (2.7)|     31 (3.9)|     21 (2.6)|     23 (1.8)|    27 (3.1)|    21 (2.5)|    25 (3.0)|    21 (2.6)|    21 (2.8)|    25 (2.6)|    30 (4.4)
  Interior finishes, trim ..............|    17 (1.4)|    17 (1.7)|    20 (2.3)|     20 (3.2)|     16 (2.4)|     18 (2.1)|    20 (3.2)|    16 (2.1)|    17 (2.4)|    17 (2.5)|    14 (2.4)|    14 (2.6)|    26 (4.2)
  Plumbing .............................|    25 (1.7)|    24 (1.9)|    28 (2.7)|     28 (4.4)|     27 (3.2)|     20 (2.1)|    28 (3.4)|    21 (2.3)|    26 (2.5)|    23 (3.1)|    23 (2.8)|    23 (3.4)|    32 (4.3)
  Heating, ventilation, air conditioning|    29 (1.5)|    28 (1.8)|    34 (2.5)|     29 (3.8)|     32 (2.9)|     26 (1.8)|    30 (3.0)|    27 (2.5)|    31 (2.7)|    28 (3.0)|    26 (2.7)|    29 (2.8)|    35 (4.2)
  Electric power .......................|    22 (1.4)|    21 (1.8)|    25 (2.6)|     23 (3.5)|     21 (2.9)|     22 (1.8)|    26 (2.9)|    21 (2.2)|    19 (2.4)|    18 (2.5)|    20 (2.4)|    21 (2.6)|    30 (4.6)
  Electrical lighting ..................|    17 (1.5)|    17 (1.9)|    19 (2.3)|     19 (3.2)|     17 (2.7)|     16 (1.8)|    18 (2.7)|    15 (2.0)|    20 (2.3)|    14 (2.1)|    15 (2.3)|    18 (2.7)|    24 (5.2)
  Life safety features .................|    20 (1.3)|    19 (1.6)|    22 (2.8)|     26 (4.1)|     21 (2.4)|     16 (1.7)|    21 (2.9)|    17 (2.1)|    23 (2.9)|    16 (2.6)|    18 (2.1)|    22 (3.3)|    27 (3.5)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Percent of schools needing to spend     |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  money to bring schools into           |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  good overall condition ...............|    76 (1.5)|    75 (1.7)|    79 (2.8)|     82 (3.6)|     74 (2.3)|     74 (2.0)|    81 (2.7)|    70 (3.1)|    78 (2.1)|    73 (3.2)|    73 (3.2)|    77 (2.7)|    84 (3.4)
Cost per student for all schools .......|$2,900 (159)| 2,500 (159)|$3,400 (379)| $3,900 (602)| $3,300 (376)| $2,500 (220)|$2,900 (327)|$2,600 (251)|$3,300 (339)|$2,900 (292)|$2,800 (301)|$3,000 (424)|$2,600 (325)
Cost per student for schools            |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  needing to spend money ...............|$3,800 (192)| 3,500 (217)|$4,300 (442)| $4,800 (702)| $4,600 (503)| $3,300 (288)|$3,500 (384)|$3,800 (335)|$4,400 (442)|$4,100 (427)|$3,900 (383)|$3,900 (509)|$3,200 (366)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Percent of schools rating environ-      |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
     ment factors as unsatisfactory     |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
At least one factor is unsatisfactory ..|    43 (1.6)|    41 (2.1)|    48 (2.8)|     45 (4.6)|     46 (3.0)|     39 (2.0)|    47 (3.8)|    37 (2.9)|    47 (2.9)|    38 (3.4)|    42 (3.2)|    41 (3.6)|    55 (4.4)
  Lighting .............................|    12 (1.4)|    12 (1.8)|    12 (2.0)|     12 (2.9)|     14 (2.4)|     10 (1.4)|    14 (2.6)|    11 (1.7)|    12 (2.2)|     8 (2.0)|    13 (2.4)|    10 (2.2)|    19 (4.0)
  Heating ..............................|    17 (1.3)|    16 (1.6)|    19 (2.5)|     16 (3.3)|     18 (2.5)|     16 (1.6)|    18 (2.6)|    16 (2.1)|    16 (2.2)|    17 (2.7)|    15 (2.1)|    18 (2.7)|    18 (3.2)
  Ventilation ..........................|    26 (1.4)|    25 (1.7)|    31 (2.8)|     27 (3.9)|     31 (2.8)|     21 (2.1)|    30 (3.2)|    20 (2.8)|    29 (2.9)|    24 (3.2)|    29 (2.8)|    24 (2.9)|    29 (3.2)
