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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 6. Percent of the population 3 to 34 years old enrolled in school, by race/ethnicity, sex, and age: Selected years, October 1980 to October 2001

                      |             Total                         |              Males                        |             Females
     Year and age     | Total    | White,   |Black,    | Hispanic | Total    | White,   |Black,    | Hispanic | Total    |White,    |Black,    |  Hispanic
                      |          | non-     |non-      | origin   |          | non-     |non-      | origin   |          |non-      |non-      |  origin
                      |          | Hispanic |Hispanic  |          |          | Hispanic |Hispanic  |          |          | Hispanic | Hispanic |
          1           |  2       |  3       |  4       |  5       |  6       |  7       |  8       |  9       | 10       | 11       | 12       | 13
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
         1980         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
Total, 3 to 34 years .|49.7 (0.2)|48.8 (0.2)|54.0 (0.7)|49.8 (1.1)|50.9 (0.3)|50.0 (0.3)|56.2 (1.0)|49.9 (1.5)|48.5 (0.3)|47.7 (0.3)|52.1 (0.9)|49.8 (1.5)
  3 and 4 years ......|36.7 (0.9)|37.4 (1.1)|38.2 (2.4)|28.5 (2.6)|37.8 (1.3)|39.2 (1.6)|36.4 (3.4)|30.1 (3.6)|35.5 (1.3)|35.5 (1.6)|40.0 (3.5)|26.6 (3.8)
  5 and 6 years ......|95.7 (0.4)|95.9 (0.5)|95.5 (1.0)|94.5 (1.4)|95.0 (0.6)|95.4 (0.7)|94.1 (1.7)|94.0 (2.2)|96.4 (0.5)|96.5 (0.6)|97.0 (1.2)|94.9 (1.9)
  7 to 9 years .......|99.1 (0.1)|99.1 (0.2)|99.4 (0.3)|98.4 (0.6)|99.0 (0.2)|99.0 (0.3)|99.5 (0.4)|97.7 (1.0)|99.2 (0.2)|99.2 (0.2)|99.3 (0.5)|99.0 (0.7)
  10 to 13 years .....|99.4 (0.1)|99.4 (0.1)|99.4 (0.3)|99.7 (0.2)|99.4 (0.1)|99.4 (0.2)|99.4 (0.4)|99.4 (0.4)|99.4 (0.1)|99.3 (0.2)|99.3 (0.4)|99.9 (0.2)
  14 and 15 years ....|98.2 (0.2)|98.7 (0.2)|97.9 (0.7)|94.3 (1.9)|98.7 (0.3)|98.9 (0.3)|98.4 (0.9)|96.7 (2.1)|97.7 (0.4)|98.5 (0.3)|97.3 (1.2)|92.1 (3.0)
  16 and 17 years ....|89.0 (0.5)|89.2 (0.6)|90.7 (1.4)|81.8 (3.2)|89.1 (0.7)|89.4 (0.8)|90.7 (2.0)|81.5 (4.7)|88.8 (0.7)|89.0 (0.8)|90.6 (2.0)|82.2 (4.5)
  18 and 19 years ....|46.4 (0.8)|47.0 (0.9)|45.8 (2.6)|37.8 (3.9)|47.0 (1.1)|48.5 (1.3)|42.9 (3.7)|36.9 (5.4)|45.8 (1.1)|45.7 (1.3)|48.3 (3.5)|38.8 (5.7)
  20 and 21 years ....|31.0 (0.7)|33.0 (0.9)|23.3 (2.2)|19.5 (3.3)|32.6 (1.1)|34.8 (1.2)|22.8 (3.3)|21.4 (4.9)|29.5 (1.0)|31.3 (1.2)|23.7 (3.0)|17.6 (4.4)
  22 to 24 years .....|16.3 (0.5)|16.8 (0.6)|13.6 (1.5)|11.7 (2.3)|17.8 (0.7)|18.7 (0.8)|13.4 (2.3)|10.7 (3.1)|14.9 (0.7)|15.0 (0.7)|13.7 (2.0)|12.6 (3.2)
  25 to 29 years .....| 9.3 (0.3)| 9.4 (0.3)| 8.8 (1.0)| 6.9 (1.4)| 9.8 (0.5)| 9.8 (0.5)|10.6 (1.7)| 6.8 (2.1)| 8.8 (0.4)| 9.1 (0.5)| 7.5 (1.3)| 6.9 (2.0)
  30 to 34 years .....| 6.4 (0.3)| 6.4 (0.3)| 6.9 (1.0)| 5.1 (1.3)| 5.9 (0.4)| 5.6 (0.4)| 7.2 (1.5)| 6.2 (2.1)| 7.0 (0.4)| 7.2 (0.4)| 6.6 (1.3)| 4.1 (1.7)
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
         1985         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
Total, 3 to 34 years .|48.3 (0.2)|47.8 (0.3)|50.8 (0.7)|47.7 (1.1)|49.2 (0.3)|48.7 (0.4)|52.6 (1.0)|47.5 (1.6)|47.4 (0.3)|46.9 (0.4)|49.2 (1.0)|47.9 (1.6)
  3 and 4 years ......|38.9 (0.9)|40.3 (1.1)|42.8 (2.4)|27.0 (2.6)|36.7 (1.3)|39.1 (1.6)|34.6 (3.4)|26.4 (3.5)|41.2 (1.3)|41.6 (1.6)|50.3 (3.4)|27.7 (3.9)
  5 and 6 years ......|96.1 (0.4)|96.6 (0.4)|95.7 (1.0)|94.5 (1.4)|95.3 (0.6)|95.6 (0.7)|94.5 (1.6)|95.3 (1.9)|97.0 (0.5)|97.6 (0.5)|97.1 (1.2)|93.7 (2.2)
  7 to 9 years .......|99.1 (0.2)|99.4 (0.2)|98.6 (0.5)|98.4 (0.6)|99.0 (0.2)|99.3 (0.2)|98.4 (0.8)|98.9 (0.8)|99.2 (0.2)|99.4 (0.2)|98.9 (0.6)|98.0 (1.0)
  10 to 13 years .....|99.3 (0.1)|99.3 (0.1)|99.5 (0.3)|99.4 (0.3)|99.2 (0.2)|99.2 (0.2)|99.1 (0.5)|99.1 (0.6)|99.4 (0.2)|99.3 (0.2)|99.9 (0.1)|99.7 (0.3)
  14 and 15 years ....|98.1 (0.2)|98.3 (0.3)|98.1 (0.7)|96.1 (1.8)|98.3 (0.3)|98.4 (0.4)|98.5 (0.9)|96.2 (2.6)|97.9 (0.4)|98.1 (0.4)|97.6 (1.2)|96.0 (2.4)
  16 and 17 years ....|91.7 (0.5)|92.5 (0.5)|91.8 (1.5)|84.5 (3.2)|92.4 (0.7)|92.9 (0.7)|92.0 (2.1)|88.9 (3.9)|90.9 (0.7)|92.2 (0.8)|91.6 (2.1)|80.0 (5.1)
  18 and 19 years ....|51.6 (0.9)|53.7 (1.0)|43.5 (2.7)|41.8 (4.8)|52.2 (1.3)|53.4 (1.5)|49.4 (3.9)|38.6 (6.8)|51.0 (1.3)|54.0 (1.5)|37.8 (3.7)|44.7 (6.7)
  20 and 21 years ....|35.3 (0.8)|37.2 (1.0)|27.7 (2.4)|24.0 (4.1)|36.5 (1.2)|38.8 (1.4)|29.9 (3.6)|20.3 (5.6)|34.1 (1.1)|35.7 (1.3)|25.8 (3.2)|27.4 (6.0)