  Indoor air quality ...................|    18 (1.3)|    18 (1.6)|    18 (2.4)|     19 (3.4)|     20 (2.3)|     16 (1.7)|    22 (3.2)|    13 (2.3)|    21 (2.4)|    14 (2.3)|    20 (3.0)|    17 (2.6)|    24 (3.5)
  Acoustics or noise-control ...........|    18 (1.1)|    17 (1.4)|    20 (2.8)|     22 (3.8)|     19 (2.2)|     12 (1.9)|    20 (2.6)|    13 (1.9)|    21 (2.7)|    14 (2.3)|    18 (2.6)|    15 (2.5)|    25 (3.8)
  Physical security of buildings .......|    20 (1.2)|    17 (1.5)|    26 (3.1)|     21 (3.6)|     21 (2.4)|     18 (1.7)|    14 (2.6)|    17 (2.1)|    26 (2.7)|    17 (2.0)|    22 (2.7)|    21 (3.0)|    17 (3.6)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Average years since original            |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  construction .........................|    40 (0.8)|    40 (1.0)|    40 (1.6)|     43 (1.7)|     42 (1.5)|     35 (1.0)|    42 (1.2)|    37 (1.1)|    41 (1.5)|    38 (1.6)|    38 (1.6)|    40 (1.4)|    44 (1.7)
Average years since most recent         |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  renovation ...........................|    11 (0.6)|    11 (0.6)|    11 (0.9)|     15 (1.4)|     11 (1.0)|      9 (0.6)|    12 (1.2)|    10 (0.8)|    12 (0.9)|    11 (1.0)|    11 (1.0)|    11 (1.0)|    11 (1.5)
Average functional age\3\ of school ....|    16 (0.6)|    16 (0.8)|    15 (0.8)|     20 (1.6)|     15 (1.1)|     14 (0.8)|    17 (1.3)|    14 (0.8)|    16 (1.1)|    14 (1.0)|    16 (1.1)|    14 (1.1)|    19 (1.6)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
   Distribution, by functional age\3\   |   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|    100 (0.0)|    100 (0.0)|    100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)
Less than 5 years old ..................|    32 (1.5)|    30 (1.6)|    37 (2.7)|     25 (4.1)|     32 (2.7)|     37 (2.4)|    30 (3.6)|    34 (2.9)|    32 (2.9)|    32 (3.4)|    30 (2.9)|    37 (3.8)|    30 (4.0)
5 to 14 years old ......................|    28 (1.5)|    30 (1.9)|    24 (2.8)|     21 (3.7)|     32 (2.7)|     28 (2.4)|    27 (3.1)|    31 (2.7)|    26 (2.7)|    33 (3.7)|    30 (3.0)|    24 (3.0)|    23 (3.7)
15 to 34 years old .....................|    26 (1.4)|    25 (1.6)|    29 (2.9)|     35 (4.1)|     23 (2.4)|     23 (2.0)|    26 (2.8)|    23 (2.2)|    29 (2.9)|    24 (3.1)|    25 (2.6)|    28 (2.7)|    26 (4.0)
35 or more years old ...................|    14 (1.4)|    15 (1.7)|    10 (2.0)|     20 (3.6)|     13 (2.5)|     12 (1.8)|    17 (2.9)|    12 (1.9)|    13 (2.4)|    11 (2.2)|    15 (2.7)|    11 (2.2)|    21 (3.9)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Percentage distribution of              |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  schools, by enrollment                |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  capacity .............................|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|    100 (0.0)|    100 (0.0)|    100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)|   100 (0.0)
  Underenrolled by more than 25 percent.|    19 (1.5)|    17 (1.7)|    21 (2.7)|     41 (5.0)|     15 (2.5)|      8 (1.4)|    16 (3.0)|    12 (2.0)|    27 (2.7)|    15 (2.4)|    19 (3.1)|    15 (2.7)|    27 (4.0)
  Underenrolled by 6 to 25 percent .....|    33 (1.7)|    31 (2.1)|    43 (3.0)|     30 (4.2)|     37 (2.8)|     31 (3.4)|    33 (3.3)|    36 (3.0)|    30 (3.2)|    38 (3.2)|    34 (3.2)|    33 (4.0)|    26 (4.1)