  22 to 24 years .....|16.9 (0.5)|17.5 (0.6)|13.8 (1.5)|11.6 (2.3)|18.8 (0.8)|19.8 (0.9)|13.5 (2.3)|12.6 (3.2)|15.1 (0.7)|15.4 (0.8)|14.0 (2.1)|10.4 (3.2)
  25 to 29 years .....| 9.2 (0.3)| 9.6 (0.4)| 7.4 (0.9)| 6.6 (1.3)| 9.4 (0.4)| 9.7 (0.5)| 5.8 (1.2)| 8.2 (2.1)| 9.1 (0.4)| 9.4 (0.5)| 8.7 (1.3)| 4.9 (1.7)
  30 to 34 years .....| 6.1 (0.3)| 6.2 (0.3)| 5.2 (0.8)| 5.7 (1.4)| 5.4 (0.3)| 5.6 (0.4)| 3.9 (1.1)| 4.0 (1.7)| 6.8 (0.4)| 6.9 (0.4)| 6.2 (1.2)| 7.5 (2.3)
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
         1990         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
Total, 3 to 34 years .|50.2 (0.2)|49.8 (0.3)|52.2 (0.7)|47.2 (1.1)|50.9 (0.3)|50.4 (0.4)|54.3 (1.0)|46.8 (1.5)|49.5 (0.3)|49.2 (0.4)|50.3 (1.0)|47.7 (1.5)
  3 and 4 years ......|44.4 (1.0)|47.2 (1.2)|41.8 (2.6)|30.7 (2.7)|43.9 (1.4)|47.9 (1.7)|38.1 (3.6)|28.0 (3.7)|44.9 (1.4)|46.6 (1.7)|45.5 (3.7)|33.6 (4.0)
  5 and 6 years ......|96.5 (0.4)|96.7 (0.4)|96.5 (0.9)|94.9 (1.3)|96.5 (0.5)|96.8 (0.6)|96.2 (1.3)|95.8 (1.7)|96.4 (0.5)|96.7 (0.6)|96.9 (1.2)|93.9 (2.0)
  7 to 9 years .......|99.7 (0.1)|99.7 (0.1)|99.8 (0.2)|99.5 (0.4)|99.7 (0.1)|99.7 (0.2)|99.9 (0.2)|99.5 (0.5)|99.6 (0.1)|99.7 (0.2)|99.8 (0.3)|99.4 (0.5)
  10 to 13 years .....|99.6 (0.1)|99.7 (0.1)|99.9 (0.1)|99.1 (0.4)|99.6 (0.1)|99.6 (0.1)|99.9 (0.2)|99.0 (0.6)|99.7 (0.1)|99.7 (0.1)|99.8 (0.2)|99.1 (0.6)
  14 and 15 years ....|99.0 (0.2)|99.0 (0.2)|99.4 (0.5)|99.0 (0.9)|99.1 (0.3)|99.2 (0.3)|99.7 (0.5)|99.1 (1.1)|98.9 (0.3)|98.9 (0.4)|99.1 (0.8)|98.8 (1.5)
  16 and 17 years ....|92.5 (0.5)|93.5 (0.6)|91.7 (1.6)|85.4 (3.2)|92.6 (0.7)|93.4 (0.8)|93.0 (2.1)|85.5 (4.4)|92.4 (0.7)|93.7 (0.8)|90.5 (2.4)|85.3 (4.7)
  18 and 19 years ....|57.2 (0.9)|59.1 (1.1)|55.0 (2.8)|44.0 (4.4)|58.2 (1.3)|59.7 (1.6)|60.4 (4.0)|40.7 (6.2)|56.3 (1.3)|58.5 (1.6)|49.8 (4.0)|47.2 (6.1)
  20 and 21 years ....|39.7 (0.9)|43.1 (1.1)|28.3 (2.6)|27.2 (3.8)|40.3 (1.3)|44.2 (1.6)|31.0 (3.8)|21.7 (4.9)|39.2 (1.3)|42.0 (1.5)|25.8 (3.5)|33.1 (5.8)
  22 to 24 years .....|21.0 (0.6)|21.9 (0.8)|19.7 (2.0)| 9.9 (2.0)|22.3 (0.9)|23.7 (1.1)|19.3 (3.0)|11.2 (3.0)|19.9 (0.9)|20.3 (1.0)|20.0 (2.7)| 8.4 (2.8)
  25 to 29 years .....| 9.7 (0.3)|10.4 (0.4)| 6.1 (0.9)| 6.3 (1.3)| 9.2 (0.5)|10.0 (0.6)| 4.7 (1.1)| 4.6 (1.6)|10.2 (0.5)|10.7 (0.6)| 7.3 (1.3)| 8.1 (2.1)
  30 to 34 years .....| 5.8 (0.3)| 6.2 (0.3)| 4.5 (0.7)| 3.6 (1.0)| 4.8 (0.3)| 5.0 (0.4)| 2.3 (0.8)| 4.0 (1.5)| 6.9 (0.4)| 7.4 (0.5)| 6.3 (1.2)| 3.1 (1.3)
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
         1995         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
Total, 3 to 34 years .|53.7 (0.2)|53.8 (0.3)|56.3 (0.6)|49.7 (0.6)|54.3 (0.3)|54.2 (0.4)|58.6 (0.8)|49.1 (0.9)|53.2 (0.3)|53.4 (0.4)|54.1 (0.8)|50.3 (0.9)
  3 and 4 years ......|48.7 (0.9)|52.2 (1.1)|47.8 (2.0)|36.9 (1.6)|49.4 (1.2)|51.1 (1.5)|52.4 (2.8)|40.8 (2.2)|48.1 (1.2)|53.5 (1.6)|43.4 (2.7)|32.7 (2.2)
  5 and 6 years ......|96.0 (0.3)|96.6 (0.4)|95.4 (0.8)|93.9 (0.8)|95.3 (0.5)|95.9 (0.6)|94.6 (1.3)|93.6 (1.2)|96.8 (0.4)|97.4 (0.5)|96.3 (1.1)|94.3 (1.1)
  7 to 9 years .......|98.7 (0.2)|98.9 (0.2)|97.7 (0.5)|98.5 (0.4)|98.9 (0.2)|99.0 (0.2)|98.1 (0.6)|98.8 (0.5)|98.5 (0.3)|98.9 (0.3)|97.2 (0.8)|98.2 (0.6)
  10 to 13 years .....|99.1 (0.1)|99.0 (0.2)|99.2 (0.3)|99.2 (0.2)|99.1 (0.2)|99.0 (0.2)|99.5 (0.3)|98.8 (0.4)|99.0 (0.2)|98.9 (0.2)|98.9 (0.4)|99.5 (0.3)
  14 and 15 years ....|98.9 (0.2)|98.8 (0.2)|99.0 (0.5)|98.9 (0.6)|99.0 (0.2)|98.9 (0.3)|99.6 (0.4)|98.4 (0.9)|98.8 (0.3)|98.7 (0.3)|98.3 (0.8)|99.4 (0.6)
  16 and 17 years ....|93.6 (0.4)|94.4 (0.5)|93.0 (1.2)|88.2 (1.8)|94.5 (0.5)|95.0 (0.6)|95.6 (1.3)|88.4 (2.6)|92.6 (0.6)|93.8 (0.7)|90.3 (1.9)|88.0 (2.6)
  18 and 19 years ....|59.4 (0.9)|61.8 (1.0)|57.5 (2.4)|46.1 (2.6)|59.5 (1.2)|61.9 (1.4)|59.2 (3.5)|47.4 (3.6)|59.2 (1.2)|61.8 (1.5)|56.1 (3.3)|44.8 (3.8)
  20 and 21 years ....|44.9 (0.9)|49.7 (1.1)|37.8 (2.5)|27.1 (2.4)|44.7 (1.3)|50.0 (1.6)|36.7 (3.7)|24.8 (3.3)|45.1 (1.3)|49.3 (1.5)|38.7 (3.3)|29.2 (3.4)
  22 to 24 years .....|23.2 (0.6)|24.4 (0.7)|20.0 (1.6)|15.6 (1.5)|22.8 (0.8)|24.1 (1.0)|20.6 (2.4)|14.8 (2.0)|23.6 (0.8)|24.8 (1.0)|19.5 (2.2)|16.6 (2.3)
  25 to 29 years .....|11.6 (0.3)|12.3 (0.4)|10.0 (0.9)| 7.1 (0.9)|11.0 (0.5)|12.2 (0.6)| 6.3 (1.2)| 5.6 (1.1)|12.2 (0.5)|12.3 (0.6)|13.0 (1.4)| 8.7 (1.4)
  30 to 34 years .....| 5.9 (0.2)| 5.7 (0.3)| 7.7 (0.8)| 4.7 (0.7)| 5.4 (0.3)| 5.0 (0.4)| 6.9 (1.1)| 4.5 (0.9)| 6.5 (0.3)| 6.3 (0.4)| 8.3 (1.1)| 4.9 (1.0)
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
         2000         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