  Enrollment within 5 percent           |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    of capacity ........................|    26 (1.5)|    28 (2.0)|    17 (1.9)|     16 (3.4)|     29 (2.6)|     30 (2.0)|    24 (2.9)|    28 (2.8)|    26 (2.4)|    24 (3.3)|    26 (3.0)|    29 (3.4)|    24 (3.9)
  Overcrowded by 6 to 25 percent .......|    14 (1.2)|    15 (1.5)|    11 (1.9)|     10 (2.9)|     14 (2.5)|     18 (1.6)|    15 (1.8)|    17 (2.0)|    11 (2.4)|    16 (2.8)|    13 (2.4)|    16 (2.6)|    12 (2.6)
  Overcrowded by more than 25 percent ..|     8 (0.9)|     8 (1.1)|     8 (1.8)|      4 (1.6)|      5 (1.2)|     14 (1.8)|    11 (2.3)|     8 (1.6)|     6 (1.3)|     6 (1.6)|     8 (1.8)|     7 (2.0)|    12 (2.9)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Percent of schools with plans to    |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
   make building improvements in next   |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
                2 years                 |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
At least one major repair, renovation,  |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
   or replacement planned ..............|    51 (1.6)|    49 (2.2)|    57 (3.1)|     45 (4.4)|     52 (2.9)|     53 (2.4)|    55 (3.8)|    50 (3.3)|    48 (3.2)|    52 (3.8)|    44 (3.1)|    52 (3.4)|    56 (3.9)
Major repair or renovation planned .....|    41 (1.8)|    39 (2.3)|    48 (3.2)|     36 (4.2)|     40 (3.1)|     45 (2.6)|    48 (3.6)|    40 (3.2)|    36 (2.9)|    41 (3.5)|    36 (3.2)|    43 (3.5)|    46 (4.1)
Replacement planned ....................|    25 (1.2)|    23 (1.6)|    28 (2.6)|     19 (3.2)|     26 (2.2)|     27 (2.1)|    29 (3.2)|    24 (2.4)|    22 (2.2)|    25 (3.4)|    21 (2.7)|    25 (3.2)|    30 (3.7)
                                        |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  Percent of schools with construction  |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    projects planned in next 2 years    |            |            |            |             |             |             |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Build permanent addition ...............|    20 (1.4)|    19 (1.7)|    23 (2.8)|     17 (3.0)|     19 (2.4)|     24 (1.7)|    17 (2.0)|    25 (2.4)|    17 (2.0)|    23 (2.9)|    18 (2.5)|    21 (3.0)|    18 (3.3)
Install new temporary buildings ........|    10 (1.1)|    10 (1.3)|    13 (1.9)|      6 (1.9)|      6 (1.4)|     18 (2.1)|    11 (2.4)|    13 (1.7)|     7 (1.4)|    10 (2.1)|    12 (2.3)|    10 (2.1)|     9 (2.1)

---Not available.
\1\Combined elementary/secondary schools not shown separately, but are included under "All public schools," and in other column variables.
\2\Excludes special education, vocational, and alternative schools, as well as those schools offering only preprimary education.
\3\Functional age is defined as the age of the school based on the year of the most recent renovation or the year of construction of the main instructional building(s) if no renovation has occurred.

NOTE: Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Fast Response Survey System, Condition of America's Public School Facilities: 1999. (This table was prepared August 2000.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest
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