Total, 3 to 34 years .|55.9 (0.2)|56.0 (0.3)|59.3 (0.6)|51.3 (0.6)|55.8 (0.3)|55.8 (0.4)|59.7 (0.9)|50.5 (0.9)|56.0 (0.3)|56.1 (0.4)|59.0 (0.8)|52.2 (0.9)
  3 and 4 years ......|52.1 (0.9)|54.6 (1.2)|59.8 (2.2)|35.9 (1.6)|50.8 (1.3)|54.1 (1.7)|58.0 (3.0)|31.9 (2.2)|53.4 (1.3)|55.2 (1.7)|61.8 (3.1)|40.0 (2.3)
  5 and 6 years ......|95.6 (0.4)|95.5 (0.5)|96.7 (0.8)|94.3 (0.8)|95.1 (0.6)|94.5 (0.8)|96.0 (1.2)|95.4 (0.9)|96.1 (0.5)|96.4 (0.6)|97.5 (1.0)|93.1 (1.2)
  7 to 9 years .......|98.1 (0.2)|98.4 (0.2)|97.5 (0.5)|97.5 (0.4)|98.0 (0.3)|98.1 (0.4)|98.2 (0.6)|96.6 (0.7)|98.2 (0.3)|98.6 (0.3)|96.7 (0.9)|98.4 (0.5)
  10 to 13 years .....|98.3 (0.2)|98.5 (0.2)|98.5 (0.4)|97.4 (0.4)|98.3 (0.2)|98.2 (0.3)|98.8 (0.4)|98.4 (0.4)|98.3 (0.2)|98.8 (0.2)|98.1 (0.6)|96.4 (0.7)
  14 and 15 years ....|98.7 (0.2)|98.9 (0.2)|99.6 (0.3)|96.2 (1.0)|98.7 (0.3)|98.8 (0.3)|99.6 (0.4)|96.9 (1.3)|98.6 (0.3)|99.0 (0.3)|99.6 (0.4)|95.4 (1.5)
  16 and 17 years ....|92.8 (0.4)|94.0 (0.5)|91.7 (1.3)|87.0 (1.8)|92.7 (0.6)|94.7 (0.7)|88.9 (2.1)|85.7 (2.6)|92.9 (0.6)|93.3 (0.8)|94.6 (1.5)|88.3 (2.4)
  18 and 19 years ....|61.2 (0.8)|63.9 (1.0)|57.2 (2.3)|49.5 (2.5)|58.3 (1.2)|61.2 (1.5)|51.5 (3.5)|48.0 (3.4)|64.2 (1.2)|66.7 (1.4)|62.2 (3.1)|51.1 (3.6)
  20 and 21 years ....|44.1 (0.9)|49.2 (1.1)|37.4 (2.4)|26.1 (2.2)|41.0 (1.2)|45.8 (1.5)|31.3 (3.4)|24.2 (3.0)|47.3 (1.3)|52.7 (1.6)|42.3 (3.3)|28.1 (3.3)
  22 to 24 years .....|24.6 (0.6)|24.9 (0.8)|24.0 (1.8)|18.2 (1.6)|23.9 (0.9)|25.0 (1.1)|22.0 (2.5)|15.2 (2.1)|25.3 (0.9)|24.8 (1.1)|25.8 (2.5)|21.6 (2.6)
  25 to 29 years .....|11.4 (0.4)|11.1 (0.5)|14.5 (1.2)| 7.4 (0.9)|10.0 (0.5)|10.5 (0.6)|11.6 (1.6)| 5.1 (1.1)|12.7 (0.5)|11.8 (0.7)|16.7 (1.7)| 9.5 (1.4)
  30 to 34 years .....| 6.7 (0.3)| 6.1 (0.3)| 9.9 (1.0)| 5.6 (0.7)| 5.6 (0.4)| 4.7 (0.4)| 8.5 (1.3)| 5.7 (1.1)| 7.7 (0.4)| 7.4 (0.5)|11.2 (1.4)| 5.5 (1.0)
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
         2001         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
Total, 3 to 34 years .|56.3 (0.2)|56.6 (0.3)|59.5 (0.6)|51.4 (0.6)|56.2 (0.3)|56.3 (0.4)|59.9 (0.9)|51.2 (0.9)|56.4 (0.3)|56.8 (0.4)|59.0 (0.8)|51.7 (0.9)
  3 and 4 years ......|52.4 (0.9)|55.2 (1.2)|60.5 (2.1)|39.9 (1.6)|51.7 (1.3)|54.5 (1.7)|56.7 (3.1)|43.0 (2.3)|53.1 (1.3)|56.0 (1.7)|64.3 (3.0)|36.6 (2.3)
  5 and 6 years ......|95.3 (0.4)|95.3 (0.5)|95.9 (0.9)|93.6 (0.8)|95.2 (0.6)|94.8 (0.7)|95.5 (1.3)|94.8 (1.0)|95.4 (0.6)|95.9 (0.7)|96.4 (1.2)|92.3 (1.2)
  7 to 9 years .......|98.2 (0.2)|98.5 (0.2)|97.9 (0.5)|97.4 (0.4)|98.5 (0.3)|98.8 (0.3)|98.6 (0.6)|97.9 (0.6)|97.8 (0.3)|98.3 (0.4)|97.1 (0.8)|96.9 (0.7)
  10 to 13 years .....|98.4 (0.2)|98.8 (0.2)|96.9 (0.5)|98.3 (0.3)|98.1 (0.2)|98.4 (0.3)|95.9 (0.8)|98.6 (0.4)|98.8 (0.2)|99.1 (0.2)|98.0 (0.6)|98.1 (0.5)
  14 and 15 years ....|98.1 (0.2)|98.2 (0.3)|97.9 (0.7)|97.8 (0.7)|98.1 (0.3)|97.8 (0.4)|99.1 (0.6)|98.5 (0.9)|98.1 (0.3)|98.6 (0.4)|96.7 (1.2)|97.2 (1.2)
  16 and 17 years ....|93.4 (0.4)|94.6 (0.5)|92.0 (1.3)|88.3 (1.7)|93.0 (0.6)|94.0 (0.7)|92.9 (1.7)|87.8 (2.4)|93.9 (0.6)|95.3 (0.6)|90.9 (1.9)|88.9 (2.5)
  18 and 19 years ....|61.0 (0.8)|64.0 (1.0)|60.4 (2.3)|45.6 (2.4)|58.8 (1.2)|62.4 (1.4)|58.7 (3.2)|39.8 (3.3)|63.2 (1.2)|65.7 (1.5)|62.1 (3.1)|51.3 (3.3)
  20 and 21 years ....|46.0 (0.9)|50.7 (1.1)|37.2 (2.3)|28.0 (2.3)|44.8 (1.2)|49.2 (1.5)|36.7 (3.6)|24.2 (3.1)|47.2 (1.2)|52.3 (1.5)|37.5 (3.1)|31.8 (3.3)
  22 to 24 years .....|25.4 (0.6)|25.6 (0.8)|27.1 (1.9)|15.6 (1.5)|24.0 (0.9)|23.8 (1.1)|23.6 (2.6)|14.6 (2.0)|26.7 (0.9)|27.4 (1.1)|30.2 (2.7)|16.7 (2.2)
  25 to 29 years .....|11.8 (0.4)|11.7 (0.5)|11.8 (1.1)| 7.9 (0.9)|10.5 (0.5)|10.9 (0.6)| 7.5 (1.3)| 6.7 (1.2)|13.0 (0.5)|12.5 (0.7)|15.3 (1.6)| 9.2 (1.4)
  30 to 34 years .....| 6.9 (0.3)| 6.4 (0.3)|11.7 (1.1)| 4.4 (0.7)| 5.8 (0.4)| 5.4 (0.4)| 8.6 (1.4)| 3.5 (0.8)| 7.9 (0.4)| 7.4 (0.5)|14.3 (1.5)| 5.3 (1.0)

NOTE: Includes enrollment in any type of graded public, parochial, or other private schools. Includes nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities, and professional schools. Attendance may be on either a full-time or part-time basis and during the day or night. Enrollments in "special" schools, such as trade schools, business colleges, or correspondence schools, are not included. Beginning in 1995, preprimary enrollment was collected using new procedures. May not be comparable to figures for earlier years. Total includes persons from other racial/ ethnic groups not shown separately. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, unpublished data. (This table was prepared October 2002.)

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